Only One God

Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 2.

“When I was on earth I was not worshiped as God, but was considered a “son of God,” in the sense that in me were the truths of my Father and many of His mysterious powers. I did not proclaim to be God; neither did I permit my disciples to believe that I was God, only that I was His beloved son, sent to proclaim to humankind His truths and show the way to the love of the Father. I was no different from other men, except that I possessed this love of God to a degree which made me free from sin, and prevented the evils that formed a part of the nature of humans from becoming a part of my nature.

“No person who believes that I am God has knowledge of the truth, or is obeying the commandments of God by worshiping me. Such worshipers are doing the cause of God and my teachings great injury; for many a person would have become a true believer in and worshiper of the Father and follower of my teachings had not this erreoneous doctrine been interpolated into the Bible. It was not with my authority, or in consequence of my teachings that such doctrine was believed in. I am only a son of my Father, as you are; and while I was always free from sin and error, yet you are His son also, and if you seek earnestly and pray to the Father with faith, you may become as free from sin and error as I was then, and am now.

“The Father is Himself, alone. There is no other God besides Him, and no other God to be worshiped. I am His teacher of truth and am “the way, the truth and the life,” because in me are those qualities of goodness and knowledge which fit me to show  the way to eternal life with the Father, and to teach that God has prepared a kingdom in which they may live forever, if they so desire.

“But notwithstanding my teachings, those who assumed high positions in what is called the Christian Church imposed doctrines so at variance with the truth that in these days many, in exercise of enlightened freedom, have become unbelievers and turned away from God, and have taught that they are sufficient for their own salvation.” To be continued…

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Only Soul Can Call to Soul

Message from John, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 7.

“I heard your prayer, and know that God’s Love is flowing into your soul, and that you have a great abundance of it in your possession, of which you are conscious. It will never fail you whan you pray with real soulful longings for its coming. It is always ready to respond to your aspirations, and to make you feel the happiness that comes with it.

“I am your special friend in my work of helping develop your soul, and whenever you pray to the Father, I come to you with my love and influence to help open up your soul to the inflowing of this love. Have faith, and you will have the certainty of the presence of the love, seeking to come into your soul in greter abundance.

“You are blessed in that you have knowledge of the existence of this love, and know that it may be yours if you so will it to be, and pray with the true longings of your soul’s desires. You cannot doubt the truth of what I write, for, in the ordinary things of life, there is nothing so convincing as personal experience, and your experience is such that there has been no room for doubt.

“If you want to keep the consciousness of this love continually alive, pray and pray, whenever the opportunity presents itself. You don’t need to wait for a time when you’re not engaged in your business affairs, but if only for a moment, from these affairs. The longing, if exercised for a moment, will bring their results, for God’s ear is always open, and ready to cause the responses to such longings.

“One moment of true soul-felt longing is more effective than hours of prayer where these longings are not present. The prayer of the lip, or of habit, arises no higher than the escaping breath, and does not cause the love to respond and flow into the soul. Remember this, and then realize how futile are all the prayers of preacher and ostensible worshipers when the soul’s longings and desires are not present.

“Only soul can call to Soul, and love responds only when such soul calls. The desires of the mind do not in the least affect the soul; the soul’s faculties are not activated when only the mind is in operation, and will not effectuate the workings of the holy spirit. Amen

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Paul, on the Hells (part 2)

Message found in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 452.

“The bodies of spirits are more substantial than the physical bodies of mortals; and these planes and divisions, whether of heaven or hell, have a more real existence than  mortals’ places of habitation or confinement on earth.

“The hells are places of darkness and suffering; but in them are no fires or brimstone, etc., as have been so commonly represented by the preachers and teachers of the orthodox churches, because there is nothing therin that would feed fires, or that fires could affect. And there are no devils, and no “satan”- though there are evil spirits of humans that are more wicked and vicious and horrifying than have ever been pictured of satan and his devils.

“In your communications you have had some very realistic descriptions of hell from those who are actually living therein and experiencing its tortures and realities, so I will not take time to describe it here. I will only say that, as it has not entered into the minds of humans to conceive the wonders and beauties of heaven, neither have they conceived of the horrors and sufferings of hell.

“But from all this, people must not understand that the punishment and darkness which spirits endure in the hells are specifically inflicted by the Father because of any wrath that He may have towards them, or to gratify any feelings of revenge, or even to satisfy any outraged justice; for that is not true. Humans, when they become spirits, are their own judge and executioner, submitting to and receiving the inexorable results of the law that states, “whatsoever a person sows, that shall they also reap,”

“This is a law that is absolutely necessary in order to preserve or bring about the harmony of God’s universe. And while it may appear to mortals, at first sight, to be a harsh and cruel law, yet in its workings and results, and even for the individual spirit who may suffer in the reaping, it is a most benign and beneficial law. For the darkness and suffering of a few years, as you mortals say, brings about an eternity of light and happiness. The law must rule; but even in all the apparent harshness and want of mercy, the great Love of the Father overshadows the sufferer, and finally makes the defiled and wicked soul one of purity and goodness. Amen

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The Hells (part 2)

Paul continues writing on the hells.

“I desire tonight to write my message on hell – what it is and what its purpose is.

“Hell is a place as well as a condition, and the person who believes it is nothing more than a condition of their mind, will be quite surprised, as well as disappointed, when they arrive in the spirit world. I know that a person’s condition of mind and soul to a very large extent creates their hell, and is the chief source of their suffering, yet this condition is not the only source of that suffering or of the darkness in which they find themself.

“Hell is a place that has all the appearances and ingredients that are in exact agreement with the states of its inhabitants, as is caused by their condition of mind and soul. It is not a place of universal character, fitted for the habitation of all souls, irrespective of their condition or degree of defilement, but is composed of many different places, having gradations of appearances and surroundings suitable to the condition of the souls who live there. The expression, “the lowest depths of hell” is not a meaningless one, but portrays a truth – a real existing fact that many spirits are now experiencing the reality of.

“In its broadest sense, hell is every place outside of heaven. And heaven is that place where everything entering into it – its appearance, qualities and inhabitants – is in perfect harmony with the laws of God.

“Many people believe that heaven is merely a “condition;” and yet the Bible, in which so many believe, describes heaven as a place, with its streets of gold, pearly gates, etc. And as a fact, it is a real substantial place, having all those elements and appearances which help bring happiness and joy to its inhabitants (in addition to the happiness which their soul development causes them to have). Then, as heaven is a real and substantial place, perceptible to the spirits that inhabit it, why should not hell be a place of real substance also, with those qualities and appearances exactly suited to reflect the unhappiness of those who are fitted for it?

“The spirit world, both heaven and hell, are places of substance, having their planes and divisions and limitaitons of occupancy, and are not mythical conceptions of mind such as you mortals ordinarily conceive ghosts to be.” To be contimued…

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More about the Hells

I may have been avoiding sharing messages about the Hells because of their unhappy content, but if people are seeking truth, it should include all information available to us fron the beloved angels. Paul’s message continues:

“I, Paul, write this, for I know, having suffered from this very cause myself. When on earth, I taught some doctrines like unto the ones that these preachers are now teaching, and even now I realize that I am to some extent responsible for many of these false beliefs. But I thank God that I am not responsible for all that is ascribed to me in the Bible, and that if my true teachings were known and taught, many of the blind and erroneous beliefs that are prevalent among Christians would not exist.

“I tell you that mortals do not conceive the harmful and deplorable results that flow from their belief in the Bible in these particulars. These doctrines are based upon falsehoods and forgeries and imputations that have no resemblance to what the Master or any of his apostles taught; and you can readily realize how anxious we all are that these errors and untruths be removed from the minds and souls of humans.

“But I must not permit myself to become too enthusiastic in considering these things tonight, or I might not stop, as I should under the circumstances. I will come very soon, though, and write more on the subject, as it is a vital one to humankind.

“I should like to write more, but must not. So with my love, will say goodnight. Your brother in Christ, Paul”

There are more messages from Paul on the Hells, but I will not start one here. It is good to remember that God’s laws are perfect, and that “everyone reaps what they sow.” It behooves each of us, God’s children – every one, to do our very best to put our love into everything we do. Love is the highest law, and evrything done in pure love is in harmony with the laws of God.

“Desire to know the truth, the truth shall set you free.” When a sincerely-seeking-soul prays from their whole heart for God’s transforming Grace – Divine Love, it will be conveyed to their soul via the holy spirit, which is God’s special agency for delivering this Gift of Love to the souls of His prayerful children. More on the Hells to come.

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About the Hells

Message from Paul, of the Bible, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 449.

“I was present at the church tonight, and listened to the preacher tell his congregation what he didn’t know about hell – becausse what he said, in many particulars, was untrue.

“It was pleasing to hear him tell his people that there was no physical suffering, although he didn’t explain to them why this was so.  I mean that no spirit, when they go into hell, takes with them their physical body, or any other body that has such substance as would be affected by fire and brimstone and other unreasonable things that the churches have for so many years taught and terrified their members with; and as a consequence caused them to believe that the Father is a cruel and wrathful God. No, that damnable doctrine is not true, and I am glad the churches are ceasing to believe or teach it.

“But the doctrine that the preacher taught is quite as untrue and damaging as the former, for the reason that punishment of those who are out of harmony with God’s laws is a fact (which they will realize when they come to the spirit world); and that being so, to teach that this punishment is everlasting is as harmful as the doctrine that I first mentioned. How strange that preachers and teachers will try to cause their listeners to believe that God is such a wrathful and vindictive being, having less love and mercy than the most wicked earthly father has for his children! It is deplorable that such attempts are made by these supposed instructors on God to deny Him his great qualities of love and tenderness, and His desire that all His children become happy.

“Oh, I tell you that these preachers will have a woeful sin to answer for when they come to an accounting – and that will not be at the great “judgment day” as they teach, but just as soon as they enter spirit life and realize the great harm they have done to many who believed in their teachings. They will realize that awful result very soon after their entrance into the spirit world, for it will come to them. as “clouds of witnesses,” the spirits of those who were under thier instruction on earth, bringing with them all the evidence of their erroneous beliefs.” To be continued…

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More about God’s Attributes

Continuation of Ann Rollins’ message, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 54.

“Life emanates from God, but life is not God. It is only one of His attributes, conferred upon the objects of His creation that they may live and grow and fulfill the designs of their creation. And when that purpose has been accomplished, He withdraws from them this attribute of life, and mortals realize that fact. God has not, Himself, ceased to be part of that object, for He never was a part of it, but only that attribute has ceased to be a part of the object.

“God is the source and origin of All life, but that life is one of His creatures, as we say, as are humans or other creations of matter. Humans only live, move and have their being in the attributes of God. So you see, not all these attributes together constitute God, for He is a personality from which all these attributes flow.

“I know it’s difficult to comprehend the full purport of what I intend to convey, but you may in some way grasp my meaning. Love is a greater attribute even than life, but love is not God – just as love is not humans ( it is their greatest possession, when it exists in purity). As humans have many attributes, which all together do not make the person, so God has many, and yet they are only parts of His nature, and not Himself.

“Humans have a physical body and a mind, and yet they do not constitute the person, for they may lose both these and still be the mortal, or spirit. The soul is the real person (or ego, or personality), and all the wonderful parts of humans such as the mind, affections, desires and will are merely parts of them. If they were deprived of any of these, they would still be the human, though not as perfect a  person as when they have all these attributes performing their proper functions. And God is not God by reason of having all these qualities, but these qualities exist because they are attributes of God.

“God is soul and soul is God, and in this soul does His personality exist – without “individuality,” but real and existing and from which flow all these attributes of life.  If God was in humans, no sin or error or thing which violate His laws would exist. Amen

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God’s Attributes

Message from Ann Rolins, Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 53.

“I come tonight, as I promised, for the purpose of writing you a letter telling you of certain spiritual truths that I desire you to know.

“I am now in the 3rd Celestial Sphere, and in a much more exalted condition in my knowledge of spiritual truths than I have ever been, and have opened up to me a spiritual view that increases my understanding of the Father’s provisions for the happiness and salvation of His children. I know now, more that ever, that He is a real existing God of love, power and wisdom; and that wrath, such as taught in the Bible, is no part of His nature. For his children on earth as well as in the spirit world, He has only love, solicitude and sympathy.

“He is not a God that is far off, waiting for the arrival of the great “judgment day” when He will approve or condemn His children according to their deeds done on earth. He is with all mortals and spirits, and in a way that His influence of love may be felt by them, if they will only place themselves in a condition of receptivity of soul, so that such influence may be felt. For the relationship and nearness of God to humans depends to a very large extent upon the will and desires of the individual.

“God is not, in what is called His “personality,” with mortals, as has been taught by teachers of Bible-based religions; men and women do not live, move and have their being in Him. His personality has a location which is not everywhere, but in the highest heavens. This may appear startling to many people, and it apparently takes from them the consolation of believing and feeling that God is with and in them; but nevertheless it is true. God is not in humans, or in “nature,” as some  scientists, who believe in God, say.

“I do not mean it to be understood that God is not the loving, watchful Father, trying to make His children happy and save them from the results of their own wrongdoings, for that would not be true. And while I say He is not with mortals in His personality, yet He is with them in the sense and truth that His attributes of Love, wisdom and power are with them always.” To be continued…




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More about the Nature of Divine Love

Message continued; this is Jesus’ favorite subject; he was the first soul who longed to be close to his Heavenly Father (while in his mother’s womb) which fulfilled God’s desire to rebestow the gift of Divine Love to all His children everywhere.

“The Divine Love is a thing entirely apart from the created nature of mortals, and was not conferred on souls at their creation, as was the natural love; consequently, when humans obtain this Love and it becomes part of their soul qualities, their very nature changes, and they become a “new creature.” An additional something has been conferred upon them, and it becomes impossible for them to remain the mere mortals that they were. I know that humans do not understand the distinction between a person with only the natural love and one with divine love, but the distinction is so great that the one, when possessed to a sufficient degree, makes that person a part of divinity, while the other, no matter how fully developed and purified, leaves that person a mortal the same as they were at the start.

“Whosoever will pray in earnestness for the inflowing of this Divine Love will receive it. It is not a respecter of persons, and the sincere aspirations of the soul of any person, be he prince or peasant, sinner or saint, will invaribaly cause this Love to come into their soul and change their nature so that they will become a new creature, and one not subject to death forever more.

“The intellectual prayer is not efficacious, for it does not have any effect in opening up the soul; and neither does much of this praying do the work. One little moment of this true praying will be more effective in causing Divine Love to flow towards the soul than a whole lifetime of idle repetition of prayer that comes from a source only mental. And here again let me say that the mind is not the soul, and much less is it God.

“Well I think I have made it plain how this Love flows into the soul of a mortal; and in addition what its effect is when possessed by mortals. There is nothing in all God’s universe that can take its place for making humans at-One with the Father, and of causing them to become divine. Pray and never cease to pray for this Love. Your brother and friend, Jesus” Amen

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Divine Love Creates the Soul’s New Birth

Another message from Jesus about the soul’s New Birth. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 84.

“I come tonight to finish my message. As you remember my subject is: How the divine love enters the soul of a mortal. I’ve explained the difference between the physical body, the spiritual body and the soul; and how the real person is the soul, which may become an angel of God’s Celestial Kingdom. The only way in which the soul may become an inhabitant of the celestial spheres is by obtaining the divine love and thereby the divine nature of the Father. This can be accomplished only by the inflowing of the divine love, by means of the operation of the holy spirit, which is God’s instrumentality for conveying this love to the souls of mortals.

“This love never forces itself into the souls of humans, and comes only when they seek for it in earnestness and prolonged desires. It is waiting for all humans to receive it, but never enters the soul of its own initiative, without invitation. So the question is: how does it come into the soul, and what must people do to induce its inflowing?

“There is only one way, and that is by the opening up of the soul in such a manner that this love, when it comes in response to sincere seeking, may find a condition of receptivity that will allow it to find lodgment and an abiding place harmonious with and satisfactory to the qualities of its own existence. The simple means by which this can be accomplished are through prayer and faith. When a person in true earnestness, and sincere aspirations, prays to the Father for this divine love, such prayer not only brings the love, but causes those portions of the soul which are capable of receiving it, to open up to its coming, and to work in such a way as to attract the love.

“As I said when on earth, there is no other way to get into the sheepfold but through the gateway provided, and it is still true; there is no possibility of getting into the fold except through the gateway of prayer and faith.

“Good thoughts and deeds may help open up the souls perceptions to a degree and lead it to prayer, but it will be these; sincere prayers and humble faith that will invite the Love to come into the souls of God’s children. Amen

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