Message from Jesus, continued; found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 81.
“… So you see, when the mortal dies, the only thing that dies is the physical body, and with the spirit body survives all those things which can be said to be the real person. Hence a person never ceases to remember, and to progress, and to know that they are a being which death cannot destroy or change. And thus I answer the question: “When a person dies shall they live again?” They never cease to live, and their living is not a new life, but the continuation of the old life, with all the things of mind and conscience that were theirs in the old life.
“In the spirit life, the spirit body continues to contain the soul, and will be its protector and covering so long as that spirit body shall last. But this body also changes, by disintegration into what we call spirit elements, and the formation of new elements to replace the disappearing ones. The changes in this body are not caused by the same laws that operated to change and replace the physical body, but by laws controlling the development of the soul which the spirit body contains.
“The soul is the real person, because it is the only part of them that may become immortal, the only part that was made in the image of its creator, and the only part that may become a part of the substance of its maker and partake of His divine nature. I say may, for that is an important part of this great possibility. I know this possibility of the soul becoming immortal by partaking of the divine nature of God is true, fot it is a proven fact in the case of many souls who are now in the Celestial Heavens. I also know that there are many souls in the spirit world who have been there for many centuries and have never received the divine nature and consciousness of immortality.
“Whether such souls who have not received God’s divine nature shall become immortal has never been demonstrated, But this I do know: that in the economy of God’s plan for the forming of His Kingdom, at some time this privilege of partaking of His divine nature will be withdrawn from mortals and spirits. Then, whether they will partake of immortality, no one knows – only God.” Amen