Battlefield of the Soul, Part 3

Published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 113, Jesus’ message continued.

Recap: I was also teaching that the natural love humans originally possessed, would lead them from hatred and war, if it was purified. “But strange as it may seem, it is more difficult to regain the state of purity of the natural love than to obtain the greater purification which comes with the possession of the Divine Love.

“Many centuries may pass before humans will attain the state of purification, that will enable them to say that because of this love, wars cannot come again and peace must reign; therefore it’s so important for them to know that when they recieve Divine Love, with it will come the impossibility of war and strife, individually and nationally.

“So when it is written or portrayed in pictures that I am on the battlefields, trying to show humankind the horrors of was, or that I am weeping over the slaughter, such writings are not true. My mission is to reach the souls of mortals, and turn them to the Father; and my weeping or sorrow is when they will not listen to the voice that comes to them all, as it calls them to turn to the Father and “live.”

“A dead body is of small consequence as compared to a “dead” soul – and there are so many that pass into the spirit world bringing with them their dead souls. As the dead bodies lie on the field of carnage, there is nothing there that needs my help or sympathy, and the souls that leave these bodies are not in condition, at that time, to listen to my ministrations, or to consider their future existence.

“So you see, there is no reason why I should visit the battlefields, or try to help these newly arrived spirits. No, Jesus the elder brother is not the physican for the mangled or wounded bodies, or for the souls that enter into the spirit world filled with hatred and antagonism.

“Physical death, in the view of eternity, is not of much moment; and while I know  that to the ordinary mortal it is one of the most momentous of their existence, yet, as I say, it is of comparatively little importance. But Oh, the importance of the death of their soul, and the necessity for them to awaken to that life.

“Well. I have written enough now, and will stop. Your brother and friend, Jesus.”

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