Luke was saying; Humans, who believe they were not created perfect by God in the beginning, may now feel they can do nothing but wait for God to “recreate” them. “See the great fatality of such belief, and how it tends to make mortals slaves of, and obedient to the false belief in original sin!
“God gave humans, at their creation, the great power of will, and the right to its unlimited exercise, subject only to the penalties of a wrongful exercise; and by the exercise of that will, humans created sin and desease, and became depraved and fallen, and the possessors of false beliefs as to the perfection of their nature. And by the exercise of that same will, humans themselves must redeem themselves from this condition of depravity and false belief, and again become perfect humans – God’s wholly perfect creations.
“As humans were in the beginning, perfect children of God, and by their own will created their own and only “devil,” so must they, by this same power, destroy this “devil,” and again become perfect children. They must believe and declare, and show the sincerity of their beliefs by their acts and living, that they are perfect children of the Father, and need no “new creation” to bring about their perfection.
“This I have written to show what humans were in the beginning, and what they, in truth, are still now, although “covered” with sin and disease and false beliefs. By learning about and acting upon the moral precepts described in the Bible and other sacred writings, they will be greatly helped and strengthended in their efforts to recover their lost condition.; but above all, let them understand and believe with absolute certainty that they are God’s highest and most perfect creations.
“Now from what I have said it must not be inferred that humans are their own God, and have no need of a loving Father who is interested in them, and who is always ready to help them whenever they earnestly and sincerely ask for that help. Always mortals are dependant upon God; but that dependance is not recognized by God unless his children first recognize it, and by their longings and thoughts show the Father that they need and want his help.
“God does help his children in recovering from a state of false beliefs and degradation. God’s Love overshadows humankind, and his instrumentalities are always ready to help those who call upon him.” Amen