Ann Rollins message continues, in The Gospel of God’s Love, onĀ page 148.
“How limited is the knowledge of mortals – and of spirits as well – of the power and wisdom and love of the Father. His Love is the greatest thing in all the universe, and the “law of love” is the greatest law. Every other law is subordinate to it, and must work in unison with it. And love – the Divine Love of the Father – when possessed by humans, is the fulfilling of All law. This Love frees humans from all law except the law of its ownself; and when humans possess this Love, they are a slave to no law, and are free indeed.
“Now let all human beings, wise and unwise, know that God, in His love and wisdom, has provided a means by which mortals, if they so will, may escape the unchanging law of compensaation and become no longer subject to its demands and penalties. These means are simple, and within the grasp and comprehensionĀ of every living soul, be they saint or sinner, wise or ignorant. Intellect, in the sense of being learned, is not involved; And the person who knows that God exists and provides them with food and raiment as the result of their daily toil, as well as the great scientist or philosopher, may learn the way to this redeeming truth. I do not mean that a person by mere exercise of mental powers may receive the benefit of this great provision for their redemption; the soul must seek and it will find – and the soul of the wise may not be as capable of receiving as the soul of the unwise.
“God is Love. Humans have natural love, but this love is not sufficient to enable them to find these great means that I speak of – only the Divine Love is sufficient. And God is willing that all humans should have this Love. It is free and waiting to be bestowed upon all humankind; but strange as it may seem, God will not – and I might say, cannot – bestow this Love unless humans seek and ask fot it in earnestness and faith.
“The will of humans stands between them and this Love, if they fail to exercise this will in seeking for it. No person can receive this Love against their will. ” For more, go to The Gospel of God’s Love, page 149. Amen