Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 87.
“I come tonight to say that you are in much better condition than you have been for some time. Your rapport with us is so much greater and I feel that I should write upon a subjest which is vital to the salvation of humankind.
“I do not know what is the most important subject for comment, for there are so many which I must at some time instruct you about, but I will write tonight about the relationship of humans to the creation of the world, and the origin of life.
“Your Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, etc. out of a void, and continued that creation until there was a perfect heaven with all its glories, and a perfect earth with inhabitants of every kind (all perfect, and made just as an all-wise and powerful God would create), and as a climax to all, humans, who were so perfect that they were made in the image of their Creator. Well, this story is just as good and satisfactory and worthy of belief as any that that has been conceived by humans; but it is not factually true.
“There never was a time or period when there was a void in the universe, or when there was chaos. God never created anything out of “nothing,” but His creations, such as are perceived by and known to humans, were merely the change in form or composition of what had already existed (and always will exist) as elements. God was always existent – a being without beginning (which idea the finite mind cannot grasp). And also, everything which is in the universe today always existed , though not in form and composition as they now are. And as they are, they will not continue to be, for change eternalĀ is the law of the universe. I mean as to all things which may be spoken of as having substance, whether they be material or ethereal; of course His truths never change, and neither do the laws by which the harmony of the universe is preserved and continued perfect.
“Now the earth on which you live did not always have an existence as an earth, and neither did the firmament and the great galaxies of planets and stars. But they were not created out of nothing…” To be continued