Continued from Previous Post

From Martin Luther, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 242.

Luther stated that Jesus abhors being worshipped as God; They, the Celestial spirits and others who are progressing in the Grace of God’s Love, have been working diligently for centuries, to help humans and spirits learn that Jesus is a child of God, the same as all human beings. He continues: “Of course, you will remember that the question of what the wine and bread of the sacrament really were, was one that engendered much controversy and even ill-feelings and hatred on the part of those who were assisting me in the Reformation. If I had known then what I know now, no such question would have been debated or believed in by me and taught for so many years. The blood of Jesus was no more than any other persons blood, and the commemoration of the last supper that Jesus gave his disciples before his death is a useless ceremony, and brings no help to those who indulge in this “sacrament.”

“I see that you are tired and sleepy, so I will not write more now. So with my love and wishes for an increase in you of the divine love, I am Your brother in Christ, Luther”

It is my sincere prayer and hope that people will learn that prayers to God for the Grace of Divine Love, will bring into their soul the great substance of the Father’s Soul, and will eventually – as they continue to pray and have faith, transform them into divine beings – born again in Love.

As one goes through their day, their thoughts can be prayers; Desire to develop the highest potential of your soul. Long to become closer to God’s will in thoughts and actions. Pray to be blessed by the Holy Spirit – It is the special Energy of God, that has the sole function of delivering God’s Substance of Love to the prayerful child.

Strive to “do all things with great love,” it is a formula for success. Recognize that we do reap what we sow! The spiritual lessons passed down through the generations can help a person with their spiritual development, if they are applied in daily living.

Pray to “know the truth.” Don’t be quick to judge, be willing to see the other persons point of view. If you desire peacefulness in your life, live peacefully, God will bless you. Amen

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Baptism and the Lords Supper

From Martin Luther, in 1916, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 241.

“I desire to write a messaage on the subject of the ceremonies which my church uses in its worship. I will not detain you long, and will try to express myself as succinctly as possible.

“Well, as you may know, the church of which I am the founder believes and teaches the necessity of infant baptism and the observance of the “lord’s supper.” It considers these as essential parts of its doctrine, and of such great importance that without them it is difficult to become an accepted member of the “invisible church of Christ.”

“Nothing is further from the truth than these doctrines regarding the baptism of infants, for they have no virtue to save one from their sins, or to make them in at-Onement with the Father. The mere fact that water is sprinkled on an infants head and some blessings pronounced by the preacher does not in any way bring that infant in unison with the Father. Baptism is of man’s creation, and to God it means nothing more than an outward ceremony that affects the infant merely as regards its connection with the established earthly church. It is not possible for this baptism to have any effect upon the soul of the infant, and neither does it open up the soul faculties to the inflowing of the divine love.

“God cares not for these ceremonies, for their tendency is to make mortals neglectful of the great truths that ‘will’ bring them into harmony with God’s laws of love and redemption. The same thing may be said of any and all kinds of baptism, whether the subject thereof be an infant or a grown person.

“As to the sacrament of the lords supper, it has no part in God’s plan for the redemption of humankind, and is merely a reminder of the association of Jesus with his disciples. It cannot affect the condition or development of the soul, and as now understood and practiced, is of no value or improtance. Jesus does not want to be remembered in the way of recalling the tragedy on the cross, and the boold spilt is not an element that enters into the plan of salvation of mortals. And besides, with this sacrament there is always more or less a worshipping of Jesus as God, which he (Jesus) abhors.” To be continued…


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What Is Faith?

From Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 16.

“I know that at times it seems difficult to grasp the full meaning of faith in the Father and His love, but if you will earnestly seek for God’s love, you will find that there will come to you such a belief in His wonderful love and the nearness of His presence that you will be free from all doubt.

“You have asked me, “What is faith?” and I will answer: Faith is that which, when possessed in its real and true meaning, makes the knowledge of the soul a thing of real, living existence, and one so certain and palpable that no doubt will arise as to its reality.

“This faith is not the belief which arises from the operations of the mind, but is that which comes from the opening of the perceptions of the soul, and which enables its possessor to “see” God in all His beauty and love. I do not mean that the possessor of this faith will actually see God in form or feature, for He has none such, but their soul perceptions will be in such condition that all the attributes of the Father will appear so plainly to them that they will be as real as anything that can be seen with the eyes. Such faith comes only with constant prayer, and the reception into the soul of divine love.

“No person can be said to have faith such as this who has not received divine love. Of course, faith is a progressive quality or essence of the soul, and increases as possession of the divine love increases. Your prayers call from the Father a response that brings with it faith, and with this faith comes knowledge of the existence of this love in your soul.

“Many people understand this faith to be ‘belief’ but it is greater than belief, and exists in its true sense only in the soul. Belief may arise from a conviction of the mind, but faith never can. It’s place of being is in the soul, and no one can possess it in its fullness unless their soul is awakened by the inflowing of this love.

“So when we pray to the Father to increase our faith, it’s a prayer for an increase of Love. Faith is based on the possession of love and without it there can be no faith.”

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Battlefield of the Soul, Part 3

Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 113, Jesus’ message continued.

Recap: I was also teaching that the natural love humans originally possessed, would lead them from hatred and war, if it was purified. “But strange as it may seem, it is more difficult to regain the state of purity of the natural love than to obtain the greater purification which comes with the possession of the Divine Love.

“Many centuries may pass before humans will attain the state of purification, that will enable them to say that because of this love, wars cannot come again and peace must reign; therefore it’s so important for them to know that when they recieve Divine Love, with it will come the impossibility of war and strife, individually and nationally.

“So when it is written or portrayed in pictures that I am on the battlefields, trying to show humankind the horrors of was, or that I am weeping over the slaughter, such writings are not true. My mission is to reach the souls of mortals, and turn them to the Father; and my weeping or sorrow is when they will not listen to the voice that comes to them all, as it calls them to turn to the Father and “live.”

“A dead body is of small consequence as compared to a “dead” soul – and there are so many that pass into the spirit world bringing with them their dead souls. As the dead bodies lie on the field of carnage, there is nothing there that needs my help or sympathy, and the souls that leave these bodies are not in condition, at that time, to listen to my ministrations, or to consider their future existence.

“So you see, there is no reason why I should visit the battlefields, or try to help these newly arrived spirits. No, Jesus the elder brother is not the physican for the mangled or wounded bodies, or for the souls that enter into the spirit world filled with hatred and antagonism.

“Physical death, in the view of eternity, is not of much moment; and while I know  that to the ordinary mortal it is one of the most momentous of their existence, yet, as I say, it is of comparatively little importance. But Oh, the importance of the death of their soul, and the necessity for them to awaken to that life.

“Well. I have written enough now, and will stop. Your brother and friend, Jesus.”

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Battlefield of the Soul, Part 2

Continued, message from Jesus, GGL, page, 113.

Jesus was saying the reason he is not on the battlefields, is because they are not open to receiving his teachings of God’s Love. “But the wars of nations and the battles of hatred will never bring peace merely because of the horrors and desolations that flow from such wars and battles. Humans may think that when humankind looks upon these things of destruction, it will feel such horror and dread that never again will war take place, that only peace will follow, and forever remain the heritage of humankind. But I tell you that in this they are mistaken, for in the passing of a few years all these things will be forgotten, and then, human’s hearts being the same, with all the hatred, envy and ambition that existed in the hearts and minds of those responsible for the forgotten wars, these things will be repeated.

“As long as humans remain in their condition of sin, and have only what some may call the “Brotherhood of man” to restrain them from seeking to satisfy thier ambitions, or to gratify their desires to punish fancied wrongs, wars will ensue and the horrors of such conflicts will reappear on the face of the earth. Men will cry “Peace! Peace!” but the world will not know peace, and poor humans will suffer the recurrence of the workings of their evil inclinations.

“And hence you may understand that I am not so much interested in having peace come to humankind as a reault of the horrors of war, as I am in having it come as the necessary result of the transformation of their hearts and souls from sin to purity – and from the natural love to that of the divine love. For when this latter love is in human’s souls, they will not ceace from war and hatred because of the horrors that may attend these, but because the love that exists in their souls will not permit wars. Love will rule, and humans will forget hatred and all such things which now form a part of their very existence.

“My work is to change humans from the fallen people to the possessors of Divine Love. Also, I am trying to teach them that the love they originally possessed could lead them to peace, if it hadn’t become defiled. And if it could be purified, peace could again reign.” To be continued…

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The Battlefield of The Soul

Message from Jesus, published in The gospel of God’s Love, page 111.

“The scenes in which I was represented are creatures of the imagination, and intended to impress upon the observers of these scenes the beliefs or thoughts that, because of my teachings of peace and goodwill to humankind, I would necessarily be interested in those things that violate my teachings, and consequently would be present at the fields of battle.

“But it may surprise you when I tell you that I do not visit these scenes, because my mission as a spirit is not to help those who fall in battle and come to the spirit world as the result of war’s destruction. There are many spirits whose duty it is to look after the spirits of those who are so suddenly ushered into the spirit world, and to help them to a realization of their changed conditions, and to lead them to a knowledge that they are no longer mortals. These spirits are specially designed for ths work, and they comfort the unfortunate spirits and help them to recover from the shock of their violent and sudden transformation.

“This work, as you may say, is a material one; the helping spirits work to make the coming of these spirits as free as possible from the terrors which such sudden transformation might otherwise cause. This work is necessary, and one which is a part of the plan of the Father for the welfare and happiness of His children,

“But my work is different. I deal only with the souls of humans; and on the field of battle, the souls of mortals are not generally open to the influence of my teachings. And so my work is not among those physically dead, but among the spiritually “living,” who are in that state of mental and soul equipoise to receive the influences of my suggestions and love. The field of battle is not my place of work, and the killing of men and the carnage of war do not attract me, or provide for me the opportunity to do the great work that I (and the spirits who know the reality of  divine love) do.

“I am interested in the peace of humankind and the love of one brother for another, and my teachings on earth and in the spirit world are given for the purpose of bringing about this peace.” To be continued

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In Love, Not Fear

Message from Andrew, the Apostle, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 26.

“I come to tell you that where love is, there can be no sin or unhappiness, and fear is not. We who live in the celestial spheres know this to be a fact, and with all the force and authority that knowledge gives, we declare this truth unto you tonight: The love that “casteth out all fear” is the divine love of the Father, and when a spirit obtains that, there exists no such thing as fear, and nothing that could create or permit fear to exist.

“God wants the souls of mortals in love, and not in fear, and the only way in which such end can be accomplished is for mortals to see and know Him as a God of love only.

“No person can come to the Father except through the new birth and faith in God’s love. The performance of duty, good works, and mere faith, while they will help mortals in the development of their moral character and qualities, yet they will not give them an entrance into the Celestial Heavens, which are the heavens where Jesus rules and is the prince of peace.

“Many spirits are happy by reason of their having led good, moral lives on earth, and because of a high development of their natural love, and because they realize God is their Father who watches over them and gives them many blessings; but this happiness is not that which comes with the possession of the divine love. And besides, the place of habitation of these spirits is limited, and does not permit them to have free access to all the spheres where God’s goodness and care are manifested.

“The spirits who have obtained this divine love have no limitation in the spheres to which they may progress, and are not restricted in their place of habitation or in the spheres in which they may live. And besides, the presence and glory of the Father are so much greater in these celestial spheres than in those where the natural love obtains.

“I must not write more tonight, for you are commencing to tire. So with all my love, I will say goodnight. Your brother in Christ, Andrew”

The natural heavens’ limitation is the 6th sphere; in order to progress higher, a spirit needs to return to the  3rd sphere, and commence praying for divine love.

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The Time to Aspire for the Gift is Now

Message from John Garner, a Christian preacher in the time of the Reformation. Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 474.

“I am here to tell you that God is Love, and that all humankind are His children, and the object of His loving care. Not even the vilest sinner is beyond the boundaries of His care and love. He is not a God who needs propitiation or sacrifice, but calls to all His children to come to Him and partake freely of the great feast of love which He has prepared for them, and to enjoy the happiness which His presence gives. So, my friend, do not think that the doors of mercy or the entrance into the delights of His heavenly home is colsed by death, for I tell you that the death of the body is an entrance into a higher life, with increased opportunities.

“But not withstanding what I say, the soul that seeks to obtain this love while on earth has a great advantage in time over the one that waits until their spirit leaves the body before seeking for the Father’s love. The best time for mortals to aspire to attaining this great gift is “Now”, and no time is so propitious. God’s love is for the mortal, even if they have the passions and appetites which the flesh encumbers them with. And when a mortal overcomes the temptations which these passions impose, they are stronger and more able to progress when they enter the spirit world.

“I know I am writing like some camp meeting preacher, but what I say is the truth nevertheless, and happy is the mortal who realizes this fact and acts accordingly.

“Jesus is working among mortals now, as he did on earth, and although they cannot see his physical form, or hear his voice of love, yet the influence of his love is felt, and the persuasion of his spirit voice is heard in the hearts of mortals. He is still the “savior of mortals” as he was on earth, and his mission will not cease until sin and error shall have been eradicated on earth and in the spirit world. Humans having natural love will be freed from all inharmony, and live in peace and happiness, and those having divine love will be angels in the Celestial Heavens.” Amen

(I realize I already posted this message; I like it alot, so enjoy it again.)

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Luke’s Message, continued

Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 467.

Luke had mentioned that when a spirit finds themself in place of punishment, they frequently believe there is no other place they can go. “I want to say here that, within the spirit, there is no quality or power that can readily start them on their progression; and in this sense, the old Bible expression, “As a tree falleth so shall it lie,” is true. Even as to the natural love, these spirits in the hells generally cannot initiate a start towards higher thoughts and beliefs, and only when some influence comes to them from without can they have an awakening of their dormant, better and true natures, so that their progress may commence.

“I don’t mean by this that it is necessary that some high and spiritual helper comes to them, but only that some influence from outside of themselves must come, in order for them to have an awakening. This influence may be from a spirit in a condition apparently similar to their own, but who has received some glimps of uplifting truth that it may convey to the darker fellow spirit. All spirits can help others who are in a lower or more stagnant condition than themselves, and sometimes they do; but the great trouble here is that, unless the potentially helpful spirits have some desire to benefit their fellow spirits of darkness, they do not try to help.

“And so, as your friend says, it is hard to learn of heavenly things in hell. He realizes that fact fully; and even with the help that has been offered and will be given him, he will find it difficult to make a start.

“The mortal life is not the only place of probation, but it is the most important, and the easiest place for humans to make their start in learning of these heavenly things.

“I will not write more now, but will soon come and write a formal message. So, with my love to you and your friend, I will say to you both, have faith, and let not doubt come to you as to heavenly things that we have written you about. Goodnight.

“Your brother in Christ, Luke”

In order to prepare yourself for a beautiful entery level when you go into the next phase of life, desire to know the truth and pray for God’s gift of Love. Amen

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Previous Message, Part 2

Message from Luke, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 466.

I want to enlarge upon the subject you’ve remarked upon, the expression contained in the writing you just received: “It’s hard to learn of heavenly things in hell.” It’s a statement, in a succinct way, of a great truth, and one, if it were known and fully appreciated by mortals, that would causse them to realize the necessity of thinking and learning of these heavenly things while on earth.

“I know that many say they do not believe in the orthodox hell, or in the necessity of troubling themselves about the future; or that they will take their chance in the hereafter, if there be one. If these persons, would realize the meaning of such a course of life, they would not leave their future to chance, but would, while on earth, seek for these heavenly things, and make a start for the realization of them now, and not wait until they leave the form of flesh.

They say taht a just god will not punish them by condemning them to an eternal torment, and they are correct. And while this just God does not condemn them at all, yet if their thoughts and actions have violated God’s laws of harmony, they are condemned by laws that are just as invariable as is the love of that God. And these laws bring certain punishment, even though it may not be eternal.

“The punishment is certain, but upon the spirit itself depends very largely its duration. If the spirit finds itself in such condition that it cannot make a start towards its redemption until a long time after its entrance into the spirit world, then that punishment will longer continue. And if the start depends, as it frequently does, upon the ability and capacity of the spirit to receive and understand those things that will start it upon its progress, then many spirits will remain for years in the condition in which they find themselves when they first come to their home in the hells.

“There is nothing in these places to induce or help in the understanding of these heavenly things, but on the contraary, there is everything to prevent and obstruct such understanding – hopelessness, the belief in an eternity of punishment, and frequently the want of knowledge that there is any other or better place than where they find themselves.” To be continued…


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