More about the Nature of Divine Love

Message continued; this is Jesus’ favorite subject; he was the first soul who longed to be close to his Heavenly Father (while in his mother’s womb) which fulfilled God’s desire to rebestow the gift of Divine Love to all His children everywhere.

“The Divine Love is a thing entirely apart from the created nature of mortals, and was not conferred on souls at their creation, as was the natural love; consequently, when humans obtain this Love and it becomes part of their soul qualities, their very nature changes, and they become a “new creature.” An additional something has been conferred upon them, and it becomes impossible for them to remain the mere mortals that they were. I know that humans do not understand the distinction between a person with only the natural love and one with divine love, but the distinction is so great that the one, when possessed to a sufficient degree, makes that person a part of divinity, while the other, no matter how fully developed and purified, leaves that person a mortal the same as they were at the start.

“Whosoever will pray in earnestness for the inflowing of this Divine Love will receive it. It is not a respecter of persons, and the sincere aspirations of the soul of any person, be he prince or peasant, sinner or saint, will invaribaly cause this Love to come into their soul and change their nature so that they will become a new creature, and one not subject to death forever more.

“The intellectual prayer is not efficacious, for it does not have any effect in opening up the soul; and neither does much of this praying do the work. One little moment of this true praying will be more effective in causing Divine Love to flow towards the soul than a whole lifetime of idle repetition of prayer that comes from a source only mental. And here again let me say that the mind is not the soul, and much less is it God.

“Well I think I have made it plain how this Love flows into the soul of a mortal; and in addition what its effect is when possessed by mortals. There is nothing in all God’s universe that can take its place for making humans at-One with the Father, and of causing them to become divine. Pray and never cease to pray for this Love. Your brother and friend, Jesus” Amen

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