The title of this message is, “The time to aspire for the gift is now.” It’s from James Garner, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 474.
“I am here to tell you that God is Love, and that all human beings are His children, and the object of God’s bounty and care. Not even the vilest sinner is beyond the boundaries of His care and Love. God does not need sacrifice or propitiation, but calls to all mortals to come to Him and partake freely of the great feast of Love which He has prepared for them, and to enjoy the happiness which this Love gives. So, my friend, do not for a moment think that the doors of mercy or the entrance into the delights of God’s heavenly home is closed by the death of the body; for I tell you that physical death is an entrance into higher life, with increased opportunitues.
“But notwithstanding what I say, the soul that seeks to obtain this Love while on earth has a great advantage in time over the one who waits until the spirit leaves the body before seeking the Father’s Love. The best time for mortals to aspire to attain this great gift is now, no time is more propitious. God’s Love is for the mortal, even if they have the passions and appetites which the flesh encumbers them with. When a mortal fights and overcomes the temptations which these passions impose, they are stronger and more able to progress when they enter the spirit world.
“I know I am writing like some of your camp meeting preachers, but what I say is the truth nervertheless, and happy is the mortal who realizes this fact and acts accordingly.
“Jesus is working among mortals now, as he did on earth, and although they cannot see his physical form, or hear his voice of love, yet the influence of his love is felt, and the persuasion of his spirit voice is heard in the hearts of mortals. He is still the “savior of God’s children” as when on earth, and his mission will not cease until sin and error shall be eradicated. Humans having natural love will be freed from inharmony, and live as brothers and sisters in peace and happiness; and those having Divine Love will become angels, and live forever in the bliss of the Celestial Heavens.
“I will say goodnight, your brother in Christ, James Garner.”