Message from Jesus, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 153.
”I want to tell you what I mean by immortality; When Adam (as he was called) was told that if he should disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit, he should surely die, the word ‘death’ meant the death of the soul, so far as its future progress in that which would insure its receiving the divine essence of the Father’s love was involved.
“It did not mean the physical death, because it is very apparent that his life in the flesh continued after his doom was pronounced. But his soul progression stopped, and only after the coming of the Messiah and teaching the doctrine and truth of human’s restoration to the condition which Adam occupied before his fall, did humankind again have the privilege of becoming immortal – that is, of being permitted and in condition to obtain that soul progress which would enable them to become one with and a part of the Fatrher in His Love and Divinity.
“I do not mean that Adam was endowed with this divine love when he was created, but that he had that formation of soul ‘potential’ which, if properly exercised, would have brought him in that union with the Father that would have made his nature divine. And when he disobeyed the commandments of the Father, he “died,” so far as that possibility of obtaining the divine nature was concerned.
“All humans who lived on earth between Adam’s fall and my revelation of the truth of redemption, did not possess this potential, and could not receive this nature; they were compelled to live only as mortals and spirits having natural love. They could not progress into the Father’s Celestial Kingdom, but existed as spirits having natural love which was bestowed upon Adam and his race.
“Abraham, Isaac, and the rest of the persons who are described in the Bible as being “children of God” and obedient to His commands were not partakers of this divine nature, and became so only after my coming and showing the way to its attainment. When God sent me to proclaim the truth of humankinds redemption, He at the same time conferred upon all humankind the privilege of receiving His divine essence. No sacrifice or death of mine brought this great boon – but only with my coming came this love-potential and the way to obtain it.” To be continued…