More of Nero’s Experience

Nero eventually reached the Celestial Heavens, a soul redeemed, born-again in God’s Love, here’s more of his story. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 473.

“During all this time of my progress, this radiant spirit came to me often with words of love and encouragement, and prayed for me, and never left me when I became doubtful or discouraged. As my awakening continued, more of the Love came into my soul. As she told me of the heavenly things that would be mine as I progressed into the soul spheres, where beautiful homes and loving spirits are, I became more bound by my love to her.

“After awhile I got into the Third Sphere, and realized that what she had told me was true. She then commenced to tell me of the happiness of the spirits of the two genders that I so often saw together, and explained that they were soulmates, and that their love was the greatest of all the loves except the Divine Love, and that every spirit had its soulmate, and at the proper time would find it.

“My love for this spirit had by then become so intense that in the very depths of my soul I wished and prayed that my soulmate might be such a one as she. At last I became so filled with my love for her that I told her, the only thing in all the heavens that I needed to make full my happiness was she as my soulmate – but that I realized that desire was hopeless, as I had destroyed her life; and oh how I suffered when I realized she could not be mine.

“As I told her of these longings, and the hopeless feelings of my soul, she came close to me, and looked into my eyes with a burning love, and threw her arms around me and said, “I am your soulmate, and knew the fact a short time after you came to the spirit world and entered your hells of darkness. During all the long years, I prayed and prayed for the time I could go to you, and awaken in your dead soul a response to my love.  When the time came that I could go, I almost flew to you to let you know you were not neglected, but there was some love going to you from the spirit world.” It could end here, but there’s more…

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