The Greatest Law

This is the 257th Blog I’m posting, to share the spiritual messages conveyed from the Angels, and other high spirits, through the supurb mediumship of James Padgett, during the early years of the previous century. I’m not sure whether or not I have written excerpts from this message titled, “The Greatest Law,” from James Padgett’s grandmother, Ann Rollins, but I’ve decided it will be okay to share this message, even if it’s a duplicate of a previously posted Blog.

“I come to write you about the forgiveness and pardon of the Father, and to enlighten you upon this subject which is so little understood since humans first commenced to distort the teachings of the Master.

“Mercy is that operation of the divine law which relieves humans of the penalties of the sins that they have committed. It permits them to turn from their sin and evil thoughts and deeds and seek the Love of the Father, and if they earnestly seek, to find the forgiveness which is waiting for them to obtain. It does not violate any law that God has established pertaining to human conduct, and the law of compensation – “that which a human sows, that shall they also reap”- is not set aside. But in the particular cases where humans become penitent, and in all earnestness prays to the Father to forgive them of their sins and make new persons of them, the operation of another and greater law is called into operation, and the old law of compensation is nullified and, as it were, “swallowed up” in the power of the law of forgiveness and love.

“So you see there is not setting aside of any of God’s laws. As in the physical world, where certain lesser laws are overcome by greater laws, so in the spiritual world, or in the operation of spiritual things, the greater law must prevail over the lesser. God’s laws never change; but the application of these laws to particular facts and conditions do seem to change when two laws come into apparent conflict and the lesser law must give way to the greater.

“The spiritual laws are just as fixed as are the physical laws that control the material universe, and no law, having application to the same conditions or facts, ever differs in its operation or in its effects. The sun and planets are governed in their movements by fixed laws.” To be continued…

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