About the Hells

Message from Paul, of the Bible, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 449.

“I was present at the church tonight, and listened to the preacher tell his congregation what he didn’t know about hell – becausse what he said, in many particulars, was untrue.

“It was pleasing to hear him tell his people that there was no physical suffering, although he didn’t explain to them why this was so.  I mean that no spirit, when they go into hell, takes with them their physical body, or any other body that has such substance as would be affected by fire and brimstone and other unreasonable things that the churches have for so many years taught and terrified their members with; and as a consequence caused them to believe that the Father is a cruel and wrathful God. No, that damnable doctrine is not true, and I am glad the churches are ceasing to believe or teach it.

“But the doctrine that the preacher taught is quite as untrue and damaging as the former, for the reason that punishment of those who are out of harmony with God’s laws is a fact (which they will realize when they come to the spirit world); and that being so, to teach that this punishment is everlasting is as harmful as the doctrine that I first mentioned. How strange that preachers and teachers will try to cause their listeners to believe that God is such a wrathful and vindictive being, having less love and mercy than the most wicked earthly father has for his children! It is deplorable that such attempts are made by these supposed instructors on God to deny Him his great qualities of love and tenderness, and His desire that all His children become happy.

“Oh, I tell you that these preachers will have a woeful sin to answer for when they come to an accounting – and that will not be at the great “judgment day” as they teach, but just as soon as they enter spirit life and realize the great harm they have done to many who believed in their teachings. They will realize that awful result very soon after their entrance into the spirit world, for it will come to them. as “clouds of witnesses,” the spirits of those who were under thier instruction on earth, bringing with them all the evidence of their erroneous beliefs.” To be continued…

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