Message from Luke, in 1915, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 187.
“I was with you tonight at the spiritualists’ meeting, and heard what the speaker said as to the probabilities of what became of the body of Jesus after the crucifixion.
“I was not present at the crucifixion and do not personally know what became of the body; but I have been told by those who were present that the Bible description of his burial in Joseph’s tomb was true. The body was buried in the tomb, which was then sealed and a guard set over it to prevent anyone from interfering with the body, because Jesus had prrdicted that in three days he would rise again.
“After the tomb was sealed, Jesus arose, without his body of flesh, passed from the tomb, and descended into the lower spheres where the dark spirits lived in their ignorance and sufferings, and preached to them the rebestowal of the gift of Immortality.
“The body of flesh, by the powers which Jesus possessed, became disseminated into the surrounding atmosphere, and he retained only the spiritual body in which he afterwards appeared to the disciples and others.
“When he appeared at the meeting of the apostles (where Thomas, “the doubter,” was present), he recalled to his form elements of the material. so that, in appearance, the body was much like flesh body as when it was placed in the tomb, and before he disseminated these elements, as I have said.
“The flesh and blood which encloses the spirit form of humans. as you may know, is continually changing, in obedience to the ordinary laws of nature as understood by mortals. And when Jesus, who understood and had power to call into operation other laws of nature, caused such other laws to operate, then the dissemination of the elements of the flesh body took place, and he was left with only the spirit form.
“This has been a great mystery to humankind since the time of the discovery of its absence by the watchmen at his tomb. And because of it being such mystery, and as an only explanaation of such disappearance, mortals have believed and taught that his body actually arose from the dead – and therefore, that the real flesh body of all mortals will also arise in what they call the “great resurrection day.” But no body arose, and Jesus’ spirit did not remain in the tomb. To be continued…