Message found in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 452.
“The bodies of spirits are more substantial than the physical bodies of mortals; and these planes and divisions, whether of heaven or hell, have a more real existence than mortals’ places of habitation or confinement on earth.
“The hells are places of darkness and suffering; but in them are no fires or brimstone, etc., as have been so commonly represented by the preachers and teachers of the orthodox churches, because there is nothing therin that would feed fires, or that fires could affect. And there are no devils, and no “satan”- though there are evil spirits of humans that are more wicked and vicious and horrifying than have ever been pictured of satan and his devils.
“In your communications you have had some very realistic descriptions of hell from those who are actually living therein and experiencing its tortures and realities, so I will not take time to describe it here. I will only say that, as it has not entered into the minds of humans to conceive the wonders and beauties of heaven, neither have they conceived of the horrors and sufferings of hell.
“But from all this, people must not understand that the punishment and darkness which spirits endure in the hells are specifically inflicted by the Father because of any wrath that He may have towards them, or to gratify any feelings of revenge, or even to satisfy any outraged justice; for that is not true. Humans, when they become spirits, are their own judge and executioner, submitting to and receiving the inexorable results of the law that states, “whatsoever a person sows, that shall they also reap,”
“This is a law that is absolutely necessary in order to preserve or bring about the harmony of God’s universe. And while it may appear to mortals, at first sight, to be a harsh and cruel law, yet in its workings and results, and even for the individual spirit who may suffer in the reaping, it is a most benign and beneficial law. For the darkness and suffering of a few years, as you mortals say, brings about an eternity of light and happiness. The law must rule; but even in all the apparent harshness and want of mercy, the great Love of the Father overshadows the sufferer, and finally makes the defiled and wicked soul one of purity and goodness. Amen