I may have been avoiding sharing messages about the Hells because of their unhappy content, but if people are seeking truth, it should include all information available to us fron the beloved angels. Paul’s message continues:
“I, Paul, write this, for I know, having suffered from this very cause myself. When on earth, I taught some doctrines like unto the ones that these preachers are now teaching, and even now I realize that I am to some extent responsible for many of these false beliefs. But I thank God that I am not responsible for all that is ascribed to me in the Bible, and that if my true teachings were known and taught, many of the blind and erroneous beliefs that are prevalent among Christians would not exist.
“I tell you that mortals do not conceive the harmful and deplorable results that flow from their belief in the Bible in these particulars. These doctrines are based upon falsehoods and forgeries and imputations that have no resemblance to what the Master or any of his apostles taught; and you can readily realize how anxious we all are that these errors and untruths be removed from the minds and souls of humans.
“But I must not permit myself to become too enthusiastic in considering these things tonight, or I might not stop, as I should under the circumstances. I will come very soon, though, and write more on the subject, as it is a vital one to humankind.
“I should like to write more, but must not. So with my love, will say goodnight. Your brother in Christ, Paul”
There are more messages from Paul on the Hells, but I will not start one here. It is good to remember that God’s laws are perfect, and that “everyone reaps what they sow.” It behooves each of us, God’s children – every one, to do our very best to put our love into everything we do. Love is the highest law, and evrything done in pure love is in harmony with the laws of God.
“Desire to know the truth, the truth shall set you free.” When a sincerely-seeking-soul prays from their whole heart for God’s transforming Grace – Divine Love, it will be conveyed to their soul via the holy spirit, which is God’s special agency for delivering this Gift of Love to the souls of His prayerful children. More on the Hells to come.