Shroud is a Reality

From Jesus, Revelation 11; Foundation Church of the New Birth.

“…I’m glad that you’re giving me the opportunity to write; I’ve been present for awhile and was reading the book with you; Dr. Barbet’s book on the crucifixion. I would like to say at this time that the shroud at Turin is a reality. It’s the shroud which covered my mortal remains after the descent from the cross and the preparations made for my burial by Joseph as describes  in the Gospels. The care for my body as described in John, Chapter 19, is correct. The nails that pierced my flesh were hammered into the wrists and not the palms as has been widely believed. Physical death came to me through asphyxiation, due to the unnatural position of my body dragging on the cross, and the opening of my heart by the Roman lancer and the accompanying flow of blood from the right auricle and the liquid from the pericardium actually took place as described by John.

“Dr. Barbet deals merely with the experience undergone by my body, and does not deal with the living soul; how much more important it is to devote oneself to the reconstruction of humankind through the experience of the New Birth, and to study those things which will, by deed, lead them to eternal life. The great compelling fact of the crucifixion is that, while my body was dematerialized by me and died as to its existence, yet my soul has lived on through the intervening centuries and will continue to live throughout eternity; this eternal life became a reality through my constant and fervent prayer to the Heavenly Father for the inflowing of the gift of Divine Love into my soul and at-Onement with the Creator Soul.

“While my body has these many centuries been returned to the elements from which they proceeded, and is no longer in exisrence as such, or can be brought back into existence through any such mysterious ceremony as the blood and the wine now practiced among religious cults, nevertheless what is really alive is my immortal soul. Also alive are my teachings which show the way to achieve immortality, by longing to the Father for Divine Grace, which gives eternal life. (Not the bread which is material, same as the body, becomes decayed and subject to the laws of the physical, and hence transitory world.)” More from Jesus in following Blog.

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