Those Who Liveth and Believeth…

Received from Jesus, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 224.

“I was with you tonight at the meeting of the Christians, and saw that you were thinking of things that I had written, and wanted to tell the preacher of my truths – but of course, you could not.

“He took a text from the Bible which I am credited with having uttered (and I did), but it did not mean exactly the way he explained it. When I said, “He that liveth and believeth on me shall never die,” I meant the person whose soul was not dead in sin, and believed the truth that I declared – that God’s divine love was waiting to enter into and fill their soul with its essence and substance – and who, by faith, received that love, such person would never die. That is, they would become Immortal, as God is Immortal.

“No belief in me as Jesus the man, or as the “son of God,” is sufficient to give a person eternal life. For while they must believe that I was sent by the Father to proclaim the great truth that had, again, been bestowed upon humankind the possibility of obtaining this divine love by prayers and faith, yet unless they believed this, and became the possessor of that Love, they could not claim to possess eternal life.

“I wish the preacher would pay more attention to the truths that I taught – those truths which show mortals the Father’s Love, waiting to be bestowed, and the way to obtain it, than to my personality. I, Jesus, as the son of man or of God, do not save anyone from their sins and make them at-One with the Father. But the truths which I taught, are the things that save.

“I know the preachers attempt to explain these things by the light of the Bible, as they understand that light, but it is so often obscured that instead of preaching from light, they preach from darkness. For these reasons, I am so anxious to deliver to you my teachings, that the world may know what the truth is, and what the individual must do in order to obtain eternal life.

“I know that you are anxious to do this work, that you’re praying for this Love, in communion with the Father. Keep up your courage, and your trust in God and your worries will soon cease.                         Your brother and friend, Jesus”


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Jesus was never in India and Greece

  • Message from, True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, Vol. I, page 355.

“I am here, Jesus; You must have more faith and pray more. These are the most  important things, and the next is that you must call on me when you become despondent, and need consolation, for I will respond and help you. And you must let that dear wife of yours come to you with her love and cheer. She is a beautiful spirit and loves you beyond any conception that you may have, and you must love her.

“Yes, I do love you more than you can comprehend, and you must return my love and be at-one with me. I pray with you every night when you ask me to, as you do, and I know that the Father will answer my prayers as well as yours. What I say is true and you must believe me.

“So let me have your questions, no matter what they are, and I will answer even before you ask them.

“I was never in India, Greece, or those other places, studying philosophies of the India and Greek philosophers. I never received my knowledge from any other than my Father in my communications with Him and from the teachings of the Jewish Scriptures. I lived at home in Nazareth with my parents all the years of my life, after we return from Egypt, and until I started on my public ministry.

“Neither John or Paul ever communicated that I was in these foreign countries studying the philosophies of the teachers they name. John never traveled with me outside of Palestine, and Paul, I never saw while on earth.

“John was a man of very affectionate nature and was with me a great deal during my ministry, but he was not what was called a learned man, nor was he acquainted with the philosophies of the men mentioned. He was the son of a fisherman, and was selected by me for one of my disciples because of his susceptibility to my teachings and the great possibility for developing the love principle. So you must not believe the statements contained in that book on this subject.

“Well, you must stop, but remember that I am with you and love you.                 Your friend and brother, Jesus”

I am pleased that these wonderful messages from the Angels, through James E Padgett, are being more widely distributed in the world. Amen


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Previous message continued

Jesus was writing about humans’ natural love; The Gospel of God’s Love, pg 142.

“The love that may be called the natural love, which will last forever (providing the souls seek and obtain the divine love) is the love that God implanted in two souls that he designed to become one in spirit life. This love is really not two loves, but one and the same love manifested in the two opposite genders, and which is only a complete one when these two apparently independent souls come together in perfect unity. This is what is commonly called the love of soulmates, and which is that essence of spiritual love which makes the happiness of the two spirits of mortals seemingly complete. Yet this love is not of a divine nature, but merely the highest type of natural love.

“Love, I know it is said, is the fulfilling of the law, but no human can thoroughly understand this until they know what love is. I do not mean that in order to fulfill the law humans must have the divine love of the Father, because there are laws that govern the divine existence, and laws that govern the human spiritual existence; and the divine love is the fulfillment of the former laws, and the natural love is the fulfillment of the latter laws.

“I will not say that humans should not cultivate this natural love to the greatest degree possible, for they should. And if that should be the only kind of love that they may have, either on earth or in the spirit world, the more of it they may possess, the happier they will be, and the greater will be the happiness of their fellow human beings and fellow spirits. So when I said on earth, that mortals should love their God and their fellows as themselves, I meant that they should do so with all the possibilities of whatever love they might possess.

“Yet, if humans would only learn (as they can) that there is no necessity for them to have only the natural love! They can all seek the greater love, and obtain the correspondingly greater happiness – and immortality. Many do not realize this, though, and seem to be satisfied with this natural love, and the pleasures that ensue from its possession. Yet, I want to impress upon them the greater desirability of having the higher divine love in their souls.” Amen

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Limitations of the Natural Love

From Jesus, Published in the Gospel of God’s Love, page 141. 

“I want to write tonight on the natural love of humans. This love is one that is not understood by humanity in one important particular; It is not the one that will give mortals the highest degree of happiness which they may obtain in either the mortal life or the life to come.

“This love is of a nature that changes with the change in the ideas and desires of humans, and has not the stability that will serve to keep them constant in their affections. No person who has only this love can ever be in condition to say that they will continue to have this love for all time; and when they think that their love can never change or leave them, they are only giving thought to a wish. This love is one that may last for a long time, and sometimes it seems that it can never die or grow less; yet in its very nature it has not that constancy which insures its lasting existence.

“I do not mean to say anything disparaging of this natural love, for it is undoubtedly one of the greatest gifts that the Father has bestowed upon humankind, and without it, humans would be in a very unhappy condition. Yet it is not the great love of the Father which all mortals may receive, if they will only seek and strive to receive it by means of prayer and faith.

“This natural love is that which unites men and women in harmony while on earth, and enables them to approach nearer to a life of happiness than does any other human quality; but still it has the possibility always accompanying it that sometime, in some way, it may cease to exist. The mother’s love is the strongest of all loves given to mortals, and apparently it can never end or grow old, yet a time will come when that love will die or cease to retain all its vitality and beauty. I know it is said that love never dies, but that is not true as regards this natural love; and no person can say that their love of today will reamin their love for all time.

“Yet there is a love that may be called the natural love that will last forever (providing these souls seek the divine love).” To be continued…

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Previous message continued

Published in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 172. Continuation from Jesus’ message, “Chosen Instrument of the Father;”

“I know that I was sent by the Father to perform the mission which I performed, and that it was intended in the beginning that I should be anointed as the Christ, but this I did not know until after I became a man and was then told what my mission was by the angels and my own inner voice. My mother or father or brethren did not know, and even after I had proclaimed my mission and showed the wonderful powers that had been given to me, they did not believe in my mission, but thought I was beside myself, that is, as you say, crazy with the belief that I was the chosen one of the Father. The Bible itself shows that this was their condition of mind.

“So, while I am the Christ of the Bible, and the chosen instrument of the Father to make known the great truths which I have proclaimed, and which I shall proclaim through you, yet I am not the “only begotten son” of God in the sense in which it is usually accepted. And much less am I God. As I have said, there is only one God, and I am merely His son and teacher, sent to declare to humankind the bestowal of the gift of Immortality and the way in which mortals may receive it.

“I will deal further with myself as we progress in our writings. Let no person believe that I was born of the “Virgin Mary,” or that I was begotten by the Holy Spirit, or that I am God, for all those things are untrue.

“For the present I will stop, and with all my love and blessings, and the blessings of the Father, will say goodnight. Your friend and brother, Jesus”

We’ve further learned that the Holy Spirit is God’s special energy which has the sole purpose of conveying the Grace of Divine Love to the prayerful person. And that Jesus was blessed by that spirit when in his mother’s womb, longing to be close to his loving Father. The first Divine Love received by a soul goes toward purifying their natural love; this blessing Jesus received was what enabled him to be born free-of-sin, because any inherited tendencies passed down from parents would have been removed. Amen

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Chosen Instrument of the Father

Message from Jesus, delivered/received on June 8, 1915. Published in, The Gospel of God’s Love, page 171.

When I was satisfied that I was chosen by my Father to perform His work of declaring to the world the rebestowal of His great gift of Divine Love, I commenced my ministry, and continued to work on earth for the redemption of humankind until my death on the cross. I was not then as perfect as I am now, and my knowledge of the truths of the Father was not so great as it is now. Let mortals know, though, that what I taught was the truth (but didn’t teach all of the truth) and they will then understand that I was (and am) God’s Messiah, and the special messenger by whom these great truths were to be taught to humankind.

“You have the question about how it was that the wise men came to me with their offerings and adoration, if I was not specially created by God to become His son and representative on earth.

“Well, the wise men came, but their coming was not because of any knowledge they had that I was a child “divinely created,” or that I was not a natural child, but because they were astrologers, and at that time saw a brilliant star in the heavens which to them meant that some important event had taken place. And being students of the Old Testament, wherein such a star was refered to as a forerunner of the birth of a savior, they concluded that that star was the one intended, and that my birth, being a lowly one, as they expected, was the one that scriptures meant, and consequently that I was the Messial spoken of.

“But outside of this knowledge as astrologers, and that of the scriptures, they had no knowledge that I was the Christ to be born, and when it is asserted that they had any information from God or His angels that I was the Christ, that assertion is not true. I know this because, since my coming to the spirit world, I have met these men and talked with them, and they have told me what I write. So, while I was the Christ refered to in the Bible – I mean in the prophecies of the Old Testament – yet those wise men had no other knowledge of that fact than what I have told you.” To be contimued…

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Previous message continued

Joseph’s account of the burial of Jesus’ body, and of his rising in his spirit form.

Joseph had written: …I saw the stone rolled away, and the shining one standing at the entrance of the tomb. “I was frightened and left the place, and was so overcome that I did not return until early morning. Then I saw Mary Magdalene, and heard her inquiring for the whereabouts of her beloved Master, and more wonderful, I saw the man of whom she inquired suddenly reveal himself to her. And I can testify, also, that it was the same Jesus whose body I had helped lay in my tomb.

“He was not of flesh and blood, as they say, for he suddenly appeared, and his appearance was not the same as that of the Jesus whose body had been entombed; but when he revealed himself to Mary, there was the same countenance and the same wonderful eyes of love that I was familiar with, and the same voice of love and affection. I know this and I want to tell the world that it is true.

“Before Peter arrived, I went into the tomb, and it was empty. And when Peter came I was with him in the tomb and saw his astonishment and heard his words of wonder and amazement; for notwithstanding what the Master had told him prior to the crucifixion, he did not believe or comprehend, he was as surprised and bewildered as the rest of us.

“Jesus of Nazareth arose from the tomb. and his fleshly body was dematerialized. As to his disappearance, I could not then explain, as could none who saw him after he had arisen; but now I know that, because of his great psychic powers he caused the disintegration of that body into its elements, as can be done now by many spirits who have that same power.

“Yes, Jesus arose from the tomb, but not from the dead, for he never died, as you will never die – only the physical vestment that enveloped his soul.

“I am now in the Celestial Heavens and am with him a great deal, and know that he is the greatest and most wonderful of all the spirits in the celestial spheres, and the nearest to the fountainhead of God’s love. He writes to you his messages of truth. Listen to him, and know he is your very close friend.” Amen

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Not of Flesh and Blood

Message from, Joseph of Arimathea, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 189.

“I desire to write a few lines to let you know that I really did exist as a mortal, and that I am the same man who laid the body of Jesus in the tomb where never before had any body been laid. I was with him at his death, and was with his body when it was laid in the tomb and sealed, and I know and testify that no man or society of men, as it has been said, stole his body from the tomb. His body was entombed, as was the custom of my time, and he was wrapped in cerements and fitted for the long sleep in the tomb, as we supposed,

“While I was not a follower of Jesus, yet his doctrines appealed to me as containing truth, having about them a living inspiration which I did not find in the teachings of the Jewish theology (for I was a Pharisee). I never thought that his death was justifiable or approved it, but I was not able to prevent it; and feeling that a great crime had been committed by the people of whom I was one, I tried to make small atonement fot the great crime by giving him burial in my new tomb.

“Of course, I did not believe that he would rise again in the way he had made known to some of his disciples, and when we buried him, I only thought that the tomb would be his sepulcher until nature had destroyed his body as it had done in the cases of all others who had been entombed.

“As you can imagine, I was interested in the proceedings taken by the Jewish leaders in their efforts to prove that Jesus would not arise from the tomb on the third day, and I kept watch as well as did the soldiers, and I can testify that no mortal ever removed the stone from the mouth of the tomb.

“I was there when the angel came and the soldiers were put into the sleep that the Bible speaks of. And I, Joseph, say this, knowing that it may not be believed, and that the Bible makes no mention of it: I saw the stone rolled away, and the shining one standing at the entrance of the tomb.” To be continued…

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The Resurrection, Part 2

Message from Luke, in The Gospel of God’s Love, on page 188.

“You will remember that on the third day Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, who was most intimate and familiar with the appearance of Jesus, and yet she did not recognize him, but thought he was the gardener: and so with the apostles who were traveling with him to Emmaus. Now if he had retained his body of flesh and blood, do you not suppose that they would have recognized him?

“If he had the power to resume that material body (into which Thomas thrust his hand, and found it to be a body in appearance of flesh and blood), do you think it strange or wonderful that he would have the power to cast off his earthly body while in the tomb and cause it to disappear into thin air?

“This, I am informed, is the true explanation of the disappearance of the material body of Jesus; and to me and to others who understand the laws of nature – I mean that nature that is beyond the ken of mortals – it is not surprising or worthy  to be deemed a mystery.

“I am glsd I went with you to the meeting tonight, as I became impressed with the desirability of making this great mystery a mystery no longer.

“With all my love, I am  Your brother in Christ, Luke”

Because God has given all His beloved children a will so free that they can believe what-so-ever-they-choose, I presume they will continue to believe the untruths in the Bible as long as they live on earth. This will create confusion for them when they enter the spirit world and find out that their beliefs are false.

I know it’s difficult to learn what the truth is, because there are so many different presentations of what people “believe” to be truthful. So we get to choose what to believe and not to believe. I suggest that if you sincerely want to know The Truth, that you include that deaire in your daily prayers.

Pray to know the truth; pray to do God’s will; pray to develop the highest potential of your soul. We, human beings, have the potential to receive God’s Grace, Divine Love, in answer to our earnest desires and prolonged prayers to receive it. Pray and have faith that you can receive God’s Love into your soul, and you’ll receive It. Amen

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The Resurrection

Message from Luke, in 1915, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 187.

“I was with you tonight at the spiritualists’ meeting, and heard what the speaker said as to the probabilities of what became of the body of Jesus after the crucifixion.

“I was not present at the crucifixion and do not personally know what became of the body; but I have been told by those who were present that the Bible description of his burial in Joseph’s tomb was true. The body was buried in the tomb, which was then sealed and a guard set over it to prevent anyone from interfering with the body, because Jesus had prrdicted that in three days he would rise again.

“After the tomb was sealed, Jesus arose, without his body of flesh, passed from the tomb, and descended into the lower spheres where the dark spirits lived in their ignorance and sufferings, and preached to them the rebestowal of the gift of Immortality.

“The body of flesh, by the powers which Jesus possessed, became disseminated into the surrounding atmosphere, and he retained only the spiritual body in which he afterwards appeared to the disciples and others.

“When he appeared at the meeting of the apostles (where Thomas, “the doubter,” was present), he recalled to his form elements of the material. so that, in appearance, the body was much like flesh body as when it was placed in the tomb, and before he disseminated these elements, as I have said.

“The flesh and blood which encloses the spirit form of humans. as you may know, is  continually changing, in obedience to the ordinary laws of nature as understood by mortals. And when Jesus, who understood and had power to call into operation other laws of nature, caused such other laws to operate, then the dissemination of the elements of the flesh body took place, and he was left with only the spirit form.

“This has been a great mystery to humankind since the time of the discovery of its absence by the watchmen at his tomb. And because of it being such mystery, and as an only explanaation of such disappearance, mortals have believed and taught that his body actually arose from the dead – and therefore, that the real flesh body of all mortals will also arise in what they call the “great resurrection day.” But no body arose, and Jesus’ spirit did not remain in the tomb. To be continued…

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