It’s hard to learn spiritual truths in hell

Message published in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 465.

‘”I am here B— I want to say a word. The Indian (White Eagle) tried to stop me, but your wife asid, “Let him write,” and I am doing so.

“Well, I am still in hell and suffering, I wish that I could die again, but I cannot, and will have to stand it. I can’t even be deaf, so that I might escape some of my torments, for I am surrounded by the most hellish beings you can imagine, and I have to listen to them. It is no use trying to fight, for I can’t hurt anybody, and they become more annoying when I try to punch one of them.

“It is awful, and I so regret that I did not listen and try to understand what the Doctor (Leslie Stone) so often told me when on earth; but now it’s too late. I often hear what he says to you now in your conversations, but for some reason I can’t quite understand. And besides, if I did, these damned ugly spirits would knock all the understanding out of me. It is hard to learn what you call heavenly things in hell, and I am so unhappy, and see not way to relief.

“The Doctor’s father talked to me, and told me some things that were like what the Doctor told me; and I felt better when he was telling me, and some hope came to me. But when I got back into my hell and saw all the horrors, and the shrieking, and ugly spirits, I forgot, and the hellish feelings came to me again, and I suffered.

“Oh, if I could only find some relief from these torments!

(a comment was made.) “Well, I will try again, for I know that Mr. Stone is kind, and wants to help me; but my trouble is that I doubt if he can. But I will go as you advise, and try to believe that he can. I am very thankful to you and the Doctor, and will try to hope. Anything to get out of this place and away from these devils.

“Your wife says I must stop, So goodnight, B—

We create our own condition by the way we live our lives from day to day. By the thoughts we hold and choices we make. Strive to develop your love nature. Amen


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Helen’s Experience, Part 4

Last part of Helen’s message, telling about her passing into the spirit world. Published in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 375.

Helen had said that she did not stay with her body after she commenced to leave it…”but I continued to rise, as I told you, until your mother met me. So you see, death, which I so much feared, was not such a dreadful thing to experience.

(Mr. Padgett asked a questiom) “Yes, when my son came to where my body was, I returned to it, and saw it taken away, and afterwards buried. But I still did not understand what it all meant, and only when your grandmother told me that I would no more inhabit it did I commence to realize that I had left it forever. But even then I had some feeling that she was mistaken, and that in some way I would return to it again and continue living on earth.

“When I had been in the spirit world for a short time, I saw other spirit forms – and even then I was not in condition of mind to fully understand that they were spirits and not mortals. The resemblance is very real to one who has never had their spiritual eyes opened; and even though the spirit forms all appear much more beautiful and bright, yet to me they all seemed to be human forms, and I thought that I was not in condition to fully see just what they were.

“You must let me stop now, for I am tired. Your own true and loving, Helen”

I had posted this last bit of Helen’s message, yesterday, then it disappeared after I returned to this site today. I do not have a good grasp of the computers abilities, but I’m willing to contend with it, in order to share these wonderful teachings from  the celestial angels and other spirits.

“I realize that this truthful spiritual information is not available in many places. But the people who have learned about God’s wondrous gift of grace – Divine Love, have commenced teaching about it in all ways they can. They tell friends, hold prayer circles in their homes, publish books sharing the angles messages, and hope to become loving examples for souls seeking truth to observe and follow.

“Divine Love is free for your soul; bless yourselves with the greatest gift available by praying to God for Love and Mercy. Amen

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Helen’s Experience, Part 3

Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 374, from Helen.

(Helen’s parents took quite awhile to realize they were no longer living on earth.) “But thank God, they both now realize that they are in the spirit world, and that they must learn to love God if they would be happy.

“When I commenced to leave my body, there was no pain, only the feeling that I was rising out of it. No darkness appeared to me, and I saw my body lying there as if asleep. I did not try to hold it, but thought that it was merely taking a rest, and that as soon as it felt refreshed I would enter it again and continue living as before. I did not wait for it to awaken, but continued to arise until, as I told you, your mother clasped me in her arms – she was my own dear mother as well as yours.

“I did not know that I was dying, but felt that something unusual was happening, and I was not afraid. As I always in life dreaded death, the strange thing to me was that I did not look upon death as dying. It was only a pleasant dreamy feeling, and I only thought that I was going to become absent from my body until it was refreshed. My thoughts were not of death at all. I had been suffering pain, but I thought I was getting well, and that the feeling of relief that came to me, resulted from my getting better.

“As my spirit arose, I thought only of my condition, and how soon I would be able to return home and see my friends. No other thoughts came to me – not even my love for God, or the fact that I was not in condition, as regards my soul, to meet my Maker (as I had been taught). There was absolutely no fear of what might happen to me, or that I would soon be called upon to account for the sins I had committed.

“Just before my spirit left my body I was unconscious, but just as soon as the separation commenced I became fully conscious, and knew everything that took place, and did not feel at all as if I were in danger or needed help from anyone. I did not stay with my body after I commenced to leave it.” To be continued…

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Helen Padgett’s Experience, Continued

Published in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 373, continued from Helen:

…”After awhile I commenced to think that I must be deceived in my sight and hearing, and was still on earth, and that I needed only my body again to know that I was still a mortal. Some time elapsed before I really became conscious that I was a spirit and was not on earth; for when I tried to talk to you, you would not listen to me, but turned away, as if you did not see or hear me. After a short time your parents came to me again, and tried to persuade me that I must not continue in my belief that I was still of earth, but must believe that I was in spirit life, and needed only the things of the spirit world to make me contented.

“I was so very fortunate in having your dear parents and grandmother welcome me when I passed over. If they had not received me, I do not know to what condition of fear and distraction I might have been subjected. No spirit can learn the truth of the change unless in some way helped by others.

“When you come over I will be there to receive you and love you so that you will never have to go through the period of doubt that I did. Your father is also waiting to receive you; and in fact, all your spirit band have agreed that when you come you will have nothing to fear for want of help and love.

“I first saw my parents after I had commenced to believe that I was a spirit. When I saw them they did not know me; they thought I was still in the body, and that they were still on earth (they had not yet awakened to the fact that they were spirits). They were very unhappy, and it took considerable talking to make them believe that they were spirits and not mortals. My father was more easily convinced than was my mother, for he commenced sooner to recall that when death comes, the spirit must go to God who gave it. My mother would not believe so soon, for she continued to think that she was with her acquaintances on earth, and that they were not treating her very courteously, for when she spoke to them, they would not answer.” To be continued…

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Helen’s Experience of Passing Over

Published in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 372, from Helen Padgett.

“When I realized that the time had come for me to go, I did not fear to do so, but calmly waited, and thought that all my sufferings would soon end. And when my spirit left the body, I commenced to feel as if I was rising out of it, and that I was going upward to the place that I had so often heard my father speak about. But I had scarcely awakened to the fact that my spirit had left the body before your mother had me in her arms, and was trying to tell me that I had nothing to fear, or any cause to feel that I was not with those who loved me.

“She was so beautiful that I hardly realized that it was she, and when I commenced to see that I was no longer in my body, I asked her not to leave me, but to take me with her to where she lived. She told me that I could not go there, but that God had prepared a place for me to go, and that she would accompany me and show me the truth of my future existence.

“I went with her, and she took me to a place that was very beautiful and filled with spirits who had recently passed over. She did not leave me for a long time, and when she did, your father came to me and said, “I am Ned’s father, and want to help you realize that you are now in the spirit world, and must not let your thoughts of the earth keep you from getting in condition to learn that all of us are only waiting for the love of God to help us go to higher and better things.”

“Your grandmother soon came to me and told me who she was. She was so beautiful and bright that I could scarcely look at her; for her face was all aglow with what seemed to me to be a heavenly light, and her voice was so sweet and musical that I thought she must be one of  God’s angels that I had read about in the Bible. She told me of the things that God had prepared for me, and that He wanted me to love Him, and to feel that He loved me.” To be continued…


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The Divine Love, Part 2

Message continued from John, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 13.

“God’s  gift of divine love is greater than faith or hope, because it is the real substance of the Father, while faith and hope are qualities which humans may possess by their own efforts, and which are given them, so they may realize the possibility of obtaining this love. They are the means – it is the end and fullness of their exercise.

“Humans must not believe that all love is this divine love, for it is very different in its substance and qualities from all other loves. All humans have, as part of their possession, the natural love, and they need not pray for a bestowal of that, although since it has become defiled by sin, it needs to be purified from this blight, and the Father is willing and ready to help mortals obtain this purification. But the divine love is not part of human’s nature, nor can they obtain or possess it ‘except they seek for it.’ It comes from without, and is not developed from within.

“It is the result of individual acquirement, and not the object of universal possession. It may be possessed by all; or it can be possessed by only a few; each person must determine for themself whether it shall be theirs.

“With God there is no respect of persons; neither is there any royal-road to the obtaining of this love. All must pursue the same way, and that way is the one that Jesus taught; the opening up of the soul to this love finding a lodgment therein, which can be brought about only by sincere prayer and longings for its inflowing.

“This Love is the life of the Celestial Heavens, and the only key that will unlock the gates; and when the mortal enters therein, all other love is absorbed by it. It has no substitute, it is of the divine essence, and the spirit who possesses it is divine itself. It may be yours; it may be all humans – and it may not. You must decide for yourself, not even the Father can make that decision for you.

“In closing let me repeat that God’s Grace (divine love) is the greatest thing in all the universe, and not only the greatest, but the sum of all things, for from it flows every other thing that brings peace and happiness to God’s children. Amen

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The Divine Love

Message from John, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 12.

“I come to say a few words in reference to love – the divine love of the Father, which He bestowed upon humankind at the coming of the Master. This Love is the greatest thing in all the world, and the only thing that can make humans at-One with the Father and change their soul into a divine substance filled with the essence of the Father. There is nothing else in all the universe of God that can cause humans to become a new creature and an inhabitant of the Father’s Kingdom; and when humans possess this love, they then possess everything that will make them not only the perfect human, but the divine angel.

“Then they will understand the moral precepts of brotherly love, and also the Father’s oneness, and they will not have to seek for other help in order to bring into the life of the human race those qualities that will bring to it peace and goodwill.

“Then will every person know that every other person is their brother or sister, and be able to do unto each, as they would have the other do unto them, and this without sacrifice on their part. For love worketh its own fulfillment, and all its beneficence floweth towards the fellow-human as falls the dew from heaven. Envy, strife, hatred, jealousy and all the other evil qualities of humans will disappear, and only peace, joy and happiness will remain.

“It is so abundant that it may be possessed by all mortals, only for the seeking and sincere longings for its inflowing. But people must understand that is is not theirs by matter of right, nor is it ever forced upon them, but comes only in response to prayer of a soul filled with longings for its coming.

“This love comes not with observation of moral rules, or with good deeds and the exercise of the natural love of a person towards their fellows. All kindness and acts of love are desirable, and they work out their own rewards, and bring happiness and peace that result from good thoughts and deeds; but all these do not bring into the soul of a person God’s divine love. It is the Father alone who bestows this love, and only when a soul is opened up to its reception can it possibly find its home in that soul.” To be continued…

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Go to the Father in Prayer

This is one of the earliest messages James Padgett received from Jesus. It was received on Septenber 28, 1914. Found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 1.

“You are my true brother, and will soon have the love of our Father in your being. Do not be discouraged or cast dowm, for the holy spirit will soon fill your soul with the love of God, and then you will be happy, and full of light and power to help yourself and fellow human beings.

“Go to your Father for His help. Go in prayer, and have faith, and you soon will feel His love in your heart. My teachings, I know, you will receive in the course of time, and you will then see that your understanding will be greatly enlarged; you will know that I am the Father’s son, as I explained it to you a few nights ago. You can and will receive God’s love so you will not need to go through an expiation in the spirit world.

(Padgett asked a question.) “I was not conceived by the holy spirit, in the sense taught by the preachers who are leading people in the doctrines of the churches. I was born as you were born, and my earthly father was Joseph. I was conceived by the holy spirit in the sense that I began receiving God’s love into my soul while still in the womb, which enabled me to be born free from sin and error.

“I was always free from sin and error, but I had all the feelings and longings of a human being which were not of sin. My love was human as well as spiritual, and I was subject to all the feelings of sympathy and love that any other human being was. Do not understand that I was preoccupied with those desires and longings for the pleasures of the world which the human passions create – I was not – but I was capable of deep feelings, and could feel and know the suffering and distress of humanity.

“You will learn that many errors were introduced by the writers of the Bible. I will show you that many of the alleged sayings of mine were not said by me, and did not experss my teachings of the truth.

“You are too weak to write more. You have my blessing, and also that of the holy spirit. Jesus the Christ”

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The Reign of Love

Message from John, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 14.

“I felt your call and I came. I will tell you of love, as that is what you called me for. The love that I taught of when on earth is the love that the Father has prepared for all His children who might seek fot it. All that is required is that they seek with earnestness and faith to receive it.

“I know that this love is frequently confounded with the natural love that God gave to humans at their creation, but the two are different and distinct. Every person has the natural love, more or less developed, and it is a great gift, and makes humans what they are. But not so many have this other love, because it is bestowed only in answer to prayer, and the real longings of the soul. This is the divine love, and makes mortals part of the divinity of the Father, and consequently immortal.

“God is Love – this is the greatest truth of His being. But while His love is free for all, yet it is not bestowed without the desire of the mortal to receive it.

“I am supremely happy, and am working for humanity, and so directly does the Master. I do more for the advancment of the spirits after they have commenced to enjoy the love of the Father in their souls.

“Jesus is the ruling spirit in our kingdom, and his power is supreme. It is, of course, the Kingdom of God, but this kingdom is being formed by the Master, and to him is given the supreme ruling power, and we all are his followers. But he “rules” by love and ministrations, not by the hard lines of force and coercion. It’s hard to help you understand this obedience is the result of love, the word ‘obey’ does not convey the exact meaning intended.

“Jesus is the greatest of all because he has more of this Love than any other spirit, he is nearer to the Father and knows more of Him and His attributes. No distinction is made in this kingdom because of any personal greatness, but only because of more or less of divine love in the soul of the spirit.

“All my knowledge came to me from Jesus’ teachings and God’s love in my soul. Love is the ingredient of all knowledge.” Amen

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Only One God, Part 2

Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 3.

Jesus was saying: “In these latter days many people, in the exercise of an enlightened freedom, have become unbelievers and turned away from God and His Love. They have thought and taught that humans, themselves, are sufficient for their own salvation. These people err when they choose to disbelieve in God.

“What my teachings are, I know is difficult to understand from the writings of the New Testament, for many things therein contained I never said, and many things I did say are not written therein. I am now going to give to the world the truths as I taught them when on earth, and many that I never disclosed to my disciples or inspired others to write.

“No person can come to the Father’s love, except they be born again. This is the great and fundamental truth for mortals to learn and believe, for without this “new birth” humans cannot partake of the divine essence of God’s love, which, when possessed by mortals, makes them at-One with the Father. This love comes to humans by the workings of the holy spirit, which causes this love to flow into their  soul, filling it, so all sin and error will eventually become eradicated.

“If humans will pray to the Father, have faith, and earnestly ask that this love be given them, they will receive it, and when it comes into their soul they will realize it.

“Let mortals not think that by any effort of their own they can come into this union with the Father, because they cannot. No river can rise higher than its source, and no person who has only the natural love can, of their own powers, cause that love to partake of the divine. Humans are God’s creatures, and cannot create anything higher than themselves; So humans cannot rise to the nature of the divine unless the divine first comes into them and makes them part of its own divinity.

“All God’s children who do not get part of the divine essence will be left in their natural state; and while they may progress to higher degrees of goodness and happiness and freedom from sin, they will be only natural humans still.

“I came to show mortals the way to this divine love of the Father, and to teach them spiritual truths; my mission was that in all its perfection. Amen

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