Put on the “wedding garment”

Message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 283.

“My dear brother, you have God’s love in your soul to a great extent, and I see you are very happy. I’m glad your condition is such, for I want to tell you that the Father is waiting to bless you and make you at-One with Him and a true child of His affections.

“I am prepared to give you my next formal message, and if you feel that you would like to take it, I will do so. Well then, I will write on the subject: Why humans must receive this divine love in order to be admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven (or the Celestial Kingdom).

“In that kingdom, every spirit has received this love to such an extent that their natures are of the divine essence of the Father. I do not mean that any spirit is “perfect” in the divine nature, but they have so much of this divine love in their soul as to make them in unison with the nature of God. There are different degrees of possession of this love by the spirits, and their happiness and glory are dependent upon the amount of love they possess. No spirit though, who is an inhabitant of this kingdon is without this divine love; and no spirit has in its soul any sin or error that may have been a part of it while in the earth life. Should anything in the soul not be in unison with the soul of the Father, that spirit could not possibly enter into that kingdom; and as the soul of such spitit remains in such condition of inharmony, it can never be received into the Celestial Kingdom.

“I know that among humans (and spirits) it is thought and asserted that because the Father is all-merciful, no one will be excluded from this Kingdom; but in this thought mortals and spirits both are mistaken, and I am sorry to say that many of them will, when too late, realize that error. God has certain fixed principles which are necessary for humans to know and obey in order for them to become at-One with Him and partake of His divine nature; and if they fail to obey the requirements of these principles, they will not possess that which would make them like the Father and admit them into His Kingdom.” To be continued…

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God’s Perfect Creation, Part 3

Luke was saying; Humans, who believe they were not created perfect by God in the beginning, may now feel they can do nothing but wait for God to “recreate” them. “See the great fatality of such belief, and how it tends to make mortals slaves of, and obedient to the false belief in original sin!

“God gave humans, at their creation, the great power of will, and the right to its unlimited exercise, subject only to the penalties of a wrongful exercise; and by the exercise of that will, humans created sin and desease, and became depraved and fallen, and the possessors of false beliefs as to the perfection of their nature. And by the exercise of that same will, humans themselves must redeem themselves from this condition of depravity and false belief, and again become perfect humans – God’s wholly perfect creations.

“As humans were in the beginning, perfect children of God, and by their own will created their own and only “devil,” so must they, by this same power, destroy this “devil,” and again become perfect children. They must believe and declare, and show the sincerity of their beliefs by their acts and living, that they are perfect children of the Father, and need no “new creation” to bring about their perfection.

“This I have written to show what humans were in the beginning, and what they, in truth, are still now, although “covered” with sin and disease and false beliefs. By learning about and acting upon the moral precepts described in the Bible and other sacred writings, they will be greatly helped and strengthended in their efforts to recover their lost condition.; but above all, let them understand and believe with absolute certainty that they are God’s highest and most perfect creations.

“Now from what I have said it must not be inferred that humans are their own God, and have no need of a loving Father who is interested in them, and who is always ready to help them whenever they earnestly and sincerely ask for that help. Always mortals are dependant upon God; but that dependance is not recognized by God unless his children first recognize it, and by their longings and thoughts show the Father that they need and want his help.

“God does help his children in recovering from a state of false beliefs and degradation. God’s Love overshadows humankind, and his instrumentalities are always ready to help those who call upon him.” Amen

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God’s Perfect Ceration, Part 2

Continued in a message from Luke, published in The Gospel of God’s Love.

 “The doctrine of “original sin” is a mocking damnable lie, and mortals must decline and no longer submit to this belief – which, I am sorry to say, is fostered by the teachings of many churches, in order to sustain and make forcible their creeds and dogmas. These creeds teach that humans are are not considered to be worthy of the Mercy of the Father, and cannot possibly obtain that Mercy and be relieved from the great wrath and punishment that God has prepared for them unless they believe and acknowledge that they are dependent and lost souls, unworthy of the Father’s favor, or help of the instrumentalities which the Father uses to assist humans in regaining their lost estate.

“If mortals would only realize that they are dear children of the Father, and his highest creation, and that He prizes them above all his creations, and wants them to know that they are beings of wonderful qualities and possibilities, they would then have come to them an overpowering and convincing sense of what they really are, and of how necessary it is for them to assert their rights as such exalted creatures of the Father. And they would then realize that they are masters of sin and disease, for they are creators of the same.

“Let humans know that God does not desire His greatest creatures to become or be less than the perfect beings that He created. He is not flattered, nor does He have any pleasure in the thought that humans are degraded and fallen from His perfect creation, and that in order to rise again, they must believe that God will show His power in rescuing them from their low and helpless condition, No, God is not pleased by humans assuming such an attitude, nor does He need any such helpless condition of humans that He may show His power, or gratify what those teachings imply – His vanity – which he has none.

“In this particular, humans must work out their own salvation, but it will be a difficult task so long as they continue to believe and act upon the belief that they are creatures of original sin, and that as God in the beginning failed to make them the perfect being, so now only God can remedy what He failed to provide in His creation.” To be continued…

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God’s Perfect Creation

Message from Luke, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 138.

“What is necessary for humans to do to recover the purity of soul and love that was possessed by the first parents? Here I am speaking in reference to the natural love.

“In the first place, mortals should realize that they are a perfect creature of God, and that their sins and diseases are merely the results of their own thoughts and of qualities that have come to them down the long ages of their ansestors living on earth.

“They need not suppose that these sins and desires are inherent in or part of their creation, for they are not, but merely accretions that fastened themselves upon them by reason of thoughts they’ve had, and the resultant course of life they’ve led. And when they change these thoughts, which will necessarily bring about a change in their manner of living, they will find that they can progress toward the condition of perfect  human beings.

“Many of these thoughts are so deep seated that they seem almost part of their very nature, and can only be eradicated by the death of their physical body, but this is not true. Humans, even while in the full vigor of their man and womanhood, and possessed with all the appetites and desires which arise from the perverted indulgence of these desires (either on their part or on the part of those from whom they are said to have inhereted them), may relieve themselves from these desires and become persons having only the thoughts of good, and desires for those things which are in harmony with the nature of their perfect creation.

“This, I know, seems to humans a thing impossible; and so thinking, they do not try to accomplish what I say they may accomplish, and therby become free from these sins and unnatural appetites. The almost universal belief in “original sin” has caused mortals all along the ages to think that such a task is hopeless, and that they are thinking and acting only in accordance with the appetites and desires that God has implanted in their natures.

“But this doctrine of original sin is a mocking, damnable lie, and the sooner people realize this fact, the sooner they will be able to get rid of those things which have placed them in their present condition and held them, seemingly, bound hand and foot.” To be continued…

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Everyone Chooses Their Own Spiritual Path

In the final part of Luke’s message on the Law of Attraction, he explains that every one of God’s children will eventually become pure and free from disharmony of any kind. God’s desire is that all of His beloved children, humankind, “shall become perfected in that love which they possess,” and which they seek for. The natural love, in its qualities, may become just as perfect in humans as may the divine love in its qualities. Each is just as much in harmony with God’s universe, in its respective qualities as is the other.

“So I say, mortals are helped, more than in any other way, by their meditations on the higher things of their being, and by prayers and aspirations to the Father – who hears the prayers of the person who has the natural love, just as He does the prayers of the person who has the divine love in their soul. Ultimately all sin and evil will be eradicated from the universe, and humans, even in their natural love, will become pure and perfected and happy.

“I have tried, in my inefficient way, to show mortals how they may progress in the development of their natural love; and if they will follow my advice, they will succeed. For humans, by the indulging of their perverted appetites, and the exercise of their willpower, fell to a low degree of degeneracy, so can they, by ceasing to indulge in these perverted appetites, and by the exercise of that same willpower, rise again to a condition of purity in their natural love. And always they have the help of the Father and the good spirits in their effort to recover their lost estate. And also, they have the memory of the experience and result of their fall, which they may not be conscious of, but which in their inner self has an existence, and is continually working.

“Well, my dear brother, I must stop. I feel that you have taken my message very successfully. Read it over and correct errors of construction. I will come soon and write again.                                 Your brother in Christ, Luke”                         

Editors note; To those who have eyes to see and ability to read, let them take to heart this wonderful information from the celestial angels. Each and every person is capable of bringing themself into harmony with love, if they so choose, and strive to  become loving souls. Amen

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Law of Attraction, Part 3

Continued from Luke’s message; “Evil communications corrupt good thoughts, produce evil desires, and retards the development of the soul’s natural love.

“…So the lesson to be drawn from all this is that humans must, in the first place, make the effort to have only good and pure thoughts and desires from their inner self; next, they  must avoid those objects and associations that tend to arise in them  evil thoughts; and thirdly, they must learn the truth that when they have these evil thoughts, they attract evil spirits, who by their influence can intensify these evil thoughts and desires.

“I know, as regards this last mentioned truth, that the majority of mortals have no knowledge of its existence; but it is time that they should learn that such danger to their soul’s progression does exist, and is always imminent. And they should learn this other fact; that when their thoughts are pure and free from defilement, they have surrounding them the influence of good spirits, who work to increase and make permanent their good thoughts, and as these good thoughts continue, the natural love develops toward its pristine condition of purity, and they come nearer to their designed condition of existence.

“This condition may also be helped very much by the mortal doing acts of charity and kindness, and by observing the golden rule; for every act of charity and kindness and self sacrifice for the sake of others has its reflex action in their condition of love, and helps their development. In short, observance by mortals of all moral laws tends to bring about the development of natural love. And as this development proceeds, the tendency to indulge in the perverted appetites of the flesh will disappear; and as it disappears, this love becomes purer and sweeter, and brings humans nearer to their state of perfection.

“The meditation upon spiritual things, and the outflowing of this love ‘towards’ the Father will cause this progression. For while all mortals do not seek for the Divine Love, yet as all humans are children of God, He helps them, to the full extent of their desires, towards happiness, and the perfection of the natural love with which He endowed them at their creation. Upon their will and aspirations depends the nature of the help which the Father gives them, but always God gives help and blessings, to the fullest extent possible.” Amen

The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 133 – 137.

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The Law of Attraction, Part 2

Recap; If humans want to progress in purifying their natural love, they should endeavor to have good and pure thoughts and desires.

“…Then they will attract to themselves spirits who are good and pure, and their influences will help them to a wonderful degree in strengthening and increasing these thoughts, thereby making it less likely that evil thoughts will arise in their brain, or evil desires in their affections. While humans may originate these thoughts and desires, they must know as a truth, that this progress is not dependent upon themselves alone; for when they are in that condition to attract the good spirits, they will invariably come to them and render their help – and it will prove to be a wonderful and never-failing help.

“Now mortals thoughts and desires are not only the result of something that comes from within themselves, and of which they may not be aware, for most frequently these thoughts and desires are the result of an objective influence that comes to them by way of their ordinary senses, which then creates or suggests the thought or desire. Without going into details you will understand what I mean, but as a mere illustration; a glass of whisky may and does suggest, to a person who likes whisky, the thought and desire that they should take a drink, thereby bringing into operation their will, which is followed by the act of drinking. And so with many other objects which a person meets in the course of their daily life; these thoughts and desires arise not only from seeing objects, but also from other natural senses.

“Again, these objective suggestions (arousing these thoughts and desires) arise and exist not only from the real object sensed, but also from words and thoughts which are expressed by other human beings in the course of conversation, or in books and literature; and when they come in this way, they are frequently more effective than in any other. As these objective words and thoughts enter the minds of mortals, they create similar thoughts, which frequently become intensified as they attract evil spirits of like thoughts with their degenerating influences. Hence the importance of humans avoiding companionship where such communications take place, and books or literature where such suggestions are made. It has been well said that evil communications corrupt good maners; and I may add that they also corrupt good thoughts.” To be continued…

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The Law of Attraction

From Luke, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 133.

“In what way do humans develop their soul in natural love? First, they must recognize that they do not live to themselves alone – that what they conceive to be the workings of their own mind and will, is not always the result of thoughts and desires which originate in themselves, but are often products of the influence of the spirits who are around them, trying to impress them with their desires and wills. Consequently you will understand that it is very important to mortals what kind of spirit influence they have surrounding and working upon them. If these influences are good, their progress in the development of their natural love is benefitted; but if they are evil influences, then of course such development is retarded.

“The first thing for a person to do is to attempt to attract to themself influences of a higher nature. And they can do so by trying to cultivate good thoughts, and to indulge in good and moral acts. The great law of attraction that we have written about applies and works in such cases as this, as it does in every other relation of God’s universe. If a person’s thoughts are evil, there will always be attracted to them spirits of similar thoughts. And when they come to that person, they attempt to, and often succeed in intensifying these evil thoughts which attracted them to that person.

“It must emphatically be understood in this regard that human beings may, and often do originate their own thoughts and desires, and it is not necessary that any influence of these evil spirits should be present and operating on their brain or affections in order that these evil thoughts should come into existence. And again, mortals have a willpower that is capable of being exercised free from the wills of these evil spirits – and you will see how true this is when you remember that they can exercise that free willpower independently from the will of God. So I say that these thoughts and desires may and do originate in mortals, free and independent of the will and influence of any evil spirit; and in fact, these spirits commonly are attracted to them because of the evil thoughts that they originated.

“So, if humans want to have the progress that I speak of, they should endeavor to have good and pure thoughts.” To be continued…

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Continuation of previous Blog

From Jesus, through Dr. Daniel G. Samuels.

“Information regarding my resurrection has already been given in the messages through James E. Padgett, (There are several publications containing Padgett’s channelings; The Gospel of God’s Love, is one.) and these explain my work in Joseph’s cave; I ascended into the spirit world to proclaim the availability of the Father’s Love through prayer and the possibility of at-Onement with God. Then I returned to the cave, materialized a body closely resembling my own, with elements drawn from the universe, the linen shroud which had covered my body, I folded neatly and placed in a corner and I walked out of the cave. The stone blocking the entrance to it having been rolled away by the bright spirit sent by the Father for that purpose; and it was in this way that I saw Mary Magdalene and the others, as mentioned in the gospels. The angel was a bright spirit, sent for the purpose of removing the stone; the strength he displayed in this task was obtained through the transmission of energy conveyed to him by many spirits who were present at the time. His materialized spirit body, endowed with this additional power, was able to cope with the task of rolling away the stone. He used the guard, whom he put into trance by suggestion, as the means by which he obtained the necessary ectoplasm to bring about the materialization.

“It was nesessary for me to do this to show that I was still alive, even after death through crucifixion, for at this time in their spiritual development this phenomenon was the proof in the eyes of my discples that I was the Messiah; but the real understanding of my Messiahship came to them only at Pentacost, when the Divine love was conveyed into their souls with such power and such abundance that they knew I had come to bring the very essence of the Father to humankind, if they would seek it through earnest prayer.

“This became known as receiving the Holy Spirit, erroneously, of course, because it is the Holy Spirit which conveys Divine Love into the soul of those who seek it; but even this became relegated to a secondary position before the fact of the “Risen Christ” which was preached to the pagans to substitute for their own gods.”

Pray to know the Truth and It shall set you free. Amen


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Shroud is a Reality

From Jesus, Revelation 11; Foundation Church of the New Birth.

“…I’m glad that you’re giving me the opportunity to write; I’ve been present for awhile and was reading the book with you; Dr. Barbet’s book on the crucifixion. I would like to say at this time that the shroud at Turin is a reality. It’s the shroud which covered my mortal remains after the descent from the cross and the preparations made for my burial by Joseph as describes  in the Gospels. The care for my body as described in John, Chapter 19, is correct. The nails that pierced my flesh were hammered into the wrists and not the palms as has been widely believed. Physical death came to me through asphyxiation, due to the unnatural position of my body dragging on the cross, and the opening of my heart by the Roman lancer and the accompanying flow of blood from the right auricle and the liquid from the pericardium actually took place as described by John.

“Dr. Barbet deals merely with the experience undergone by my body, and does not deal with the living soul; how much more important it is to devote oneself to the reconstruction of humankind through the experience of the New Birth, and to study those things which will, by deed, lead them to eternal life. The great compelling fact of the crucifixion is that, while my body was dematerialized by me and died as to its existence, yet my soul has lived on through the intervening centuries and will continue to live throughout eternity; this eternal life became a reality through my constant and fervent prayer to the Heavenly Father for the inflowing of the gift of Divine Love into my soul and at-Onement with the Creator Soul.

“While my body has these many centuries been returned to the elements from which they proceeded, and is no longer in exisrence as such, or can be brought back into existence through any such mysterious ceremony as the blood and the wine now practiced among religious cults, nevertheless what is really alive is my immortal soul. Also alive are my teachings which show the way to achieve immortality, by longing to the Father for Divine Grace, which gives eternal life. (Not the bread which is material, same as the body, becomes decayed and subject to the laws of the physical, and hence transitory world.)” More from Jesus in following Blog.

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