Continued from previous message, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 347.
This spirit writer, who lived long ago, signed his name John. He is explaining what he, and others, learned from the Masters teachings, are the same truths Jesus is channeling throught James Padgett. John was explaining that Jesus was always giving his love and help to mortals: “But these works were merely subordinate to the other great mission that he performed. Above everything else Jesus was a teacher of the Father’s Love, and of the necessity of man’s receiving this Love in order to become at-One with the Father and an accepted child whose inheritance is immortal life in the Celestial Heavens.
“So you can readily see what a departure there has been from our teachings and faith and practices, and from the simple lives of the early followers of Jesus. I see today that belief in the dogmas of the church and mysticism of God are what constitutes the Christian, and that soul development is little preached or really understood, either by preacher or layman.
“I am now high up in the Celestial spheres, where the love of God is most abundant, and where the spirits of humans live in eternal happiness, with the knowledge that Immortality is theirs.
“I will not write more tonight, as it is late and you are tired. But before I stop, permit me to affirm that you are receiving a revelation of the true religion of Jesus, as well as the truths which pertain to the condition and exercise of the spirit world and the Celestial Heavens.
“With my blessings I am, Your brother in Christ, John, a lowly follower of the Master.”
Humankind is truly blessed to have available to them, these wonderful messages from Angels; teachings they can study and apply in their daily living. Every person has to do their own seeking and praying. God’s Grace, Divine love, is never forced upon anyone who does not want It. The only way anyone can find out if the Love is Real, is to ask God, from a sincere heart, to bestow the Gift of Love upon them.
God always answers the sincere, heartfelt prayers of a humble person. It isn’t a complicated procedure. Pray for Mercy for wrongs committed. Desire to follow God’s will in your life. Give your love in everything you do, everyday. And you will continue to receive Love and blessings from a Loving Heavenly Father. Amen