Episode #5 in Nero’s Experience

There isn’t much more of Nero’s story; but it may be of interest to some, so I will share the rest. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 474.

Nero’s soulmate was saying: “When the time came that I could go to you, I was so thankful to the Father that I almost flew to you (with some dread of disappointment, I confess) to tell you that you were not neglected or unthought of, but there was some love in the spirit world going out to you.

“Of course I could not tell you of my soulmate love, for you would not have understood then; but as you awakened, and the love of the Father came to you, I became happier and happier, and have waited so anxiously for this moment when I could tell you that this love that had been consciously mine for so long was now also yours.”

Nero continues; “Well, I will draw a veil here, but you can imagine what my happiness was. And as I progressed from sphere to sphere, my happiness – and love for her – increased and increased.

“Thus I have told you the story of the life in the spirit world of the wickedest man that God ever permitted to live and gratify his feelings of malevolence. And I, who have passed through this experience, and can appreciate all that it means, say that the Divine Love of the Father is able to, and does, save the vilest of sinners, and transforms the chiefest of devils into celestial angels of the highest heavens,

“I have written long and you are tired. I thank you, and will say goodnight, and subscribe myself, Your brother in Christ, Nero, the onetime Roman Emperor.”

Perhaps the readers can realize, from Nero’s account of his experiences, that there is no “Devil” in charge of the hells. Even though he refers to the devils in the dark planes, it is a reference to the inhabitants who abide in those realms.

“Even though people are attracted to the thought of having a soulmate, it is an unhealthy endeavor to pursue attemping to “find your soulmate.” The possibility of attaining a harmonious relationship with a “soulmate” in the earth life is very rare. Before one can acheive a good relationship with another, or others, they, themself, must be in harmony with love. God bless you in your desires to progress in God’s Love. Amen


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More of Nero’s Experience

Nero eventually reached the Celestial Heavens, a soul redeemed, born-again in God’s Love, here’s more of his story. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 473.

“During all this time of my progress, this radiant spirit came to me often with words of love and encouragement, and prayed for me, and never left me when I became doubtful or discouraged. As my awakening continued, more of the Love came into my soul. As she told me of the heavenly things that would be mine as I progressed into the soul spheres, where beautiful homes and loving spirits are, I became more bound by my love to her.

“After awhile I got into the Third Sphere, and realized that what she had told me was true. She then commenced to tell me of the happiness of the spirits of the two genders that I so often saw together, and explained that they were soulmates, and that their love was the greatest of all the loves except the Divine Love, and that every spirit had its soulmate, and at the proper time would find it.

“My love for this spirit had by then become so intense that in the very depths of my soul I wished and prayed that my soulmate might be such a one as she. At last I became so filled with my love for her that I told her, the only thing in all the heavens that I needed to make full my happiness was she as my soulmate – but that I realized that desire was hopeless, as I had destroyed her life; and oh how I suffered when I realized she could not be mine.

“As I told her of these longings, and the hopeless feelings of my soul, she came close to me, and looked into my eyes with a burning love, and threw her arms around me and said, “I am your soulmate, and knew the fact a short time after you came to the spirit world and entered your hells of darkness. During all the long years, I prayed and prayed for the time I could go to you, and awaken in your dead soul a response to my love.  When the time came that I could go, I almost flew to you to let you know you were not neglected, but there was some love going to you from the spirit world.” It could end here, but there’s more…

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Episode #3 of Nero’s Experience

A lovely angel had come to Nero, telling him that she loves him because she has God’s Love in her soul:

“…This Love tells me that I am your sister, and that you are a child of the Father, just as I am, and the object of His love. While you have been suffering, God’s great love has gone out to you in sympathy and desire to help. But you, yourself, have prevented it from coming to you and leading you to the light and surcease from suffering. And now I come to you, your innocent victom, who had never done anything to you on earth except to pray for you, asking the Heavenly Father to take from your heart the great wickedness that caused so many to suffer persecution and death. We all prayed for you, and never asked God to curse you or make you suffer. And we have prayed for you often, and are praying for you now because we love you and want you to be happy.

“Look into my eyes and you will see that love is there, and what I tell you is true. Now, can you not love us a little, and open up your soul to our sympathy, and let your feelings of gloom and despondency leave you for a moment, and realize that in this spirit world there is love for you?”

“Well, to say I was surprised does not express my feelings, and as I looked into the love-lit eyes of that beautiful spirit, I felt the great sins of my earth life overwhelm me, and in my anguish I cried, “God be merciful to me, the greatest of sinners!” And for the first time in all my life in the hells, tears came to my eyes, and my heart seemed to have a sense of living, and there came to me feelings of remorse and regret for all the evils I had done.

“It would take too long to tell you all of what followed this waking up of my soul, all shriveled and dead; suffice it to say that, from that time, I commenced to have hope, and to progress out of my awful condition of darkness. It took a long time, but at last I got into the light. And as the Love came into my soul, I progressed into this condition of bliss I’m now in.” The story could end here…

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Nero’s Experience, Continues

Nero was explaining that he suffered for centuries in darkness not believing the spirits, of those he had persecuted, were telling him the truth that the love and mercy of God was available to help him progress out of darkness.

“I didn’t believe the God that I’d heard of was my God, but that the evil spirits would be my companions throughout all eternity.  I endured, wishing to die, but could not. Oh I tell you, it was horrible, and beyond all conception of mortals. The law was working, and I was paying the penalty. I could find no consolation among those surrounding me, and the pleasures that I first enjoyed became to me things of mockery and derision, and my darkness and torment became greater. How often I called upon God, if there be a God, to strike me dead; but the only answer to my call was the laughter of the spirits, who told me to shout louder, as God might be asleep, or maybe deaf.

“What to do I knew not, and so became isolated as best I could from these terrible associates; and many years of my living were spent in this darkness of lonesomeness, with never a ray of hope, or whisper of one word to suggest that for me there might be a fairer destiny. During all this time, the recollections of my earthly deeds were like hot irons scorching my soul. I was compelled to continue living in these sufferings, answering to the law of compensation.

“In my loneliness and suffering, there came to me on an occasion a beautiful spirit, full of light and love, in all the beauty of early womanhood, and with eyes of pity said,”You are not alone, only open your eyes and you will see the star of hope, which is the sign of the Father’s love and desire to help you. I am a child of that Father, and the possessor of his great enveloping love, and I love you, even though you took from me my young life when you threw me to the wild beasts to gratify your thirst for blood, and to see the suffering and hear the groans of your victoms. Yes, I love you, not because I am a human with a kindly nature and a forgiving disposition, but because I have in me this divine love of the Father.” To be continued…

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Experiences of Nero

This is a very long message, so will be continued in several episodes. It can be found in “The Gospel of God’s Love” on pages 470 to  474.

“I am the spirit of one who lived on earth the life of a wicked man – a persecutor of the Christians, and a blasphemer of God and everything that was pure and holy. When I had lived earth life to its end, and shufled off the mortal coil and became a spirit, I also became a dweller in the lowest hells, where all is darkness and torment; it’s the abode of “devils” and everything that tends to make the spirit unhappy and at variance with the loving God.

“I introduce myself in this way in order to demonstrate to you the wonderful power of the divine love, for now I am an inhabitant of the celestial spheres, and know that this love is not only real, but is capable of making the vilest sinner a partaker and owner of the divine essence of the Father.

“My sufferings were beyond all description, and I was the most desecrating of mortals, and was almost worshipped by the devils of hell because of the great injury I had done to the followers of Jesus, who in my time were possessed of a faith which even the terror of wild beasts of the arena or the tortures of my own evil designs could not cause to renounce.

“The devils loved me for the evil I had done; but strange to say, the spirits of those who I had sent into the spirit world before their time were not revengeful towards me, nor came to me with their imprecations or anger. In fact, when I had been in the spirit world a sufficient time to realize my surroundings and the nature of these evils, these spirits of the martyrs which I had made, came to me in sympathy and pity, and tried many times to help me out of my sufferings and darkness. I did not understand all this unexpected kindness and evidence of love, and I would not for a long time believe that these spirits were sincere.

“And so I suffered, year after year, and century after century. I became convinced that my condition was fixed, and that for me there was no hope; and that the God that I had heard of, was not my God…”To be continued…

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A Personal God

Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 60. From James Padgett’s old professor, Joseph M. Salyards.

“I want to say that I am very happy, and want you to know that I am progressing in soul development and knowledge of truths that pertain to the spirit world. I find that I’m now in the condition that enables me to see the truth of what the Master has told us in reference to the real existence of a God who knows what His creatures are doing, and in what way they are making use of their souls and bodies. I mean that this God is one having all the faculties that you would suppose only a being with personality and form would have.

“I never, until recently, could comprehend the real truth and meaning that God could have the wisdom, Love and power that I was originally taught God possessed. I believed Him to be only essence, devoid of form or personality. Such comprehension is beyond the finite mind, and can only be perceived as a reality by the means of faith, which enables me to understand the fact that this God, whom we call our Heavenly Father, possesses all of these qualities and powers, and such understanding is to me a wonderful and unexpected addition to my knowledge of God.

“This understanding is not a thing that arises from any exercise of the mind, but is the result of the exercise of my soul perceptioons, which have become so great and in unison with the Father’s qualities, the He appears to me as a real existence, having certainty as a comperhensiible Being.

“So you see what soul development means and what the possibilities are. No intellectual development could ever lead to a comprehension of the personality of God, as I now see it.

“I never, in all my life, mortal of spirit, conceived or expected that it ccould be possible for any soul to see God as I now see Him (or Her). I could not grasp what was meant by the beatitude, “The pure of heart shall see God.” All phases of spiritual progression are part of, and resulting from the development of the soul in this Love principle; for Divine Love is the “fulfilling of the law” – and the law includes that which enables us to perceive that God is a personality and a personal God to all human beings. Amen

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The Greatest Law Is of Love

Ann Rollins message continues, in The Gospel of God’s Love, on page 148.

“How limited is the knowledge of mortals – and of spirits as well – of the power and wisdom and love of the Father. His Love is the greatest thing in all the universe, and the “law of love” is the greatest law. Every other law is subordinate to it, and must work in unison with it. And love – the Divine Love of the Father – when possessed by humans, is the fulfilling of All law. This Love frees humans from all law except the law of its ownself; and when humans possess this Love, they are a slave to no law, and are free indeed.

“Now let all human beings, wise and unwise, know that God, in His love and wisdom, has provided a means by which mortals, if they so will, may escape the unchanging law of compensaation and become no longer subject to its demands and penalties. These means are simple, and within the grasp and comprehension of every living soul, be they saint or sinner, wise or ignorant. Intellect, in the sense of being learned, is not involved; And the person who knows that God exists and provides them with food and raiment as the result of their daily toil, as well as the great scientist or philosopher, may learn the way to this redeeming truth. I do not mean that a person by mere exercise of mental powers may receive the benefit of this great provision for their redemption; the soul must seek and it will find – and the soul of the wise may not be as capable of receiving as the soul of the unwise.

“God is Love. Humans have natural love, but this love is not sufficient to enable them to find these great means that I speak of – only the Divine Love is sufficient. And God is willing that all humans should have this Love. It is free and waiting to be bestowed upon all humankind; but strange as it may seem, God will not – and I might say, cannot – bestow this Love unless humans seek and ask fot it in earnestness and faith.

“The will of humans stands between them and this Love, if they fail to exercise this will in seeking for it. No person can receive this Love against their will. ” For more, go to The Gospel of God’s Love, page 149. Amen

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The Great Law of Forgiveness

Message continued, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 147.

Ann Rollins was saying: “Sin is a violation of God’s law, and the effect of sin is the penalty which such violation imposes. A person’s suffering for sins committed are not the results of God’s special “condemnation” in each special case, but are the results of the workings and scourgings of their conscience and recollections. And as long as conscience works, they will suffer, and the greater the sins committed, the greater will be the sufferings.

“Now all this implies that a person’s soul is filled, to a greater or lesser extent, with these memories, which for the time constitute a very part of their  existence. They live with these memories, and the suffering and torment which results from them can never leave them until the memories of these sins, cease to be part of them. This is the inexorable workings of the law of compensation, and humans of themselves have no way of escaping this law, except by their long expiation, which removes these memories and satisfies the law.

“Humans cannot change this law, and God will not; so, as I say, the law never changes. But remember this fact: that in order for the law to operate, a human must have these memories, and they must be part of their very existence. Now suppose that the Creator of this law has created another law by which, under certain conditions and upon a human doing certain things, these memories are taken from him, and no longer constitute a part  of their existence. Then, I ask, what is there in or of that person upon which this law of compensation can operate? The law is not changed – it is not even set aside – but that upon which it can operate no longer exists, and consequently there is no existence of facts which call for its operation.

“So I say, as do your scientists and philosophers, that God’s laws are fixed and never change, but I further say (which they, in this instance, may fail to perceive) that certain conditions which call for the operations of these laws today, tomorrow may change or cease to exist, so that the law is no longer in effect.

“So when the truth of God’s forgivenes is declared, many wise humans hold up their hands, and do not accept this apparent contradiction of spiritual truths or facts.” To be continued…

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The Great Law of Progression

From Ann Rollins, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 146.

To continue: “The sun and planets are governed in their movements by fixed laws, and they operate with such exactness that humans who make a study of these laws can, with almost mathematical precision, fortell the movements of these heavenly bodies. This only means that as long as the sun and the planets remain as they are, and surrounded by the same influences, and meet no law operating in a manner contrary to the law which usually controlls them, these planets and sun will repeat their movements year after year in the same way and with like precision. But suppose that a more powerful and contrary law should come into operation  and influence the movements of these bodies; do you suppose that they would pursue the same course as if such greater law had not intruded itself? The effect of this is not to set aside the lesser law, or even to change it, but to subordinate it to the operations of the greater law. And if these operations were removed or ceased to act, the lesser law would resume its operstions again, and they would move in accordance with it.

“So in the spirit world, when a human has committed sins on earth, the law of compensation  demands that they must pay the penalty of these sins until there has been a full expiation, or until the law is satisfied. And this law does not change in its operation, and no person can avoid or run away from the inexorable demands of the law. They cannot of themselves abate one jot ot tittle of the penalties, but must pay “to the last farthing,” as the Master said; and hence they cannot, of themselves, hope to change the operations of this law.

“But the Creator of all law has provided another and higher law which, under certain conditions, may be brought into operation, and which causes the former law to cease to operate. And humans may experience the benefit of the workings of this higher law.

“When God forgives humans of their sins, and makes of them new creatures in nature and love, He does not, for the particular case, annihilate the law of compensation, but removes that upon which that law may operate. Sin is a violation of God’s law, and the effect of sin is penalty which such violation imposes.” To be continued…

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The Greatest Law

This is the 257th Blog I’m posting, to share the spiritual messages conveyed from the Angels, and other high spirits, through the supurb mediumship of James Padgett, during the early years of the previous century. I’m not sure whether or not I have written excerpts from this message titled, “The Greatest Law,” from James Padgett’s grandmother, Ann Rollins, but I’ve decided it will be okay to share this message, even if it’s a duplicate of a previously posted Blog.

“I come to write you about the forgiveness and pardon of the Father, and to enlighten you upon this subject which is so little understood since humans first commenced to distort the teachings of the Master.

“Mercy is that operation of the divine law which relieves humans of the penalties of the sins that they have committed. It permits them to turn from their sin and evil thoughts and deeds and seek the Love of the Father, and if they earnestly seek, to find the forgiveness which is waiting for them to obtain. It does not violate any law that God has established pertaining to human conduct, and the law of compensation – “that which a human sows, that shall they also reap”- is not set aside. But in the particular cases where humans become penitent, and in all earnestness prays to the Father to forgive them of their sins and make new persons of them, the operation of another and greater law is called into operation, and the old law of compensation is nullified and, as it were, “swallowed up” in the power of the law of forgiveness and love.

“So you see there is not setting aside of any of God’s laws. As in the physical world, where certain lesser laws are overcome by greater laws, so in the spiritual world, or in the operation of spiritual things, the greater law must prevail over the lesser. God’s laws never change; but the application of these laws to particular facts and conditions do seem to change when two laws come into apparent conflict and the lesser law must give way to the greater.

“The spiritual laws are just as fixed as are the physical laws that control the material universe, and no law, having application to the same conditions or facts, ever differs in its operation or in its effects. The sun and planets are governed in their movements by fixed laws.” To be continued…

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