#2 – Cause and Effect

Jesus was explaining that the war (WWI) had nothing to do with his teachings. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 124 – 128.

Recap: The cause (of the war) is only this: The exercise by mortals in control of the nations of their desires for increased power and territory and subjugation of nations, together with their sinful cravings for what they call “glory,” and unsatisfied ambition. To continue: “Had they understood my warfare, each of these mortals would have found their enemy in themself and nowhere else, and the “Great War” would be a war of the soul and not a war of nations.

“Each nation claims that their war is right, and that God is on their side, and they pray to God to assist them in overcoming their enemies. But I want to say here – and it may astonish those who believe that if they are “in the right” and pray to God for success in battle, that their prayers will be answered – that God hears only the prayers of the righteous, or of the sinner who prays for mercy and salvation. Never in all the history of humankind has God responded to the prayers of mortals or nations to assist in the destruction of other mortals or nations – and this notwithstanding the accounts in the Old Testament of the many times that God was supposed to have helped the Jews to destroy their enemies.

“If humans, for a moment, will think that God is a God of Love, and that all people are His children, and the equal recipients of His Love and care, they will realize that His Love would not permit Him to sacrifice the happiness or wellbeing of one class of His children to satisfy the desires of revenge or hatred or outraged justice (as they conceive it) of another class of His children. In all the beliefs of this kind, mortals have misconceived God and His nature.

“Humans, in the exercise of their power, are governed by God’s immutable laws: and these laws are no respecters of persons. Humans were given a free will, which they can exercise righteously or sinfully, and God does not forcibly control such exercise. But the same will, exercised rightly or wrongly, is subject to law, which imposes penalties or rewards according as the law is violated or obeyed.” To be continued…

Suggestion; Pray to do all things with great love.

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