More on the New Birth of Soul

It’s a blessing to have access to messages from the Angels; they contain spiritual truths which aren’t readily available. The message being shared in this Blog, is in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 82, from Jesus.

“…There are other things that I do know and will here tell you; among them is this: As long as the soul does not receive the divine nature, the mind, which I have described as being part of the spirit body, continues to exist and dominates both soul and body. In its progress it may attain to a condition of purity and perfection. Many spirits now are in this condition; but they are still mortals, and their souls remain in the “image” of God.

“While God has a mind, mind is not God; God is spirit, but spirit is not God. So when it is taught that God is “mind”, and that people should seek to attain that mind, and thus become like God, they fall far short of the truth. The mind is only an attribute of God, beyond and back of that mind is the real God –  the “personality” – and that is His Soul, from which emanate all these attributes and manifestations, of which mortals and spirits may become conscious.

“While God is Soul, yet that Soul is a thing of Subsatnce, with a nature divine – the seat and fountainhead of all attributes that belong to Him, such as Love, Power, Life, Omniscience, and Mercy. And here I  must state one fact that may surprise those who believe and teach that “mind” is God: that which is called the human mind is Not a part of the mind of God, for this human mind and all its faculties and wondeful qualities are just special creations, as are the spirit body and material body. As I have said, humans were created in the image of God only as regards their soul. The mind of mortals was a specific creation, just as were the minds of the lower animals, differing only in degree. If God had not given to humans a soul, and spirit body to envelop it, when their physical body would die, that would be the end of them.

“When God created humans by giving them a soul in His image, He also gave them the possibility of obtaining the substance of His divine soul – that is, of having that image become of the Divine Substance of the Creator.” Amen

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