Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 78.
“I am here, as promised, and desire to write on the subject: How the divine love enters the souls of humans. As I have said, humans are creatures of God, having a body, spirit body, and soul, and all these are necessary to make the perfect person. But these three parts are different in their characteristics and functions, are separate and distinct, and have qualities that are unalike in their composition as well as in the duration of their existence.
“The body has an existence which lasts only during the earth life of the mortal; and after that life ends, it dissolves into its elements, which never again can form the same body, either in the material world or in the spirit world. For these elements are things of matter, and are used to form other bodies and manifestations of the material of nature, and are so disseminated that never again will they become parts of a resurredted body. No, the body, when it has performed its function of maintaining and shielding the soul and spirit body of mortals during their earth life, is no longer and cannot thereafter be part of that person.
“This body, as a matter of fact, even during the earth life, is not the same body all during that life; for continually there are changes in elements that compose that body, and one element, or set of elements give place to others and becomes absorbed in the great sea of elements that constitute the universe of God. By operation of the laws of attraction and repulsion, these elements, as they replace others, conform themselves to the general appearance of the parent body so that the identity and appearance of the body is preserved. As the person grows older, the laws which make the changes in their appearance cause these new elements to conform to these changes, so that even while the material continues to envelop the spirit during the short span of a mortal’s life, yet that material is not the same for any length of time. I make this preliminary statement to show that the material part of a person is not at all connected to the real person, so far as the persistent nature of them is concerned, so this material need not be considered in discussing the subject that I desire to write about.” To be continued…