Received from Jesus, found in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 224.
“I was with you tonight at the meeting of the Christians, and saw that you were thinking of things that I had written, and wanted to tell the preacher of my truths – but of course, you could not.
“He took a text from the Bible which I am credited with having uttered (and I did), but it did not mean exactly the way he explained it. When I said, “He that liveth and believeth on me shall never die,” I meant the person whose soul was not dead in sin, and believed the truth that I declared – that God’s divine love was waiting to enter into and fill their soul with its essence and substance – and who, by faith, received that love, such person would never die. That is, they would become Immortal, as God is Immortal.
“No belief in me as Jesus the man, or as the “son of God,” is sufficient to give a person eternal life. For while they must believe that I was sent by the Father to proclaim the great truth that had, again, been bestowed upon humankind the possibility of obtaining this divine love by prayers and faith, yet unless they believed this, and became the possessor of that Love, they could not claim to possess eternal life.
“I wish the preacher would pay more attention to the truths that I taught – those truths which show mortals the Father’s Love, waiting to be bestowed, and the way to obtain it, than to my personality. I, Jesus, as the son of man or of God, do not save anyone from their sins and make them at-One with the Father. But the truths which I taught, are the things that save.
“I know the preachers attempt to explain these things by the light of the Bible, as they understand that light, but it is so often obscured that instead of preaching from light, they preach from darkness. For these reasons, I am so anxious to deliver to you my teachings, that the world may know what the truth is, and what the individual must do in order to obtain eternal life.
“I know that you are anxious to do this work, that you’re praying for this Love, in communion with the Father. Keep up your courage, and your trust in God and your worries will soon cease. Your brother and friend, Jesus”