Another message from Jesus about the soul’s New Birth. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 84.
“I come tonight to finish my message. As you remember my subject is: How the divine love enters the soul of a mortal. I’ve explained the difference between the physical body, the spiritual body and the soul; and how the real person is the soul, which may become an angel of God’s Celestial Kingdom. The only way in which the soul may become an inhabitant of the celestial spheres is by obtaining the divine love and thereby the divine nature of the Father. This can be accomplished only by the inflowing of the divine love, by means of the operation of the holy spirit, which is God’s instrumentality for conveying this love to the souls of mortals.
“This love never forces itself into the souls of humans, and comes only when they seek for it in earnestness and prolonged desires. It is waiting for all humans to receive it, but never enters the soul of its own initiative, without invitation. So the question is: how does it come into the soul, and what must people do to induce its inflowing?
“There is only one way, and that is by the opening up of the soul in such a manner that this love, when it comes in response to sincere seeking, may find a condition of receptivity that will allow it to find lodgment and an abiding place harmonious with and satisfactory to the qualities of its own existence. The simple means by which this can be accomplished are through prayer and faith. When a person in true earnestness, and sincere aspirations, prays to the Father for this divine love, such prayer not only brings the love, but causes those portions of the soul which are capable of receiving it, to open up to its coming, and to work in such a way as to attract the love.
“As I said when on earth, there is no other way to get into the sheepfold but through the gateway provided, and it is still true; there is no possibility of getting into the fold except through the gateway of prayer and faith.
“Good thoughts and deeds may help open up the souls perceptions to a degree and lead it to prayer, but it will be these; sincere prayers and humble faith that will invite the Love to come into the souls of God’s children. Amen