Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 60. From James Padgett’s old professor, Joseph M. Salyards.
“I want to say that I am very happy, and want you to know that I am progressing in soul development and knowledge of truths that pertain to the spirit world. I find that I’m now in the condition that enables me to see the truth of what the Master has told us in reference to the real existence of a God who knows what His creatures are doing, and in what way they are making use of their souls and bodies. I mean that this God is one having all the faculties that you would suppose only a being with personality and form would have.
“I never, until recently, could comprehend the real truth and meaning that God could have the wisdom, Love and power that I was originally taught God possessed. I believed Him to be only essence, devoid of form or personality. Such comprehension is beyond the finite mind, and can only be perceived as a reality by the means of faith, which enables me to understand the fact that this God, whom we call our Heavenly Father, possesses all of these qualities and powers, and such understanding is to me a wonderful and unexpected addition to my knowledge of God.
“This understanding is not a thing that arises from any exercise of the mind, but is the result of the exercise of my soul perceptioons, which have become so great and in unison with the Father’s qualities, the He appears to me as a real existence, having certainty as a comperhensiible Being.
“So you see what soul development means and what the possibilities are. No intellectual development could ever lead to a comprehension of the personality of God, as I now see it.
“I never, in all my life, mortal of spirit, conceived or expected that it ccould be possible for any soul to see God as I now see Him (or Her). I could not grasp what was meant by the beatitude, “The pure of heart shall see God.” All phases of spiritual progression are part of, and resulting from the development of the soul in this Love principle; for Divine Love is the “fulfilling of the law” – and the law includes that which enables us to perceive that God is a personality and a personal God to all human beings. Amen