From The Gospel of God’s Love, page 126-127, message by Jesus in 1916.
“This war (WWI), which so many mortals believe and declare is a punishment inflicted on mortals because of their sins and disobedience – that it was specifically caused by God because of such condition of humans (some expounders of the Bible teach that it was prophesied centuries ago) – this war is soley the result of the sinful conditions and workings of mortal’s souls and thoughts. It’s the natural effect of causes that humans themselves created, and of the exact workings of the laws that such causes brought into operation. And in similar conditions where the same causes exist, the same laws will invariably operate, and wars will occur, until these causes cease to exist.
“God never ceases to love and care for humankind, and always desires that humans shall be happy and at-One with Himself, and that they shall exercise their wills in accordance with His will. But just as certainly does He never, by compulsion or force, endeavor to compel humans to exercise their wills in a manner that is not voluntary with them. Should He do this, humans would cease to be the greatest of His creations, then incapable of giving Him that voluntary love and obedience which only is acceptable to Him.
“But from what I have said it must not be inferred that the Father is indifferent to human’s suffering, and to the calamities that wars bring upon humankind, for He is not. And if, in His wisdom, He saw that it would be for the lasting good of the humans who are engaged in the present war that He should intervene by the mere force of His powers and end the war, He would do so. But in that wisdom, He sees that there is a good which humans should have, greater and more eternal than their physical and material good, and that this greater good cannot be obtained through His suddenly bringing this war to an end, without regard to their souls and thoughts and desires.
“The law of compensation must work, for all nations as well as for individuals, even though apparently the innocent suffer as well as the guilty. On earth, as humans are constituted, exact justice cannot be expected and is not received, because this justice is the subject of human’s dispensation and not that of God’s.” To be continued…