A lovely angel had come to Nero, telling him that she loves him because she has God’s Love in her soul:
“…This Love tells me that I am your sister, and that you are a child of the Father, just as I am, and the object of His love. While you have been suffering, God’s great love has gone out to you in sympathy and desire to help. But you, yourself, have prevented it from coming to you and leading you to the light and surcease from suffering. And now I come to you, your innocent victom, who had never done anything to you on earth except to pray for you, asking the Heavenly Father to take from your heart the great wickedness that caused so many to suffer persecution and death. We all prayed for you, and never asked God to curse you or make you suffer. And we have prayed for you often, and are praying for you now because we love you and want you to be happy.
“Look into my eyes and you will see that love is there, and what I tell you is true. Now, can you not love us a little, and open up your soul to our sympathy, and let your feelings of gloom and despondency leave you for a moment, and realize that in this spirit world there is love for you?”
“Well, to say I was surprised does not express my feelings, and as I looked into the love-lit eyes of that beautiful spirit, I felt the great sins of my earth life overwhelm me, and in my anguish I cried, “God be merciful to me, the greatest of sinners!” And for the first time in all my life in the hells, tears came to my eyes, and my heart seemed to have a sense of living, and there came to me feelings of remorse and regret for all the evils I had done.
“It would take too long to tell you all of what followed this waking up of my soul, all shriveled and dead; suffice it to say that, from that time, I commenced to have hope, and to progress out of my awful condition of darkness. It took a long time, but at last I got into the light. And as the Love came into my soul, I progressed into this condition of bliss I’m now in.” The story could end here…