From Ann Rollins, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 146.
To continue: “The sun and planets are governed in their movements by fixed laws, and they operate with such exactness that humans who make a study of these laws can, with almost mathematical precision, fortell the movements of these heavenly bodies. This only means that as long as the sun and the planets remain as they are, and surrounded by the same influences, and meet no law operating in a manner contrary to the law which usually controlls them, these planets and sun will repeat their movements year after year in the same way and with like precision. But suppose that a more powerful and contrary law should come into operation and influence the movements of these bodies; do you suppose that they would pursue the same course as if such greater law had not intruded itself? The effect of this is not to set aside the lesser law, or even to change it, but to subordinate it to the operations of the greater law. And if these operations were removed or ceased to act, the lesser law would resume its operstions again, and they would move in accordance with it.
“So in the spirit world, when a human has committed sins on earth, the law of compensation demands that they must pay the penalty of these sins until there has been a full expiation, or until the law is satisfied. And this law does not change in its operation, and no person can avoid or run away from the inexorable demands of the law. They cannot of themselves abate one jot ot tittle of the penalties, but must pay “to the last farthing,” as the Master said; and hence they cannot, of themselves, hope to change the operations of this law.
“But the Creator of all law has provided another and higher law which, under certain conditions, may be brought into operation, and which causes the former law to cease to operate. And humans may experience the benefit of the workings of this higher law.
“When God forgives humans of their sins, and makes of them new creatures in nature and love, He does not, for the particular case, annihilate the law of compensation, but removes that upon which that law may operate. Sin is a violation of God’s law, and the effect of sin is penalty which such violation imposes.” To be continued…