The Great Law of Forgiveness

Message continued, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 147.

Ann Rollins was saying: “Sin is a violation of God’s law, and the effect of sin is the penalty which such violation imposes. A person’s suffering for sins committed are not the results of God’s special “condemnation” in each special case, but are the results of the workings and scourgings of their conscience and recollections. And as long as conscience works, they will suffer, and the greater the sins committed, the greater will be the sufferings.

“Now all this implies that a person’s soul is filled, to a greater or lesser extent, with these memories, which for the time constitute a very part of their  existence. They live with these memories, and the suffering and torment which results from them can never leave them until the memories of these sins, cease to be part of them. This is the inexorable workings of the law of compensation, and humans of themselves have no way of escaping this law, except by their long expiation, which removes these memories and satisfies the law.

“Humans cannot change this law, and God will not; so, as I say, the law never changes. But remember this fact: that in order for the law to operate, a human must have these memories, and they must be part of their very existence. Now suppose that the Creator of this law has created another law by which, under certain conditions and upon a human doing certain things, these memories are taken from him, and no longer constitute a part  of their existence. Then, I ask, what is there in or of that person upon which this law of compensation can operate? The law is not changed – it is not even set aside – but that upon which it can operate no longer exists, and consequently there is no existence of facts which call for its operation.

“So I say, as do your scientists and philosophers, that God’s laws are fixed and never change, but I further say (which they, in this instance, may fail to perceive) that certain conditions which call for the operations of these laws today, tomorrow may change or cease to exist, so that the law is no longer in effect.

“So when the truth of God’s forgivenes is declared, many wise humans hold up their hands, and do not accept this apparent contradiction of spiritual truths or facts.” To be continued…

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