Message from Ann Rolins, Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 53.
“I come tonight, as I promised, for the purpose of writing you a letter telling you of certain spiritual truths that I desire you to know.
“I am now in the 3rd Celestial Sphere, and in a much more exalted condition in my knowledge of spiritual truths than I have ever been, and have opened up to me a spiritual view that increases my understanding of the Father’s provisions for the happiness and salvation of His children. I know now, more that ever, that He is a real existing God of love, power and wisdom; and that wrath, such as taught in the Bible, is no part of His nature. For his children on earth as well as in the spirit world, He has only love, solicitude and sympathy.
“He is not a God that is far off, waiting for the arrival of the great “judgment day” when He will approve or condemn His children according to their deeds done on earth. He is with all mortals and spirits, and in a way that His influence of love may be felt by them, if they will only place themselves in a condition of receptivity of soul, so that such influence may be felt. For the relationship and nearness of God to humans depends to a very large extent upon the will and desires of the individual.
“God is not, in what is called His “personality,” with mortals, as has been taught by teachers of Bible-based religions; men and women do not live, move and have their being in Him. His personality has a location which is not everywhere, but in the highest heavens. This may appear startling to many people, and it apparently takes from them the consolation of believing and feeling that God is with and in them; but nevertheless it is true. God is not in humans, or in “nature,” as some scientists, who believe in God, say.
“I do not mean it to be understood that God is not the loving, watchful Father, trying to make His children happy and save them from the results of their own wrongdoings, for that would not be true. And while I say He is not with mortals in His personality, yet He is with them in the sense and truth that His attributes of Love, wisdom and power are with them always.” To be continued…