Message from Ann Rollins, James Padgett’s grandmother, a Celestial spirit, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 429. (I may have previously written a similar message, but it’s helpful to review.)
“I am in the same sphere with Helen (James’ deceased wife) and your mother, we are often together, though we live in different homes. I am advanced in my progress, but nevertheless we are congenial, and love one another very much. Soon I will leave for a higher sphere, and they say they will follow soon after. They are wonderful spirits in their love and faith – and these two possessions are the “open sesame” for spiritual progress.
“I want to tell you a little about the condition of the spirits in this sphere; all the spirits who are here have received this great Love of the Father. Spirits who have only intellectual acquirements are not sufficiently developed to inhabit this sphere; if spirits ever realize that the celestial gates are closed to them, it would be because they do not have Divine Love in their soul. But then, the great happiness that exists here could not be enjoyed by those with only mental development, for the mind is limited in its capacity for happiness.
“Our time here is occupied in helping one another to a greater realization of the truths of our Father, and in helping spirits who live on lower planes. I do not now come to earth plane every often to help spirits or mortals, but of course, in your case, I am so bound by my affections and desires that I am with you quite often.
“Part of Jesus’ work is to help all mortals and spirits find happiness, even though they may never become inhabitants of the Celestial Hevens. God loves all his creatures; and the Master, as his great instrument of love and beneficence, is doing all he can to help these humans and spirits find happiness.
“Not all spirits are able to see these great truths; natural love spirits, wise men and ancient seers, are not in the Celestial spheres, but high up in the natural heavens. No matter how high they may progress, they will never partake of the divine nature of the Father unless they seek for and obtain the Divine Love. They will have souls in the image of God, as when on earth, but more refined and free from sin. Divine Love enables souls to gain divine wisdom. Amen