Paul continues writing on the hells.
“I desire tonight to write my message on hell – what it is and what its purpose is.
“Hell is a place as well as a condition, and the person who believes it is nothing more than a condition of their mind, will be quite surprised, as well as disappointed, when they arrive in the spirit world. I know that a person’s condition of mind and soul to a very large extent creates their hell, and is the chief source of their suffering, yet this condition is not the only source of that suffering or of the darkness in which they find themself.
“Hell is a place that has all the appearances and ingredients that are in exact agreement with the states of its inhabitants, as is caused by their condition of mind and soul. It is not a place of universal character, fitted for the habitation of all souls, irrespective of their condition or degree of defilement, but is composed of many different places, having gradations of appearances and surroundings suitable to the condition of the souls who live there. The expression, “the lowest depths of hell” is not a meaningless one, but portrays a truth – a real existing fact that many spirits are now experiencing the reality of.
“In its broadest sense, hell is every place outside of heaven. And heaven is that place where everything entering into it – its appearance, qualities and inhabitants – is in perfect harmony with the laws of God.
“Many people believe that heaven is merely a “condition;” and yet the Bible, in which so many believe, describes heaven as a place, with its streets of gold, pearly gates, etc. And as a fact, it is a real substantial place, having all those elements and appearances which help bring happiness and joy to its inhabitants (in addition to the happiness which their soulĀ development causes them to have). Then, as heaven is a real and substantial place, perceptible to the spirits that inhabit it, why should not hell be a place of real substance also, with those qualities and appearances exactly suited to reflect the unhappiness of those who are fitted for it?
“The spirit world, both heaven and hell, are places of substance, having theirĀ planes and divisions and limitaitons of occupancy, and are not mythical conceptions of mind such as you mortals ordinarily conceive ghosts to be.” To be contimued…