From Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 284.
“If a spirit was allowed to enter the Kingdom of Love without having the right condition or failed to obey the requirements, they, in such condition, or want of qualifications, would not be happy, for their condition would wholly fail to respond to those things in the Kingdom which give happiness to the born-again children of the Father. They, of necessity, would be most unhappy, and heaven would not be a heaven to them. So you see, all spirits, in order to inhabit this kingdom, must have the prescribed requirements of soul love and development.
“Let humans know that no mercy or love of the Father will enable them to enter this kingdom, unless they seek for this love and mercy in the way the Father has ordained that they shall be sought for. No special providence will be extended to any person, and if they come to the wedding feast without their wedding garment, they will be “cast out” and not be permitted to enjoy the feast.
“Humans may reason to the full extent of their reasoning powers to prove that the Father, being a loving and merciful God, will not keep them from entering this kingdom, because they are all His children, and the objects of His love and favor; and one is as dear to Him as the other; and He is no respecter of persons, and therefore will treat all alike. But I tell them that they are mistaken, and if they wait until that day when the sheep shall be separated from the goats, they will realize that what I say is true.
“Of course, every person ever born is the object of the Father’s care, and He makes no distinction between them. and He wants every one of them to inhabit His Kingdom and partake of those things which He has provided for them, and which are beyond their conception in their grandeur and beauty. He calls to all His creatures to come and partake of these provisions that He has for them; no creature is refused the gift of these things, or is heard to ask without being answered with their bestowal. Yet, when that person, who has this great boon, and has the way shown by which he can receive these gifts, refuses to follow that way, then these gifts are withdrawn from him. Amen