Message from Ann Rollins, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 38.
“You are in condition to receive our messages; I wish to write on the importance of knowing the way to the Celestial Kingdom. You have been told that the only way to obtain that kingdom is by the divine love coming into your soul and changing it into a thing divine, which partakes of the very essence of the Father Himself. Well this is a correct explanation of the operation of this love on the soul, but in order to get this love there must be earnest supplication on the part of the seeker – a mental desire for the inflowing of the love will not suffice.
“This is a matter that pertains to the soul alone, and the mind is not involved, except to “start” the soul’s longings and prayer. When you think that you are longing for this love, and have only a mental desire for its inflowing, the love will not come, because it never responds to the mind’s desires, but must always be sought for by the longings of the soul.
“Many people have the intellectual desire for the love of God, and upon that desire rest, they believe that they have the love and that there is nothing further for them to do. But they will find themselves mistaken, and that instead of possessing this love, they have awakened only the natural love, and started it toward its goal of becoming purified.
“It is no easy matter to have these longings possess the soul. And humans should not remain satisfied with those mental desires, for they will not be benefitted by such desires, except toward becoming purified. The longings of the soul come only from a realization that this love is waiting to be bestowed; and then the soul must become active and earnest in its endeavor to have this love come into it, and only then does the transformation start taking place.
“From this you will see that observance of a church’s sacraments may not arouse these soulful longings. The devotee of the church may be ever so zealous in their attendance of its services, and in complying with its requirements, and performing all the duties which it prescribes, but it may all be a mental process, the soul remaining unaffected. Only by the souls active longings are prayers for God’s Love answered. Pray for God’s Love with a sincere heart.” Amen