#4 – Cause and Effect

Final part of message from Jesus, in the Gospel of God’s Love, page 127-8.

“Humans are influenced by their desires, which in turn influence their will, and result in their thoughts and deeds, which of necessity bring their consequences. The results of these consequences can be avoided only by the absence of deeds, and this by a different exercise of will, by a change of desires. So when a person so desires and wills, God will not set aside the law of compensation and cause the results to follow that are not the consequences of such desires and will.

“But God is always willing that these evil results shall have no existence, and through the influence of His Love and the angels, is calling humans to learn the way to wholly prevent the possibility of these results coming to them, either as individuals or as nations. God has provided the way (and is leading humans to a knowledge therof) through and by which the causes that produce these harmful results may be utterly destroyed, and prevented from ever again arising to bring the deplorable results such as are manifested in the present war. (Including todays wars.)

“God will not interfere, by His mere fiat, to cause one side or the other in this war of bloodshed and destruction to become victorious. The law of compensation must work, and as the leaders of the respective nations have sown, so must the nations reap. But the Father and the hosts of His angels (souls transfromed by Divine Love) and the other good spirits, are all working to bring this terrible catastrophy to an end.

“You have written long and it is late, so I will postpone the further consideration of the subject matter to another time. Believe that I am with you and love you and will sustain you in your desires to do my work.         Your brother and friend, Jesus”

I have learned more about God’s immutable laws from this message. I wondered why innocent people suffered because of the evils of others. It’s because God takes into consideration the “big picture:” Each of us will go to a location in the spirit world which is exactly suitable to the condition of our soul. We have the power to make loving choices. God gave us a will so free that even He will not interfere with our choices. Pray for God’s Love, to develop the highest potential of your soul. Amen

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#3 – Cause and Effect

From The Gospel of God’s Love, page 126-127, message by Jesus in 1916.

“This war (WWI), which so many mortals believe and declare is a punishment inflicted on mortals because of their sins and disobedience – that it was specifically caused by God because of such condition of humans (some expounders of the Bible teach that it was prophesied centuries ago) – this war is soley the result of the sinful conditions and workings of mortal’s souls and thoughts. It’s the natural effect of causes that humans themselves created, and of the exact workings of the laws that such causes brought into operation. And in similar conditions where the same causes exist, the same laws will invariably operate, and wars will occur, until these causes cease to exist.

“God never ceases to love and care for humankind, and always desires that humans shall be happy and at-One with Himself, and that they shall exercise their wills in accordance with His will. But just as certainly does He never, by compulsion or force, endeavor to compel humans to exercise their wills in a manner that is not voluntary with them. Should He do this, humans would cease to be the greatest of His creations, then incapable of giving Him that voluntary love and obedience which only is acceptable to Him.

“But from what I have said it must not be inferred that the Father is indifferent to human’s suffering, and to the calamities that wars bring upon humankind, for He is not. And if, in His wisdom, He saw that it would be for the lasting good of the humans who are engaged in the present war that He should intervene by the mere force of His powers and end the war, He would do so. But in that wisdom, He sees that there is a good which humans should have, greater and more eternal than their physical and material good, and that this greater good cannot be obtained through His suddenly bringing this war to an end, without regard to their souls and thoughts and desires.

“The law of compensation must work, for all nations as well as for individuals, even though apparently the innocent suffer as well as the guilty. On earth, as humans are constituted, exact justice cannot be expected and is not received, because this justice is the subject of human’s dispensation and not that of God’s.” To be continued…

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#2 – Cause and Effect

Jesus was explaining that the war (WWI) had nothing to do with his teachings. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 124 – 128.

Recap: The cause (of the war) is only this: The exercise by mortals in control of the nations of their desires for increased power and territory and subjugation of nations, together with their sinful cravings for what they call “glory,” and unsatisfied ambition. To continue: “Had they understood my warfare, each of these mortals would have found their enemy in themself and nowhere else, and the “Great War” would be a war of the soul and not a war of nations.

“Each nation claims that their war is right, and that God is on their side, and they pray to God to assist them in overcoming their enemies. But I want to say here – and it may astonish those who believe that if they are “in the right” and pray to God for success in battle, that their prayers will be answered – that God hears only the prayers of the righteous, or of the sinner who prays for mercy and salvation. Never in all the history of humankind has God responded to the prayers of mortals or nations to assist in the destruction of other mortals or nations – and this notwithstanding the accounts in the Old Testament of the many times that God was supposed to have helped the Jews to destroy their enemies.

“If humans, for a moment, will think that God is a God of Love, and that all people are His children, and the equal recipients of His Love and care, they will realize that His Love would not permit Him to sacrifice the happiness or wellbeing of one class of His children to satisfy the desires of revenge or hatred or outraged justice (as they conceive it) of another class of His children. In all the beliefs of this kind, mortals have misconceived God and His nature.

“Humans, in the exercise of their power, are governed by God’s immutable laws: and these laws are no respecters of persons. Humans were given a free will, which they can exercise righteously or sinfully, and God does not forcibly control such exercise. But the same will, exercised rightly or wrongly, is subject to law, which imposes penalties or rewards according as the law is violated or obeyed.” To be continued…

Suggestion; Pray to do all things with great love.

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Cause and Effect

Message from Jesus, received on December 24, 1916. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 124.

“I was with you tonight at the church, and listened to the preacher’s sermon and was somewhat surprised to hear him declare that all the wars and persecutions, and outrages, that have been perpetrated on humankind since my coming, can be ascribed to my coming and my teachings. I can only resent that imputation and declare that the preacher has misconceived the cause of these wars and persecutions. To charge that they are due to the truths I taught is not only an injustice to me, but a great injury to the truths  and the objects of my mission to humankind.

“My mission on earth was to show mortals the way to the Father’s Love, and to declare to them the great gift of this Love, and also to break down the erroneous beliefs and ignorance that then existed among humans as to what was necessary in order to obtain their own salvation. And so far as the truths which I taught antagonized the false beliefs and practices of mortals, there was, and necessarily would be, a conflict between the thoughts and lives of those who followed me and those who persisted in their existing beliefs. To this extent I brought a “sword” into the world, but it was not the sword that called for bloodshed or persecution. It was the sword that pierced mortal’s souls, where this great conflict should and must be fought to the end.

“No nation can be more spiritual in its government or in its treatment of other nations than are the individuals composing it. And the nation cannot be greater than or different from the individuals who control it, be such control centered in a group of individuals or in a secular or religious head. And a leader or ruler, if he be not a real follower of me (even though he may claim to be) cannot attribute to me the result of his own thoughts, desires and actions.

“The present war is not a part of my warfare, or the plan of the Father to bring salvation to humankind. The cause is this and only this: The exercise by people in control of the nations of their desires for increased power and territory and subjugation of nations, together with their sinful cravings for what they call “glory,” and unsatisfied ambition.” To be continued…

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Knowledge Is Limited, Wisdom Is Not

Message from Ann Rollins, James Padgett’s grandmother, a Celestial spirit, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 429. (I may have previously written a  similar message, but it’s helpful to review.)

“I am in the same sphere with Helen (James’ deceased wife) and your mother, we are often together, though we live in different homes. I am advanced in my progress, but nevertheless we are congenial, and love one another very much. Soon I will leave for a higher sphere, and they say they will follow soon after. They are wonderful spirits in their love and faith – and these two possessions are the “open sesame” for spiritual progress.

“I want to tell you a little about the condition of the spirits in this sphere; all the spirits who are here have received this great Love of the Father. Spirits who have only intellectual acquirements are not sufficiently developed to inhabit this sphere; if spirits ever realize that the celestial gates are closed to them, it would be because they do not have Divine Love in their soul. But then, the great happiness that exists here could not be enjoyed by those with only mental development, for the mind is limited in its capacity for happiness.  

“Our time here is occupied in helping one another to a greater realization of the truths of our Father, and in helping spirits who live on lower planes. I do not now come to earth plane every often to help spirits or mortals, but of course, in your case, I am so bound by my affections and desires that I am with you quite often.

“Part of Jesus’ work is to help all mortals and spirits find happiness, even though they may never become inhabitants of the Celestial Hevens. God loves all his creatures; and the Master, as his great instrument of love and beneficence, is doing all he can to help these humans and spirits find happiness.

“Not all spirits are able to see these great truths; natural love spirits, wise men and ancient seers, are not in the Celestial spheres, but high up in the natural heavens. No matter how high they may progress, they will never partake of the divine nature of the Father unless they seek for and obtain the Divine Love. They will have souls in the image of God, as when on earth, but more refined and free from sin. Divine Love enables souls to gain divine wisdom. Amen

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Work While It Is Day

Message from John, the Apostle, in The Gospel of God’s Love, Page 479.

“We are Celestials of the highest order, but that fact does not prevent us from realizing the necessity for the salvation of mortals. And even though we come to earth to bring about this salvation, and work in association with the spirits of the earth plane, yet it is a labor of love, and humility is the touchstone that brings to us happiness in our work.

“We are with you often and in close association, and we would not be fellow workers with the Master if for one moment we should have the feelings that, because of our high estate, we should not come in rapport and helpful contact with sinful mortals. And so long as the Father requires his truths to be taught, and human souls to be saved from the effects of the fall, and made angels of divinity, our work will continue.

“But sometime our work on earth, as well as in the spiritual spheres will cease, and then our homes in the celestial spheres will be our only places of labor and love. The Kingdom will be completed, the doors of the Heavenly Kingdom closed, and the angelic laborers separated from the spiritual or perfected humans. Such is the decree. And as the Father desires all humans to become at-One with Him in the divinity of love, we must work until the day of the consummation of the Kingdom.

“When Jesus said, “…for the night cometh when no person can work,” he meant that while the Kingdom is open for mortals to enter therein, we must teach; for when its doors shall be closed, the work of the angelic laborers must cease. And so we work, and so must you work, until the time of separation. And, as the Master said, the wheat and the tares must be permitted to grow together until the time of the harvesting shall take place. But until then, we must mingle and work and pray without ceasing.

“Your brother in Christ, John”

The angels tell us that everyone will have chosen whether they wish to progress in the natural love or pray for God’s divine love and prepare to enter the higher heavens, before the celestial gates close. And those who have commenced their divine progress will have a grace period, until they enter the Celestial Heavens. Amen

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Let Your Faith Increase

Message found in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 478, from Jesus.

I am here to tell you of my great gratification in hearing you declare your belief in me again as you did today. This may seem to be a small matter to you, but I tell you it is one of greatest moment, not only to my cause, but to you personally. It puts you in closer rapport with me, which enables you to respond with greater facility to my efforts to convey my messages to you. Also it has a reflex influence on your spiritual condition, and tends to increase your faith in what I tell you of the Father’s love and mercy and the plan for humankind’s redemption.

“I am pleased with your declaration, as I know it will help you become more at-one with me in my work. So let no doubt come into your mind as to my being who I represent myself to be, for if there is a truth in all the universe, that assertion of mine is a truth. Let your faith increase, and your life will be happier, and you will become better fitted to do the work which I have determined you shall do.

“Oh, my dear brother, it’s a great consolation to know that you will do my work as I desire it to be done on earth, and to feel that I can rely upon you to receive my gospel of truth to humankind,

(A question was asked.) “Yes, you were correct, and I will soon write on this subject at length, and you will see that, before me, no person or spirit ever declared the truth of Immortality. You have the right conception of what I meant, and you will sometime realize that that immortality is for you – you and all who believe as you do, and seek for the divine essence, which alone can bring immortality to mortals.

“Very soon now I will continue my previous message, and then we will progress faster in our work. I will not detain you longer, as there are several present who desire to write. That is now part of your work, and your band knows that you must do that work. It will not injure your rapport with your band, or cause your power of writing to diminish.

“So with my love, and the blessings of the Father, I am 
Your own true brother, Jesus”


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…And Hell Is a Condition

Continued from previous Blog, found in The gospel of God’s Love, page 459.

“Many spirits who are themselves in a dark condition can help others who are in a darker condition – just as on earth, a student of a lower class in school may not be able to teach all that is taught in that school, yet they can teach those in a lower class than their own, the things that they’ve learned. All spirits have a work to do, and so these spirits of little development are engaged in teaching those of lesser development the way to get in a higher condition. In such cases, the progress is very slow for many reasons, and it sometimes takes centuries for a spirit to progress to a plane where only the lowest grade of happiness exists.

“All spirits can help other spirits who are in a lower condition – and sometines, at the beginning of their progression, more satisfactorily than can higher spirits. These dark spirits who try to help the darker spirits are more in harmony with them; and so the darker spirits listen to them with more interest, and more readily believe that they can help them. But this is not a help that works in such a way as to cause the spirit to lose their evil desires and recollections very rapidly, or to progress into the higher planes without suffering and expiation that you have been told of.

“I thought I would write this to you for the reason that you might not, in your investigations into the spirit world, give due importance to the possibility of one dark spirit helping another.

“I will not write more, but will, with all my love and blessings, say goodnight. Your brother in Christ, John”

As is my custom, I will add my own thoughts to satisfy my plan to make these Blogs contain 400 words. We, in our spiritual groups, have been acquainted with these wonderful messages from the angel’s since the 1970’s; and soul’s seeking spiritual truths are discovering them all the time. I feel that, if you have specific questions, I might be able to answer them satisfactorily.

The main thing to know is that God loves you, and has a Special Gift of Love which you can receive into your soul through prayers. It has the power to transform souls from the image of God into the Substance and Essence of Divinity and Immortality. Amen

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Hell Is a Place

“This message title is; “Hell is a place as well as a condition.” It’s from Sweedenborg the Seer, Swedish scientist, mystic and theologian. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 456.

“I want to tell you about things that spirits in the hells do, or have done to them , as you might say, in order to get out of their darkness and suffering, and progress to a happier condition.

“When spirits who lived an evil or sinful life on earth first come into the spirit world, they enter into what is called the earth plane (I mean those portions of the First Sphere nearest to earth which partake largely of the material). They are received by their friends who may have been with them at the time of their passing, and are by them comforting to some extent, and made familiar with their surroundings.

“This may last for a shorter or longer time, according as the spirit is capable of understanding their changed condition from mortal to spirit. (I will assume this spirit is male.) After this condition of consciousness is assumed, these friends leave him, and a guiding spirit, whose duty it is to perform the task, shows or conducts him to a plane and place which he is fitted to occupy, and which, by the workings of the law of compensation, he must occupy. In this place he is surrounded by and must associate with spirits in sinilar condition of development as his own, until some change comes to him which will fit him for a higher place.

“This change again may come in a shorter or longer time, dependant upon the spirit realizing what his condition is, and that there is a possibility of progressing. Of himself, there is little he can do to bring about this change, and it is brought about primarily through the influence of other spirits who are in a more enlightened condition than himself. These influences do not necessarily come from spirits who have received the new birth, but may come from spirits who know nothing about it, and have only natural love. They may not even be of a high order of development of either intellect or soul; but they must be in such condition that they know and are able to tell the  lower spirit of the possibility to progress, and the way in which it can be made.” To be continued…

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Aspire For The Gift of Love

The title of this message is, “The time to aspire for the gift is now.” It’s from James Garner, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 474.

“I am here to tell you that God is Love, and that all human beings are His children, and the object of God’s bounty and care. Not even the vilest sinner is beyond the boundaries of His care and Love. God does not need sacrifice or propitiation, but calls to all mortals to come to Him and partake freely of the great feast of Love which He has prepared for them, and to enjoy the happiness which this Love gives. So, my friend, do not for a moment think that the doors of mercy or the entrance into the delights of God’s heavenly home is closed by the death of the body; for I tell you that physical death is an entrance into higher life, with increased opportunitues.

“But notwithstanding what I say, the soul that seeks to obtain this Love while on earth has a great advantage in time over the one who waits until the spirit leaves the body before seeking the Father’s Love. The best time for mortals to aspire to attain this great gift is now, no time is more propitious. God’s Love is for the mortal, even if they have the passions and appetites which the flesh encumbers them with. When a mortal fights and overcomes the temptations which these passions impose, they are stronger and more able to progress when they enter the spirit world.

“I know I am writing like some of your camp meeting preachers, but what I say is the truth nervertheless, and happy is the mortal who realizes this fact and acts accordingly.

“Jesus is working among mortals now, as he did on earth, and although they cannot see his physical form, or hear his voice of love, yet the influence of his love is felt, and the persuasion of his spirit voice is heard in the hearts of mortals. He is still the “savior of God’s children” as when on earth, and his mission will not cease until sin and error shall be eradicated. Humans having natural love will be freed from inharmony, and live as brothers and sisters in peace and happiness; and those having Divine Love will become angels, and live forever in the bliss of the Celestial Heavens.

“I will say goodnight, your brother in Christ, James Garner.”

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