John – an early Christian’s message

Continued from previous message, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 347.

This spirit writer, who lived long ago, signed his name John. He is explaining what he, and others, learned from the Masters teachings, are the same truths Jesus is channeling throught James Padgett. John was explaining that Jesus was always giving his love and help to mortals: “But these works were merely subordinate to the other great mission that he performed. Above everything else Jesus was a teacher of the Father’s Love, and of the necessity of man’s receiving this Love in order to become at-One with the Father and an accepted child whose inheritance is immortal life in the Celestial Heavens.

“So you can readily see what a departure there has been from our teachings and faith and practices, and from the simple lives of the early followers of Jesus. I see today that belief in the dogmas of the church and mysticism of God are what constitutes the Christian, and that soul development is little preached or really understood, either by preacher or layman.

“I am now high up in the Celestial spheres, where the love of God is most abundant, and where the spirits of humans live in eternal happiness, with the knowledge that Immortality is theirs.

“I will not write more tonight, as it is late and you are tired. But before I stop, permit me to affirm that you are receiving a revelation of the true religion of Jesus, as well as the truths which pertain to the condition and exercise of the spirit world and the Celestial Heavens.

“With my blessings I am, Your brother in Christ, John, a lowly follower of the Master.”

Humankind is truly blessed to have available to them, these wonderful messages from Angels; teachings they can study and apply in their daily living. Every person has to do their own seeking and praying. God’s Grace, Divine love, is never forced upon anyone who does not want It. The only way anyone can find out if the Love is Real, is to ask God, from a sincere heart, to bestow the Gift of Love upon them.

God always answers the sincere, heartfelt prayers of a humble person.  It isn’t a complicated procedure. Pray for Mercy for wrongs committed. Desire to follow God’s will in your life. Give your love in everything you do, everyday. And you will continue to receive Love and blessings from a Loving Heavenly Father. Amen

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An Early Christian Medium

Message published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 346.

“I am the spirit of one who died a great many years ago, in a far distant country, when the truths of Christianity were known and practiced by the followers of the Master in the purity in which he taught them.

“I was a disciple of his, but I am not known to history, and like a great many others who lived in those days, I worked in a humble way among the poor and simple of earth. My work was mostly in the country, outlying, but close to Palestine, and I was one who received from the spirit world communications of those spirits who had lived on earth as Christians. These messages were received in our public worship, and interpreted or made plain to the common people by those teachers who had the gift  to do so. It was such communications as these that John referred to when he advised us to “try the spirits” to learn whether they were “of God” – in other words, to learn whether they were followers of the Master, who had a knowledge of his teachings, and who came to teach us the truths as they saw them to exist in the spirit world.

“I know that Jesus taught about the new birth and the divine love and the rebestowal of the great gift which had been forfeited by our first parents. I also know that he never taught us to look upon him as God, or that any death he might die would save us from our sins or bring us into at-Onement with the Father. Or that God demanded any sacrifice in order to satisfy His “wrath” or pay any debt that humans might owe him. No, the things last mentioned were not embraced in our faith, or in our understanding of what the Master’s teachings were.

“We also had many wonderful powers which Jesus possessed, in the way of healing, casting out evil spirits, and the like. We never looked upon them as miracles, but as a result of the exercise of powers which came to us when we received the divine love, and had faith which made this love and all that accompanied it things of real existence.

“Jesus was always a man of love and mercy and benevolence, and never tired of his work of doing good for the mortal.” To be continued…

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Can a Soul be “Lost?”

Jesus’ message continued, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 469.

“…So when the Bible says that for every soul saved there is a new star added to the crown of the one who was instrumental in such saving, it only declares the truth. In your work of helping these poor, sinful and darkened spirits, you are laying up spiritual jewels which, when you come over into the spirit world, will form a part of your soul’s existence. Of course there are no jewels, as such, but they represent the qualities of happiness and love which will be yours. Humans do not realize of what momentous importance the saving of a soul is, and what results come to them as such savior.

“I will say goodnight, and may the love of the Father be with you. Your true brother, Jesus”

I found other messages about, “What is a lost soul?” but they were too confusing, in my humble opinion, to write about here. My purpose and intention in sharing these Angel’s teachings is to help seeking souls find truth and the way to develop their soul in Love. All Love originates from God.

Part of a message I will share; “When God gave to humans a soul, that soul was made in the image of God, but not in God’s Substance. At the same time was bestowed upon them “the privilege of having that soul become the Substance” of the Father and to an extent divine, and entitled to and capable of living in the Kingdom of God.”

When we understand that the “personality” resides in the soul, then we can more clearly see why “the soul is the person,” and when the body dies the personality goes with the spirit/soul into the next dimension. When a soul “feels lost,” it would necessarily be when it has failed to develop its love nature.

God is Soul and God is Love, so the part of our being that can develop its Love nature is our soul. The reasoning (and so-called intellectual) mind is “energies of our soul.” I will acknowledge that a person can develop their intellect, but if it is not tempered with the “feelings of love, caring and sensitivity,” there will be a huge gap between the intellectual quality and the love nature. This, in my spiritual understanding, is when a person feels a disconnect between mind and soul.

Suggestion: “Pray for God’s Divine Love.” Amen

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A spirit thinks he lost his soul

Message from Jesus (April 3, 1915) in The gospel of God’s Love, page 468.

A comment was made (not recorded); “I believe you, but it is I, Jesus, who was crucified on Calvary, that comes to you and writes. These people who do not believe this, will someday become convinced. I am with you because I have work for you to do, and also because I love you very dearly. So you must not doubt me; you will soon see from my messages, and also from your own spiritual development, that I am the Jesus that I represent myself to be. So believe me, and you will be happier and prosper in every way.

“Well, he was so overshadowed by the results of confining all his thoughts, when on earth, to his mental development that his soul was permitted and compelled to starve, and, as he belives, has left him. Of course “the soul Is the person,” and cannot be lost, he only needs an awakening of his spiritual perceptions to realize that fact; but as long as he remains in the mental condition that he is now in, he will never “find” his soul, as he says.

“The spirit is not what you might call a wicked one; he only committed the great error of believing that the mind was everything in existence, and that the soul and all spiritual faculties were myths. Many spirits are in this condition – the mind overshadowing the soul to such a degree as to cause the person, in relation to knowledge of the soul, to believe it to be “lost.” He is not one that will find much difficulty in recovering his soul as soon as the spiritual faculties are awakened.

“The unfortunate spirit is one who knows that he has a soul, and knows that it’s filled with sin and error, with no apparent way of becoming cleansed. I know of no spirit more to be pitied, or who needs more the influence and help of both spirits and mortals.

“Let me tell you right here, that when you help a spirit to find the way to salvation and God’s Love, you are doing the greatest work that God has given any of His creatures to do; and when that spirit, through your help, finds that way and receives this Love, they are forever your most thankful friend, and worker in forwarding the interest of your own spiritual being.” To be continued…



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More from Jesus’ Message

Found in, The gospel of God’s Love, page 197, from Jesus.

Jesus was saying:”…I am not of the earth in any particular, but my powers are correspondingly great, and my ability to communicate is in accordance with  my powers and knowledge.

“If I were God, I would not resort to this means of communication that I do now, and it would not be surprising that humans would refuse to believe that I would so communicate. But as I said, not being God, there is no reason that I should not communicate through you or any other qualified medium, the great truths of our Father, and the plan provided by Him for humankind’s salvation.

“So humans should not think that because I am the Jesus of the Bible, and have for so many years been accepted and worshipped by so large a part of the human race as God (or part of God), that therefore I, as a spirit, have not the qualifications and powers of other spirits, or that because I do so communicate, I do that which, as God, I “could not do.”

“I will come again soon. Goodnight. Your friend and brother, Jesus”

There is information, in this series of Bolgs, which explains that while Jesus was teaching the truths of God, during his Mission on earth, the spirits who had been in the highest spheres of the spiritual heavens, for a very long time, learned of his teachings and came to earth to find out what it was about.

The first parents, and other ancient spirits, were among those who became students of Jesus’ wisdom, and learned about the rebestowal of God’s Gift of Grace. They learned about the restored Gift, and were exceedingly grateful that they had the opportunity to receive God’s Gift of Love. This was the same Gift which they had lost during their earth life. They had realized, too late, that they had forfeited  the privilege, due to deciding that they could become equal to God.

Messages from the first parents, Aman and Amon, were posted on February 25th and 26th, 2011. After Jesus entered the spirit world, he first went into the dark planes to teach about the availability of God’s Love and mercy. When Jesus was ready to open the Celestial Gates, there were many spirits who had learned from his teachings, who had been praying for God’s Love, and had become transformed into angels; they were prepared  to enter into the Celestial Heavens with Jesus. Amen

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Jesus of the Bible

Found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 196, from Jesus.

“I desire to write on the subject: Why humans should believe that I, who write to you, am the true Jesus of the Bible, and why I write to you.

“When I lived on earth, people did not believe that I was God, or that I was anything more than a teacher of God’s truths, possessed of wonderful powers not then so well understood as they are now. Since then, humans have comprehended, to a limited extent, the possibility of spirit forces operating through the material world – that is, that spirits and humans have the power to communicate with one another; and that the powers possessed by the spirits may be conferred upon and exercised by humans. This intercommunication and possession of powers and the conferring therof on people, was not so well understood when I was on earth as they are now.

“I, by reason of my soul development and my knowledge of spiritual things, was able to exercise those powers to an extent that made the people of my time suppose that I was “the son of God,” possessed of many of His powers and attributes. And as a matter of fact, I was possessed of these powers, but I was only a mortal when on earth, and only a spirit after I passed from the earth to the spiritual life. Of course, my development of soul qualities was such as to enable me to do many things on earth which no other mortal could do; and after I became a spirit, to obtain a position in the spirit world that no other spirit had obtained; yet I am only a spirit – though a highly developed one, possessing more knowledge of God’s truths than any other spirit.

“If I were God, or part of God. I would be something more than the mere spirit that I am, and my position would be such that I could not or would not communicate with you in the manner that I do. But I am only a spirit, having the same form, and the same means of communicating with mortals of earth that other spirits have, and thus I am not doing that which should be surprising to humankind.

“My home, of course, is in a sphere far above that of the earth, and my condition of soul development is far greater than that of other spirits.” To be continued…

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More About Aaron’s Message

I have chosen to follow this unusual procedure in sharing Blogs of the Angel’s teachings; I limit the contents of each writing to 400 words. Our reasoning powers are not capable of understanding high spiritual truths until we have prayed to receive God’s transforming Love. In the previous message from Aaron, he had more to say about his experiences, which I find interesting:

Those special powers which God conferred upon Aaron for the purpose of helping free the people from Egyptian dominance, were for that occasion, only, and after they were used for that purpose, they no longer were part of Aaron’s talent. Aaron explained: “Those powers were merely the influences that came from the spirit world. God Himself did not speak to me, or to Moses, as it is written. The spirits told us what we must do, and gave us the power to do it.”

Aaron continued; “I cannot explain to you in what way these commands were given by God, for you would not understand me if I should make the attempt. There is a close relationship between God and the Celestial Spirits, so they know what God’s will is. I am in a Celestial Sphere, very high up – not as high as the apostles, but high enough to know, of my own knowledge, this to be true.”

It is quite amazing to realize that our spiritual progress can be unlimited, when we seek truth and pray for the Grace of God’s Love to come into our souls. When God’s children, which includes all humankind, strive to come into harmony with love in their daily living, they open the spiritual door to their heart.

I love what was written in a message from Ann Rollins; “We are engaged in the study of things that pertain more to the spiritual things of life, rather than to the things of other worlds of the universe. While a knowledge of these material things would be very interesting, yet our thoughts are turned to the more important truths of God.”

In a recent reference I found pertaining to ancient spirits, who have been in the highest sphere of the natural heavens for thousands of centuries, they are so into their way-of-life or more likely, mind-set, that they do not even consider the posibility of a higher pathway, or being able to embark upon a wonderfully liberating spiritual journey. I’ll pray for them “to seek truth with the perceptions of their soul”.” Amen

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We Had Not The Privilege

Message from Aaron, Prophet of the Old Testament. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 165.

“I am the spirit of Aaron, brother of Moses. I merely want to say that as you read the message, I read also, and it is a wonderful description of what immortality is, and how it was first given to humans after the fall of the first parents.

“I know the truth of what it says, for I experienced the want of this divine essence for many thousands of years before the coming of Jesus and the rebestowal of Divine Love, which is the only thing in God’s universe that can bring immortality to human beings.

“So let this great truth be preached to all the world, and let mortals know that until they get this Divine Love in their soul, they can never become Immortal. It is so difficult for humans to understand this truth, and for those who come forward as teachers, to comprehend that only this Love will make them a part of the Father and certain of becoming immortal.

“I lived at a time when we had not this privilege of receiving this Love, and we had to find our happiness in our natural love. But this love, while it enabled us to experience much happiness, yet did not give us that divine essence or nature which now makes our happiness supreme.

“I had many experiences in teaching the Hebrew children that there was only One God, but at that time my conception of God was not what it is now. I then thought of God as one of wrath and jealousy, rather than a God of Love and mercy.

“In my contest with the magicians of the Egyptian Pharaohs, I was afforded help from the spirit world, and unusual powers were given me such as I had never had before nor afterwards, But it was for the purpose of causing the king to let the “people of God,” as we called ourselves, depart from Egypt; when this was accomplished I never again possessed these powers or had occasion to.

“This power still exists, and should occasion arise again, it will be given to the instrumentality that may be selected to do the will of the Father. Even as to Jesus, who had the greatest power conferred upon him of any mortal that ever lived, this power was given him by God. Amen

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Part 3 of Ann’s Lovely Message

Published in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 423, from Ann Rollins.

“…Truth of the soul’s discernment is never shown to be in error, and no error ever becomes a part of the soul’s discernment of truth.

“The great road to the ascertainment of the realities of God is through – and only through – the development of the soul by the inflowing of the Divine Love. The “eye of the soul” is that interior perception which needs not reason from cause and effect to forever establish the truths of God. So how necessary it is for humans and spirits to understand that if they would learn the higher truths of spirit life, they must endeavor to develop their soul’s power of perception by seeking the Divine Love.

“After I had lived in the Fifth Sphere, and learned the great and wonderful truths that are taught therein, I progressed to the Seventh, and there learned what real happiness is. No spirit who has not received the Love of the Father lives in this sphere, because the mind is “absorbed” by the soul to such an extent that without the soul development, the mind would have no place of “lodgment.” I mean that the mind, then becomes so subordinated to the powers of the soul perceptions that it cannot exist as mere mind, independent of the soul.

“In this sphere all is grand and beautiful to an extent that I can not describe, because you have no possible mental conception with which I can compare such beauty and grandeur. Our homes are very harmonious, and without stain of anything that emanates from things other than the soul’s essence and power. No spirit who has not this great Love could possibly be happy here.

“Yet, while all this happiness exists, I was told that it is far greater in the Celestial Spheres, and consequently I was not satisfied to remain in the Seventh; I prayed for more faith, and more Divine Love, until finally the Love came into my soul in such abundance that I progressed into the First Celestial Sphere.

“I am so happy that it seems there can be no greater happiness; but my mother tells me that there is. My prayers are constant, and my faith is growing, I realize that when the Holy Spirit fills me with Divine Love I shall progress. An element of our happiness is knowing we can continue to progress in Love.” Amen

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Ann Rollins’ message continued

“Spirits of intellectual development are still pursuing their studies of laws that have to do solely with the operations and causes of phenomena that fascinate both mortals and spirits. I have wondered often, why they have not had an awakening to the grander truths of spirit life, and to the cause of the development of those with whom they come into contact, who are so much more beautiful and happier than the students of natural law and phenomena.

“Strange as it may seem, intellectual development is not necessary to soul progression. But along with the soul’s progress comes a wonderful knowledge of these other things that I speak of. I was a person of just ordinary mental acquirements, yet in this spirit world I have left behind me, many great minds – I mean not only as regards the progress of my soul, but also the attainment of the very knowledge that these people are devoting their time and work to obtain.

“Strange also, as it may seem to you, that intellectual development comes with soul development in the Divine Love. But to us who have experienced this, it is not strange; because the mind is only an attribute, or quality of the soul, and as the soul develops in divine love, the mind must necessarily develop also.

“What mortals call “philosophy” is merely the conclusions of minds that have given thought and investigation to a particular subject matter; and when that philosophy is determined by the mind, it is still uncertain, and subject to revision and change as the mind may change. The mind, in its development, does not necessarily learn the full and real truth; so in this spirit life, among these great minds that do not possess the divine love, there is as much variety of opinions, and as many disputes as to what the truth is, as there are on earth. The mind, of itself, cannot always discern the truth, because it is fallible – even when it is the mind of a spirit, and that spirit a highly developed one.

“But as the soul develops in the Divine Love, this development means what comes to it as a truth, is a truth – the everlasting truth. The soul does not learn all truth at once, but the truth it does learn is one that never changes, and lets no revision alter or set it aside.” To be continued…

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