The Resurrection, Part 2

Message from Luke, in The Gospel of God’s Love, on page 188.

“You will remember that on the third day Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, who was most intimate and familiar with the appearance of Jesus, and yet she did not recognize him, but thought he was the gardener: and so with the apostles who were traveling with him to Emmaus. Now if he had retained his body of flesh and blood, do you not suppose that they would have recognized him?

“If he had the power to resume that material body (into which Thomas thrust his hand, and found it to be a body in appearance of flesh and blood), do you think it strange or wonderful that he would have the power to cast off his earthly body while in the tomb and cause it to disappear into thin air?

“This, I am informed, is the true explanation of the disappearance of the material body of Jesus; and to me and to others who understand the laws of nature – I mean that nature that is beyond the ken of mortals – it is not surprising or worthy  to be deemed a mystery.

“I am glsd I went with you to the meeting tonight, as I became impressed with the desirability of making this great mystery a mystery no longer.

“With all my love, I am  Your brother in Christ, Luke”

Because God has given all His beloved children a will so free that they can believe what-so-ever-they-choose, I presume they will continue to believe the untruths in the Bible as long as they live on earth. This will create confusion for them when they enter the spirit world and find out that their beliefs are false.

I know it’s difficult to learn what the truth is, because there are so many different presentations of what people “believe” to be truthful. So we get to choose what to believe and not to believe. I suggest that if you sincerely want to know The Truth, that you include that deaire in your daily prayers.

Pray to know the truth; pray to do God’s will; pray to develop the highest potential of your soul. We, human beings, have the potential to receive God’s Grace, Divine Love, in answer to our earnest desires and prolonged prayers to receive it. Pray and have faith that you can receive God’s Love into your soul, and you’ll receive It. Amen

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