Message from Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 3.
Jesus was saying: “In these latter days many people, in the exercise of an enlightened freedom, have become unbelievers and turned away from God and His Love. They have thought and taught that humans, themselves, are sufficient for their own salvation. These people err when they choose to disbelieve in God.
“What my teachings are, I know is difficult to understand from the writings of the New Testament, for many things therein contained I never said, and many things I did say are not written therein. I am now going to give to the world the truths as I taught them when on earth, and many that I never disclosed to my disciples or inspired others to write.
“No person can come to the Father’s love, except they be born again. This is the great and fundamental truth for mortals to learn and believe, for without this “new birth” humans cannot partake of the divine essence of God’s love, which, when possessed by mortals, makes them at-One with the Father. This love comes to humans by the workings of the holy spirit, which causes this love to flow into their soul, filling it, so all sin and error will eventually become eradicated.
“If humans will pray to the Father, have faith, and earnestly ask that this love be given them, they will receive it, and when it comes into their soul they will realize it.
“Let mortals not think that by any effort of their own they can come into this union with the Father, because they cannot. No river can rise higher than its source, and no person who has only the natural love can, of their own powers, cause that love to partake of the divine. Humans are God’s creatures, and cannot create anything higher than themselves; So humans cannot rise to the nature of the divine unless the divine first comes into them and makes them part of its own divinity.
“All God’s children who do not get part of the divine essence will be left in their natural state; and while they may progress to higher degrees of goodness and happiness and freedom from sin, they will be only natural humans still.
“I came to show mortals the way to this divine love of the Father, and to teach them spiritual truths; my mission was that in all its perfection. Amen