Message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 283.
“My dear brother, you have God’s love in your soul to a great extent, and I see you are very happy. I’m glad your condition is such, for I want to tell you that the Father is waiting to bless you and make you at-One with Him and a true child of His affections.
“I am prepared to give you my next formal message, and if you feel that you would like to take it, I will do so. Well then, I will write on the subject: Why humans must receive this divine love in order to be admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven (or the Celestial Kingdom).
“In that kingdom, every spirit has received this love to such an extent that their natures are of the divine essence of the Father. I do not mean that any spirit is “perfect” in the divine nature, but they have so much of this divine love in their soul as to make them in unison with the nature of God. There are different degrees of possession of this love by the spirits, and their happiness and glory are dependent upon the amount of love they possess. No spirit though, who is an inhabitant of this kingdon is without this divine love; and no spirit has in its soul any sin or error that may have been a part of it while in the earth life. Should anything in the soul not be in unison with the soul of the Father, that spirit could not possibly enter into that kingdom; and as the soul of such spitit remains in such condition of inharmony, it can never be received into the Celestial Kingdom.
“I know that among humans (and spirits) it is thought and asserted that because the Father is all-merciful, no one will be excluded from this Kingdom; but in this thought mortals and spirits both are mistaken, and I am sorry to say that many of them will, when too late, realize that error. God has certain fixed principles which are necessary for humans to know and obey in order for them to become at-One with Him and partake of His divine nature; and if they fail to obey the requirements of these principles, they will not possess that which would make them like the Father and admit them into His Kingdom.” To be continued…