They Have Grasped the Truth

Message recieved from Jesus, on August 31, 1915, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, on page 326.

“I heard what Paul wrote, and I corroborate everything he said, and add that these people are pursuing the true way to the inheritance which I promised while I was on earth. Their faith is wonderful, and the fruit of its exercise is shown in the condition of their souls.

“Theirs is the soul conception of religion and of the truths I taught; while they may not, with their intellects, understand the philosophy of my teachings, yet with the perceptions of their souls they have grasped the great foundation truth of salvation through the divine love of the Father.

“Of course they sing and proclaim that my blood saves them from sin, but this is the exercise of their mental conceptions, learned from the teachings and creeds of the churches. Yet they have grasped the great and only truth of salvation with far more certain knowledge, that the awakening and filling of their souls with the divine love gives them.

“How much it is to be wished for that all those churches of form and intellectual worship could realize that the only true worship of God is with the perceptions of the soul. Only with these perceptions (that are developed by obtaining the divine love) can we “see” God. Only by such development can we become at-One with the Father, and partakers of His divine nature.

“I am glad that you attended this church, and I advise you to go there often, for I tell you that the holy spirit is with these people to a very extensive degree – and that is because their souls are open to the inflowing of God’s Love through its ministrations.

“I was with you again tonight, and so was the holy spirit, trying to open your soul to its influence, and to that which will cause your faith to increase and your trust in me to grow. This church will do much good in this regard, and I advise you to continue to attend. Of course you will not have to believe in its creed, but only in the fact that the holy spirit is there in all its quickening power, as they sometimes sing.

“With all my love, I will say goodnight. Your brother and friend, Jesus”

In those days, the name of that Church was, “Church of the Holiness.” Amen

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Sin Can Be Eradicated

Message from Paul, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, on page 324.

” I was with you tonight at the meeting, and heard what the young man said about perfection, and I agree entirely with his ideas about the application of this concept to the lives of human beings. And when he said perfection is a relative term, he spoke the exact truth.

“No person can expect to have the perfection of the Father in quantity, but they may in quality, for the spirit of truth and love that enters into the soul of a human in response to prayer is a part of the divine nature of the Father  – the essence is the same, so the quality must be the same. But of course, no person can obtain it to the extent of making them as perfect as the Father. Even we, who live in the high Celestial Heavens, have not that perfection which the Father has.

“But let humans know that, even while on earth, they can obtain this inflowing of the Love, conveyed by the Holy Spirit, to such an extent that sin and error will be entirely eradicaated. I say this is possible, but few people attain to such a state of perfection, because the worldly affairs and natural appetites which belong to mortals are always interfering to prevent the workings of the spirit in human’s, so that perfection may take possession of them. But notwithstanding this difficulty, humans should have this perfect ideal before them always, and strive to obtain the possession of it.

“I was much interested in the discourse, not only because it was founded on a text attributed to me, but because of the right conception and explanation made by the young man. I could see his soul and its workings, and I was glad to know that he possessed this divine love to an unusual degree. You were benefitted by what he said, and you felt the influence of the presence of the holy spirit in the meeting.

“If the people of this church would understand that there is only one thing that saves them from their sins and makes them at-One with the Father – and that is the inflowing of the divine love into their souls – they would easily see that their doctrine is in accord with the truths of God; for as divine love fills their souls, all sin and error must disappear.” Amen

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The Longings of the Soul

Message from Ann  Rollins, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 38.

“You are in condition to receive our messages;  I wish to write on the importance of knowing the way to the Celestial Kingdom. You have been told that the only way to obtain that kingdom is by the divine love coming into your soul and changing it into a thing divine, which partakes of the very essence of the Father Himself. Well this is a correct explanation of the operation of this love on the soul, but in order to get this love there must be earnest supplication on the part of the seeker – a mental desire for the inflowing of the love will not suffice.

“This is a matter that pertains to the soul alone, and the mind is not involved, except to “start” the soul’s longings and prayer. When you think that you are longing for this love, and have only a mental desire for its inflowing, the love will not come, because it never responds to the mind’s desires, but must always be sought for by the longings of the soul.

“Many people have the intellectual desire for the love of God, and upon that desire rest, they believe that they have the love and that there is nothing further for them to do. But they will find themselves mistaken, and that instead of possessing this love, they have awakened only the natural love, and started it toward its goal of becoming purified.

“It is no easy matter to have these longings possess the soul. And humans should not remain satisfied with those mental desires, for they will not be benefitted by such desires, except toward becoming purified. The longings of the soul come only from a realization that this love is waiting to be bestowed; and then the soul must become active and earnest in its endeavor to have this love come into it, and only then does the transformation start taking place.

“From this you will see that observance of a church’s sacraments may not arouse these soulful longings. The devotee of the church may be ever so zealous in their attendance of its services, and in complying with its requirements, and performing all the duties which it prescribes, but it may all be a mental process, the soul remaining unaffected. Only by the souls active longings are prayers for God’s Love answered. Pray for God’s Love with a sincere heart.” Amen

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I make mistakes, but God does Not

I had previously shared information from a Message titled, “From the image into the substance” published in, The Gospel of God’s Love. It was delivered from Jesus and received by James Padgett on June 27, 1916. I created 3 Blogs from that wonderful message in September 2010; since that was 2 years ago, and I don’t have a  good memory (I’m 81, and may have early stages of dementia.), I started sharing it again yesterday.

Instead of deleting those 2 Blogs, I’m pretending readers, sincere seekers of spiritual truths, might find them enlightening and helpful in their efforts to progress. It seems that these Blogs, being in a long line of 28o or so, may be difficult to find. I hope readers who recognize the value of these spiritual truths will decide to purchase the book, The Gospel of God’s Love, available through Amazon,com.

A valuable lesson, for all humankind, is to recognize the importance of learning to love ourselves. We cannot love others more than we love ourselves. And one of the large roadblocks, which interfers with people learning this, is that oftentimes they do not even realize that they have very little self-love. I believe that sometimes people become puffed-up with their own importance, and interpret that as self-love.

It is difficult to learn how to develop the highest potential of our souls. (Especially for those who do not even believe they have a soul – or that they Are souls). But if you become weary enough of struggling in the material world, and are looking for a better way, you could benefit from asking a Higher Power to bestow a Higher Love upon you.

So, did I hear someone say, I’ve tried prayer and that doesn’t work for me? I’ve said that before, but it was because I gave up too easily. I believe in the rule that states; “Try and try again (and again) until it works for you.” The angels tell us to pray, And have Faith, that our prayers will be answered. It sometimes might be the “faith part” which the seeker is failing to activate.

I’m beginning to recognize some changes in my attitude. I don’t need to be concerned about what others say or think, that’s my job. If I’m doing my best “to do all things with great love,” God will do the rest. And S/He always does everything with Love. The reason people don’t always agree that “God Is Love” is because they haven’t prayed long enough yet. Amen 


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From natural human to Divine Angel

Continued from previous message, titled, “From the image into the Substance.”(I published this previously, in September 2010.)

“…Because of this misconception of humans as to their inherent qualities, they have and do continue to neglect the opportunity to become possessed of the nature or essence of the Father – which they may obtain, if they will pursue the proper and only method that God has provided for humans to become at-One with Him.

“The universe of humans can and will continue to exist even though they may never  become partakers of the divine nature of the Father; and humans will live and enjoy the happiness that was bestowed upon them at the time of their creation. They will not lose the perfect condition, after they have been separated from sin and error (their own creatures), but they will then be no more than the perfect human. And in the time to come, they will not be anything less – yet they will always, as long as they exist, remain distinct from the nature and essence of the Father, just as they were at the time of their creation, unless they obtain this divine nature and essence in the way that I have explained.

“The highest endowment of humans, either in soul, heart or intellegence, is that which belongs to them as part of their creation, and is not in-the-least part the divine qualities of God. No part or portion of divinity enters into humans creation, no matter how divinely constituted they may appear to be, or how godlike they may seem in the greatness of their intellect or the extent of their love nature.

“So you see, humans are as distinct from God and His divinity as is the animal from humans, and must forever remain so unless they follow the only way the Father has prescribed for them to obtain a portion of this divinity.”

“Now all this shows that humans, no matter how highly they may develop their intellect, or to what extent they may develop their moral and love nature, cannot become more than the perfecrt humans that they were in the beginning.  For they were, in the beginning, perfect in every particular; and as I have said before, God never makes a mistake as to the perfection of His creatures – even though, in the case of humans, it may appear that He did, in giving them free will.” The end for now.

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From the image into the Substance

Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 34.

I wish to write on a subject that is of interest to all humankind, and I hope that we will be able to communicate and that you can receive the message. I desire to write on, why the Love of God – the Divine Love – is necessary for humans to possess in order  that they may become at-One with the Father and an inhabitant of the Celestial Heavens.

“I have explained what this Divine Love is, in contradistinction to the natural love, and that nothing but this Divine Love will make a human at-One with God; and that no ceremony, or belief in me as the savior, will effectuate that end. Now I will try to show you why this Divine Love is necessary, or as your learned people might say, show you the philosophy of the transformation of the human into the divine angel.

“In the first place, a human, as you have been informed, is a creation of God, and is no greater than the component parts that enter into this creation. And these parts are merely what God, in his act of creation, designed them to be. It must not be assumed that these parts are a part of God, or of His essence or qualities, for they are not; they are as separate and distinct from Him and his qualities as are the lower creatures of His will, such as animals, vegetables and mineral substances. The only difference is that humans are of a much higher order of creation, and are, in one particular, made in the Image of God. But nevertheless, humans are no part of God, but are distinct creations, and even in their best and purest state, only human, having simply those qualities which were created in them at the time of their coming into existence.

“There are certain qualities which humans possess, such as love, wisdom and the reasoning faculties, which may be said to “resemble” God’s attributes, but yet they are not a part of God’s esssence or qualities. So when people assert that humans are divine, or that they have in them even a portion of the divine nature, they are mistaken, for the qualities in them that may appear to be of this divine essence are only those which were created for the ppurpose of making them perfect humans.”

To be continued…

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The Religion of The Future

From an old copy of the messages titled, True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, Vol. I (Previous title; “Messages From Jesus and Celestials.”), I will share from a message titled, “The Religion of the Future, a Comprehensive and  Final One, will be founded on the Truths That Mr. J.E. Padgett is receiving. Message from Jesus:

“I have been with you part of the time as you were reading the different explanations of the various religions (Mr. Padgett had been reading – The World’s Parliament of Religions at Columbian Exposition of 1893.) and tried to direct your mind so that you might conceive the difference between the things taught in those teachings and what we’re revealing to you. Many things that are set forth in those teachings that are mysteries and the result of speculation will be revealed to you in their true existence and meaning, so that all defects or desiderata that arise because of the insufficiency of these teachings will be corrected and supplied. I am glad that you read these sermons, for they demonstrate to you the number of truths that were known to the ancients, but which fall far short of the truth. At that time there was no source from which our truths could come, either in the spirit world or in the mortal world, and hence humans could not become inspired as to the vital truths that we are now revealing.

“There will be a Religion of the future and a comprehensive and final one, and it will be founded upon the truths which you are now receiving, for it will be inclusive of all the other religions, so far as the truths that they contain are concerned, with the addition of the greatest of all truths affecting mortals – the New Birth and transformation of the human soul into the Divine. When humans shall come to make a comparative analysis of these existing religions and the one that I shall make known, there will be very little conflict in the vital principles, and my teachings will only add to the old teachings that which all humans can accept.”

“Hence, you see the importance of our working more rapidly in our effort to disclose and disseminate the truth. I will not write more now, but with my love and blessings will say, good-night. Yes, I am with you as I promised and will continue to be. Your brother and friend, Jesus.” Amen

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Pray With Longings From Your Soul

This message from Jesus began in the previous Blog; it was received on July 9, 1917, and published in The Gospel of God’s Love, on page 476.

“…Of course, prayer does not always remove the “cause” of worry, and thus relieve the mortal from worry, but it operates on the mortal’s consciousness in such a way as to remove the effects of this cause on the feelings and mental conditions of the mortal, and in this way is the mortal benefitted and their prayers responded to. They become a new person, as it were, and cease to look upon these causes in the same light as before the prayers brought their responses. And they, in their real self, are different in their condition than they were before they prayed.

“I am so very glad that you prayed, and let your longings go out to the Father, and tried to have faith in us to help you. We are helping you, and you’ll soon realize the result of our work in securing those things that you desire and consider necessary to enable you to get rid of your worries and perform our work. Continue to pray and to have faith in us, and you will not be disappointed in what we promise.

“I have many messages yet to write, and so desire that you get into condition to receive them properly; and besides myself, there are many others who want to write upon these truths that are so important that the world should know. If you continue to pursue the course that you followed today, you will find a wonderful improvement in your condition of soul and mind and spirit qualities, and will be able to form the required rapport that is necessary to our properly communicating.

“I will not write more tonight. But in closing, I advise that you continue to pray with all the longings of your soul, and to believe with all the strength of your mind, and you will continue to develop in your soul qualities and perceptions, and also in your physical condition and mental strength.

“I will say goodnight, Your brother and friend, Jesus”

The only way you, the reader, can discover if Prayers for God’s Love will bring the help of peace, and relief from worry, into your life, is to pray sincerely from your heart for this wondrous Love to flow into your soul. Pray and have faith. Amen

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When you are weakest, then are you strongest

Message from James the Apostle, received on October 31, 1916, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 476.

“When you are weakest, then are you strongest, because then you rely more on the power and help of the Father. Such has been your condition tonight, and I want to tell you that you have received a wonderful amount of the Father’s Love. This I tell you because I know, from what I actually have seen.

“So you should not let your worries trouble you so much. Try to think more of the promises of the Master and of the Love of the Father, and you will realize that help is very near you.

“We are all here tonight because we are interested in you, and want to see you happy – and you shall be so. And if you could only know the love that surrounds you, you would cease to worry so much. The Master has told you that your worries will leave you soon, and you must believe him, for it is true. I know this, and can only corroborate what he says.

“I will not write more tonight. Your brother in Christ, James the Apostle.”

(Following on the same page, a message from the Master, Jesus, titled, Pray with all the longings of your soul,)

“Well, my brother, I see that you are much better than you have been for some days past, and that you have prayed more to the Father for the inflowing of His Love, and as a consequence, have more of it in your soul, and are in better condition spiritually and physically.

“I would like to finish my message on God tonight, but I do not think you are in just the condition necessary to enable you to receive it, and so think it desirable to postpone it for a while longer.

“You must surely realize the effect of prayer to a greater extent than ever, because if you had not prayed as you have been doing for the past few days, you would have found yourself in a great degree of despondency, since the same cause for creating this condition exists now as it did previously when you were so depressed and worried. Prayer is a wonderful help when offered with the true longings of the soul, and will always find a response, and the benefit will not be only spiritual but material as well.” Amen

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Religious Beliefs in the Spirit World

Message by James, found in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 396.

Let me tell you a few things concerning the spirit world – specifically, the part that’s below the Celestial Heavens.

“In the several spheres are many planes, inhabited by spirits of many nations and races of humankind; and these various races have, to a certain extent, the customs and beliefs that they had when on earth. The lines of demarcation are just as strictly drawn as are those of the several nations on earth. The result of this is that many spirits who live in this exclusive manner never learn anything other than what their own leaders tell them, and what their various sacred books may teach them.

“The Mohammedan is a Mohammedan still, and so likewise the followers of Zoroaster, and also of Buddha, Confucius, and all the various founders of religious sects. Sometimes these spirits in their wanderings, will meet spirits of other sects than their own and interchange thoughts, but rarely do they discuss matters pertaining to their respective beliefs.

“There are undoubtedly truths in the sacred writings and beliefs of all these religions, and to the extent that these truths are taught and understood, these spirits are benefitted. I am now speaking of spiritual truths, because as to truths pertaining to the natural or material world, everyone has the same opportunity to investigate and understand them. There are no religious or doctrinal beliefs and teachings as to these material truths, but as I say, each of these religious sects has its own ideas and doctrines of spiritual truths, and its followers can progress no further than the limits that these supposed truths permit them to progress.

“No founder of any religious sect, prior to Jesus, ever taught of the new birth, or of the divine love; and the teachings of Jesus are the only ones that clearly reveal to humans the existence of this divine love and how to obtain it.

“So you can see the importance of this truth coming to mortals, without the possession of this love, no spirit can enter the celestial spheres. The teachings of these other founders will show humans the way to a life of happiness, and to what we may suppose is an eternal existence; but the teachings of Jesus are the only ones that declare and lead humans to a realization of the true immortality of soul.

“Your brother in Christ, James”

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