More on the New Birth of Soul

It’s a blessing to have access to messages from the Angels; they contain spiritual truths which aren’t readily available. The message being shared in this Blog, is in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 82, from Jesus.

“…There are other things that I do know and will here tell you; among them is this: As long as the soul does not receive the divine nature, the mind, which I have described as being part of the spirit body, continues to exist and dominates both soul and body. In its progress it may attain to a condition of purity and perfection. Many spirits now are in this condition; but they are still mortals, and their souls remain in the “image” of God.

“While God has a mind, mind is not God; God is spirit, but spirit is not God. So when it is taught that God is “mind”, and that people should seek to attain that mind, and thus become like God, they fall far short of the truth. The mind is only an attribute of God, beyond and back of that mind is the real God –  the “personality” – and that is His Soul, from which emanate all these attributes and manifestations, of which mortals and spirits may become conscious.

“While God is Soul, yet that Soul is a thing of Subsatnce, with a nature divine – the seat and fountainhead of all attributes that belong to Him, such as Love, Power, Life, Omniscience, and Mercy. And here I  must state one fact that may surprise those who believe and teach that “mind” is God: that which is called the human mind is Not a part of the mind of God, for this human mind and all its faculties and wondeful qualities are just special creations, as are the spirit body and material body. As I have said, humans were created in the image of God only as regards their soul. The mind of mortals was a specific creation, just as were the minds of the lower animals, differing only in degree. If God had not given to humans a soul, and spirit body to envelop it, when their physical body would die, that would be the end of them.

“When God created humans by giving them a soul in His image, He also gave them the possibility of obtaining the substance of His divine soul – that is, of having that image become of the Divine Substance of the Creator.” Amen

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Part 3, How Divine Love Enters the Soul

Message from Jesus, continued; found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 81.

“… So you see, when the mortal dies, the only thing that dies is the physical body, and with the spirit body survives all those things which can be said to be the real person. Hence a person never ceases to remember, and to progress, and to know that they are a being which death cannot destroy or change. And thus I answer the question: “When a person dies shall they live again?” They never cease to live, and their living is not a new life, but the continuation of the old life, with all the things of mind and conscience that were theirs in the old life.

“In the spirit life, the spirit body continues to contain the soul, and will be its protector and covering so long as that spirit body shall last. But this body also changes, by disintegration into what we call spirit elements, and the formation of new elements to replace the disappearing ones. The changes in this body are not caused by the same laws that operated to change and replace the physical body, but by laws controlling the development of the soul which the spirit body contains.

“The soul is the real person, because it is the only part of them that may become immortal, the only part that was made in the image of its creator, and the only part that may become a part of the substance of its maker and partake of His divine nature. I say may, for that is an important part of this great possibility. I know this possibility of the soul becoming immortal by partaking of the divine nature of God is true, fot it is a proven fact in the case of many souls who are now in the Celestial Heavens. I also know that there are many souls in the spirit world who have been there for many centuries and have never received the divine nature and consciousness of immortality.

“Whether such souls who have not received God’s divine nature shall become immortal has never been demonstrated, But this I do know: that in the economy of God’s plan for the forming of His Kingdom, at some time this privilege of partaking of His divine nature will be withdrawn from mortals and spirits. Then, whether they will partake of immortality, no one knows – only God.” Amen


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Part 2, The Different Parts of Humans

Message from Jesus, continued, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 80.

“The spirit part of humans is that part which contains “the functions of life,” and the forces and powers existing in them which immediately control the person in their conduct and living. This real, existing principle of life, unlike the body, never dies, but continues to live after the spirit drops its envelope of flesh. This spirit part of humans contains the seat of the mental faculties and reasoning powers, and uses the organs of the material body to manifest these attributes. These faculties live and exist even though the physical body may be in such imperfect condition that the spirit cannot use it to perceive or interact with the material things of nature. To give an example, even though the material organs of sight may become impaired or destroyed, yet in the spirit body which is within the physical body, the faculty of sight exists just as perfectly and completely as if these impaired organs were doing their functioning; and the same is true of what are called the five sesnes of humans.

“And as to the reasoning faculties and mental qualities, they exist in a perfect state, whether the brain is healthy or not. These spirit qualities do not depend upon the soundness or perfect workings of the organs of the physical body in order that they may exist in a perfect condition; but the proper and natural manifestations of the brain and the conscious operations of the mental faculties ‘do’ depend upon the spirit faculties being able to use these physical organs in a proper way and in accordance with the harmony of the creation of the relative and correlative parts of human beings.

“These spirit faculties which mortals call the intellect and the five senses are part of the spirit body, which is enclosed in the material body (while the spirit body, in turn, encloses the soul). When the material body dies, the spirit body continues to exist and live on in the world of spirit; and with it, and as continuing parts of it, these intellectual faculties exist, performing all their functions free from limitations that the physical organs placed placed upon them. These mental faculties can still conceive thoughts of things material, and hear and see things of the material, just as they did when enveloped by their environments of flesh and blood.” To be continued…

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How the Divine Love Enters the Soul

Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 78.

“I am here, as promised, and desire to write on the subject: How the divine love enters the souls of humans. As I have said, humans are creatures of God, having a body, spirit body, and soul, and all these are necessary to make the perfect person. But these three parts are different in their characteristics and functions, are separate and distinct, and have qualities that are unalike in their composition as well as in the duration of their existence.

“The body has an existence which lasts only during the earth life of the mortal; and after that life ends, it dissolves into its elements, which never again can form the same body, either in the material world or in the spirit world. For these elements are things of matter, and are used to form other bodies and manifestations of the material of nature, and are so disseminated that never again will they become parts of a resurredted body. No, the body, when it has performed its function of maintaining and shielding the soul and spirit body of mortals during their earth life, is no longer and cannot thereafter be part of that person.

“This body, as a matter of fact, even during the earth life, is not the same body all during that life; for continually there are changes in elements that compose that body, and one element, or set of elements give place to others and becomes absorbed in the great sea of elements that constitute the universe of God. By operation of the laws of attraction and repulsion, these elements, as they replace others, conform themselves to the general appearance of the parent body so that the identity and appearance of the body is preserved. As the person grows older, the laws which make the changes in their appearance cause these new elements to conform to these changes, so that even while the material continues to envelop the spirit during the short span of a mortal’s life, yet that material is not the same for any length of time. I make this preliminary statement to show that the material part of a person is not at all connected to the real person, so far as the persistent nature of them is concerned, so this material need not be considered in discussing the subject that I desire to write about.” To be continued…

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As one of the gods, continued

Jesus’ message continued; Found in The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 156 -157.

“There is only one God, and of all other living souls, who were those possessed of the god-like qualities of love and wisdom, none were “gods.” The so-called “angels of God” of the Old Testament were only the spirits developing their natural love, which I last described.

“So you see, the loss of immortality does not mean the death of the physical body, but the loss of that ‘potentiality of the soul’ which enabled humans to become like the Father in certain particulars of His divine attributes. Currently all mortals, and spirits, possess this soul quality/potential. At some point, in a great future time, after everyone has chosen their spiritual path, the privilege to receive God’s Gift of Grace (Divine Love) will again be withdrawn. After that time, those who have not acquired some of the divine nature will be permitted to live as spirits enjoying their natural love, just as Adam after his fall. (In a later message, Jesus stated that, perhaps at some point in the great future, God would again rebestow the privilege to receive the Gift of Grace, and create a new celestial heaven. We do not have enough vision of the future to know this.)

“Humans may reason to the utmost of their limited intellects, in the way of saying God would never subject his creatures to this second withdrawal of the privilege, and thereby deprive them of this great Gift of becoming partakers of His divine nature and the great happiness which follows; but such reasoning, or conclusion reached, will not change the fact.

“Humans will not be justified in complaining of this. The opportunity is now given, and will continue to be part of a human’s potential to become a child of the Father in the angelic and divine sense, and if they refuse to do so, they can have no grounds upon which to base the accusations of injustice against the Father. They will still be the Father’s children, even though they may not accept His great gift of Love, they will be comparatively happy with their natural love purified.

“Many of my parables in the Bible illustrate this truth, but many people harden their hearts, and close their understanding to the truths of these parables.” Amen

 Suggestion; If you desire to become one of God’s divine children, pray from your heart and soul to become at-One with God.

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Message on “Like the gods”

Message continued from Jesus, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 153-158.

“When the Bible speaks of those men of ancient times who were God’s prophets and beloved children as “walking with Him,” it meant that they had obtained such a high development of their natural love that they could, upon their physical death, occupy those spheres in the spirit world which made them, as spirits of mortals, close to the Father and supremely happy. They were not in the same condition of soul attributes as was Adam before his fall, for they did not have this potentiality; and so any interpretation of anything written in the Old Testament which gives to any human or spirit at that time the possibility of receiving the divine essence of the Father is erroneous.

“As I have said, my death or sacrifice or blood, as is emphasized in the creeds and worship of the Christian churches, did not in the slightest degree work to bring about the restoration of this great favor of God to humans. They were merely the result of the conditions and beliefs of men and women in the Jewish nation who would not tolerate my declarations of truth. My death, etc., did not appease any supposed wrath of God towards mortals, but of His own great love for His creatures He bestowed this Gift, or privilege of the soul, which humans had lost by Adam’s  disobedience.

It was the disobedience of believing that he was not dependent upon God for the soul quality or potentiality that made it possible for him to partake of God’s divine nature. The tree of good and evil merely represented the knowledge that God had  reserved unto Himself of the existence of that which, if known to Adam, would have subjected him to temptations that would destroy this soul quality of which I have spoken.

“Regarding the statement that if Adam should eat of the “tree of life,” he would live forever and become “as a god,” he was, in a sence, already the recipient of this tree of life, in that attribute of his soul which could, by its proper development, make himself “like the gods.” And here you must understand that “gods” could mean only those who possessed this divine nature of the Father.” To be continued…

(So, the title of this long message “As one of the gods,” refers to becoming divine.)

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More about Immortality

This message from Jesus has the peculiar title, “As one of the gods,” but I do not understand what that means. So, as you read the message, maybe you will be able to fit that title to the contents. Continued from previous Blog.

“Adam was not created immortal, but only had the potential to become immortal; and after the “death” of this soul potential, humans ceased to have even the possibility of becoming immortal, until the time of my coming as the Messiah. When it was said, “as in Adam all humans died, so in me will all humans be made alive,” it meant that when Adam fell, that which formed a part of of his being and made it possible for him to become immortal was taken from him. That is, as to that potentiality and privilege, he died, and was no longer able to attain to the condition of soul that enabled him to become at-One with the Father or partake of His Divinity. And in this condition of death humankind remained until, as I say, I came with the glad tidings of the rebestowed gift of the soul attribute which made it possible for humans to again become immortal.

“When this gift was bestowed upon mortals living on earth, it was also bestowed upon all who were living in the spirit world. Understand me, everything that was lost by Adams fall was restored by my coming and announcing that this special potential of soul had been restored. And it was available to every spirit who had ever lived as a mortal, and every mortal who thereafter lived, up to the present.

“My coning, of itself, or my death or sacrifice did not restore humankind to the condition that existed in Adam before his fall – I was only a messenger of God, sent with that gift to teach the truth of its restoration to humankind and to spirits. And when, after my death, I descended into hell, as the Bible says, I proclaimed to the spirits there the truth of the bestowal of this restored life which had been lost by Adam’s disobedience. All spirits, good and evil, now had this restored potentiality of obtaining the divine nature that I have spoken of, and immortality.

“So you see, when Adam “died,” it was the death of the “soul quality” or “potential” which makes immortality possible.” To be continued…

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Jesus explains Immortality

Message from Jesus, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 153.

”I want to tell you what I mean by immortality; When Adam (as he was called) was told that if he should disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit, he should surely die, the word ‘death’ meant the death of the soul, so far as its future progress in that which would insure its receiving the divine essence of the Father’s love was involved.

“It did not mean the physical death, because it is very apparent that his life in the flesh continued after his doom was pronounced. But his soul progression stopped, and only after the coming of the Messiah and teaching the doctrine and truth of human’s restoration to the condition which Adam occupied before his fall, did humankind again have the privilege of becoming immortal – that is, of being permitted and in condition to obtain that soul progress which would enable them to become one with and a part of the Fatrher in His Love and Divinity.

“I do not mean that Adam was endowed with this divine love when he was created, but that he had that formation of soul ‘potential’ which, if properly exercised, would have brought him in that union with the Father that would have made his nature divine. And when he disobeyed the commandments of the Father, he “died,” so far as that possibility of obtaining the divine nature was concerned.

“All humans who lived on earth between Adam’s fall and my revelation of the truth of redemption, did not possess this potential, and could not receive this nature; they were compelled to live only as mortals and spirits having natural love. They could not progress into the Father’s Celestial Kingdom, but existed as spirits having natural love which was bestowed upon Adam and his race.

“Abraham, Isaac, and the rest of the persons who are described in the Bible as being “children of God” and obedient to His commands were not partakers of this divine nature, and became so only after my coming and showing the way to its attainment. When God sent me to proclaim the truth of humankinds redemption, He at the same time conferred upon all humankind the privilege of receiving His divine essence. No sacrifice or death of mine brought this great boon – but only with my coming came this love-potential and the way to obtain it.” To be continued…

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The Creation, continued

Jesus was saying…”But the universe was not created from nothing, and neither was there “chaos;” for in God’s economy of being there is never any chaos, which, if it should be, would mean the absence of the workings of God’s laws of harmony.

“But the earth and the firmament ‘were’ created – at one time they had no existence as such, and at a coming time they may cease to have such existence. This creation was in an orderly way, according to design. Such creation was not only through what your wise men may call accretion or evolution (that is, self-evolution), for every new or additional exponent of growth was the result of ‘numerous’ laws working together in the creation of God’s universe.

“To grow, to become nearer perfection, implies the decay and disappearance of some elements which have performed their missions and work in the growth of the thing created. In all this work of creation, there are laws of disintegration and apparent retrogression operating (as well as laws of positive construction and advancement); and again these laws do not operate by chance, but by design. The All-Creator knows when, for the purpose of bringing forth the perfect creature (be it man, animal, vegetable or mineral), the laws of decay and retrogression, as well as the laws of advancement and increased effectiveness shall operate; and God never makes a mistake in setting into operation these laws, and never pronounces the result of His work “not good.”

“As has been said, a thousand years are as a day to God; and while for many long years it may appear to humans that there are retrogression and delay in bringing to perfection a creature of the Creator’s works, yet that apparent retrogression is not such in fact, but only a course or method adopted for bringing forth the higher or greater perfection. I know it is difficult to explain these workings of God’s creation to the finite earthly mind, but you may grasp some conception of what I desire to make known.

“I will stop for the present, Your brother and friend, Jesus.”

I will vent now; my computer doesn’t do what I wish. When I try to type a word in italics, it changes all the words into italics, so I enter single quotation marks to ’emphasize’ the word. The message following this one was posted in 2 Blogs, on March 26, 2012, titled “The Creation and Fall of Humans.” Amen

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The Creation

Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 87.

“I come tonight to say that you are in much better condition than you have been for some time. Your rapport with us is so much greater and I feel that I should write upon a subjest which is vital to the salvation of humankind.

“I do not know what is the most important subject for comment, for there are so many which I must at some time instruct you about, but I will write tonight about the relationship of humans to the creation of the world, and the origin of life.

“Your Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, etc. out of a void, and continued that creation until there was a perfect heaven with all its glories, and a perfect earth with inhabitants of every kind (all perfect, and made just as an all-wise and powerful God would create), and as a climax to all, humans, who were so perfect that they were made in the image of their Creator. Well, this story is just as good and satisfactory and worthy of belief as any that that has been conceived by humans; but it is not factually true.

“There never was a time or period when there was a void in the universe, or when there was chaos. God never created anything out of “nothing,” but His creations, such as are perceived by and known to humans, were merely the change in form or composition of what had already existed (and always will exist) as elements. God was always existent – a being without beginning (which idea the finite mind cannot grasp). And also, everything which is in the universe today always existed , though not in form and composition as they now are. And as they are, they will not continue to be, for change eternal is the law of the universe. I mean as to all things which may be spoken of as having substance, whether they be material or ethereal; of course His truths never change, and neither do the laws by which the harmony of the universe is preserved and continued perfect.

“Now the earth on which you live did not always have an existence as an earth, and neither did the firmament and the great galaxies of planets and stars. But they were not created out of nothing…” To be continued

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