Message from Jesus, continued, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 80.
“The spirit part of humans is that part which contains “the functions of life,” and the forces and powers existing in them which immediately control the person in their conduct and living. This real, existing principle of life, unlike the body, never dies, but continues to live after the spirit drops its envelope of flesh. This spirit part of humans contains the seat of the mental faculties and reasoning powers, and uses the organs of the material body to manifest these attributes. These faculties live and exist even though the physical body may be in such imperfect condition that the spirit cannot use it to perceive or interact with the material things of nature. To give an example, even though the material organs of sight may become impaired or destroyed, yet in the spirit body which is within the physical body, the faculty of sight exists just as perfectly and completely as if these impaired organs were doing their functioning; and the same is true of what are called the five sesnes of humans.
“And as to the reasoning faculties and mental qualities, they exist in a perfect state, whether the brain is healthy or not. These spirit qualities do not depend upon the soundness or perfect workings of the organs of the physical body in order that they may exist in a perfect condition; but the proper and natural manifestations of the brain and the conscious operations of the mental faculties ‘do’ depend upon the spirit faculties being able to use these physical organs in a proper way and in accordance with the harmony of the creation of the relative and correlative parts of human beings.
“These spirit faculties which mortals call the intellect and the five senses are part of the spirit body, which is enclosed in the material body (while the spirit body, in turn, encloses the soul). When the material body dies, the spirit body continues to exist and live on in the world of spirit; and with it, and as continuing parts of it, these intellectual faculties exist, performing all their functions free from limitations that the physical organs placed placed upon them. These mental faculties can still conceive thoughts of things material, and hear and see things of the material, just as they did when enveloped by their environments of flesh and blood.” To be continued…