Continued, message from Jesus, GGL, page, 113.
Jesus was saying the reason he is not on the battlefields, is because they are not open to receiving his teachings of God’s Love. “But the wars of nations and the battles of hatred will never bring peace merely because of the horrors and desolations that flow from such wars and battles. Humans may think that when humankind looks upon these things of destruction, it will feel such horror and dread that never again will war take place, that only peace will follow, and forever remain the heritage of humankind. But I tell you that in this they are mistaken, for in the passing of a few years all these things will be forgotten, and then, human’s hearts being the same, with all the hatred, envy and ambition that existed in the hearts and minds of those responsible for the forgotten wars, these things will be repeated.
“As long as humans remain in their condition of sin, and have only what some may call the “Brotherhood of man” to restrain them from seeking to satisfy thier ambitions, or to gratify their desires to punish fancied wrongs, wars will ensue and the horrors of such conflicts will reappear on the face of the earth. Men will cry “Peace! Peace!” but the world will not know peace, and poor humans will suffer the recurrence of the workings of their evil inclinations.
“And hence you may understand that I am not so much interested in having peace come to humankind as a reault of the horrors of war, as I am in having it come as the necessary result of the transformation of their hearts and souls from sin to purity – and from the natural love to that of the divine love. For when this latter love is in human’s souls, they will not ceace from war and hatred because of the horrors that may attend these, but because the love that exists in their souls will not permit wars. Love will rule, and humans will forget hatred and all such things which now form a part of their very existence.
“My work is to change humans from the fallen people to the possessors of Divine Love. Also, I am trying to teach them that the love they originally possessed could lead them to peace, if it hadn’t become defiled. And if it could be purified, peace could again reign.” To be continued…