#4 – Cause and Effect

Final part of message from Jesus, in the Gospel of God’s Love, page 127-8.

“Humans are influenced by their desires, which in turn influence their will, and result in their thoughts and deeds, which of necessity bring their consequences. The results of these consequences can be avoided only by the absence of deeds, and this by a different exercise of will, by a change of desires. So when a person so desires and wills, God will not set aside the law of compensation and cause the results to follow that are not the consequences of such desires and will.

“But God is always willing that these evil results shall have no existence, and through the influence of His Love and the angels, is calling humans to learn the way to wholly prevent the possibility of these results coming to them, either as individuals or as nations. God has provided the way (and is leading humans to a knowledge therof) through and by which the causes that produce these harmful results may be utterly destroyed, and prevented from ever again arising to bring the deplorable results such as are manifested in the present war. (Including todays wars.)

“God will not interfere, by His mere fiat, to cause one side or the other in this war of bloodshed and destruction to become victorious. The law of compensation must work, and as the leaders of the respective nations have sown, so must the nations reap. But the Father and the hosts of His angels (souls transfromed by Divine Love) and the other good spirits, are all working to bring this terrible catastrophy to an end.

“You have written long and it is late, so I will postpone the further consideration of the subject matter to another time. Believe that I am with you and love you and will sustain you in your desires to do my work.         Your brother and friend, Jesus”

I have learned more about God’s immutable laws from this message. I wondered why innocent people suffered because of the evils of others. It’s because God takes into consideration the “big picture:” Each of us will go to a location in the spirit world which is exactly suitable to the condition of our soul. We have the power to make loving choices. God gave us a will so free that even He will not interfere with our choices. Pray for God’s Love, to develop the highest potential of your soul. Amen

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