This message from Jesus began in the previous Blog; it was received on July 9, 1917, and published in The Gospel of God’s Love, on page 476.
“…Of course, prayer does not always remove the “cause” of worry, and thus relieve the mortal from worry, but it operates on the mortal’s consciousness in such a way as to remove the effects of this cause on the feelings and mental conditions of the mortal, and in this way is the mortal benefitted and their prayers responded to. They become a new person, as it were, and cease to look upon these causes in the same light as before the prayers brought their responses. And they, in their real self, are different in their condition than they were before they prayed.
“I am so very glad that you prayed, and let your longings go out to the Father, and tried to have faith in us to help you. We are helping you, and you’ll soon realize the result of our work in securing those things that you desire and consider necessary to enable you to get rid of your worries and perform our work. Continue to pray and to have faith in us, and you will not be disappointed in what we promise.
“I have many messages yet to write, and so desire that you get into condition to receive them properly; and besides myself, there are many others who want to write upon these truths that are so important that the world should know. If you continue to pursue the course that you followed today, you will find a wonderful improvement in your condition of soul and mind and spirit qualities, and will be able to form the required rapport that is necessary to our properly communicating.
“I will not write more tonight. But in closing, I advise that you continue to pray with all the longings of your soul, and to believe with all the strength of your mind, and you will continue to develop in your soul qualities and perceptions, and also in your physical condition and mental strength.
“I will say goodnight, Your brother and friend, Jesus”
The only way you, the reader, can discover if Prayers for God’s Love will bring the help of peace, and relief from worry, into your life, is to pray sincerely from your heart for this wondrous Love to flow into your soul. Pray and have faith. Amen