This message from Jesus has the peculiar title, “As one of the gods,” but I do not understand what that means. So, as you read the message, maybe you will be able to fit that title to the contents. Continued from previous Blog.
“Adam was not created immortal, but only had the potential to become immortal; and after the “death” of this soul potential, humans ceased to have even the possibility of becoming immortal, until the time of my coming as the Messiah. When it was said, “as in Adam all humans died, so in me will all humans be made alive,” it meant that when Adam fell, that which formed a part of of his being and made it possible for him to become immortal was taken from him. That is, as to that potentiality and privilege, he died, and was no longer able to attain to the condition of soul that enabled him to become at-One with the Father or partake of His Divinity. And in this condition of death humankind remained until, as I say, I came with the glad tidings of the rebestowed gift of the soul attribute which made it possible for humans to again become immortal.
“When this gift was bestowed upon mortals living on earth, it was also bestowed upon all who were living in the spirit world. Understand me, everything that was lost by Adams fall was restored by my coming and announcing that this special potential of soul had been restored. And it was available to every spirit who had ever lived as a mortal, and every mortal who thereafter lived, up to the present.
“My coning, of itself, or my death or sacrifice did not restore humankind to the condition that existed in Adam before his fall – I was only a messenger of God, sent with that gift to teach the truth of its restoration to humankind and to spirits. And when, after my death, I descended into hell, as the Bible says, I proclaimed to the spirits there the truth of the bestowal of this restored life which had been lost by Adam’s disobedience. All spirits, good and evil, now had this restored potentiality of obtaining the divine nature that I have spoken of, and immortality.
“So you see, when Adam “died,” it was the death of the “soul quality” or “potential” which makes immortality possible.” To be continued…