Many Mansions, Part 2

Message from Jesus, continued.

“I live in all spheres, but my home is in a sphere close to the fountainhead of God’s Love. It has no name or number. With me in these spheres are all those who have received this divine love to such an extent that they have become entirely transformed and at-One with the Father. Many are progressing toward that home, and will, sooner or later, get there.

“Those who have fully received this divine love, through faith and prayer, are in the celestial spheres; but those who have not yet obtained this love to that degree are not.

“Yes, Paul is, and so are Peter, John and James and many others. (Question.) I meant that I would go to the celestial spheres where I now am and prepare these mansions, which I have done. And it rests with spirits and mortals only to become inhabitants thereof.

(Question.) “Some are and some are not – the mere fact that these ancient prophets and seers were instruments of God in declaring His purposes and laws does not mean that they necessarily received this great love and are now inhabitants of the celestial spheres. Moses and Elias are in the celestial spheres, and so is John the Baptist, but many spiritual teachers are not because they have not obtained the new birth.

“It will depend on whether you live and believe in such a way as to get this great love. If you do, you will not have to wait long years to be with me in the celestial spheres. You are now in the right way, and if you persevere and let your faith increase, and get the divine love in sufficient abundance in your soul, you will be. And this remember, I am your special friend and helper, and will be with you when you are in doubt or trouble, and will keep you from relapsing into a state of unbelief or carelessness.

“If one will seek for the divine love, and pray to the Father in faith, and believe that the Father will bestow it upon them, they will receive it; and when they receive it in sufficient abundance, sins that they may have committed will be blotted out. N0 further will they have to pay the penalties for sins and errors. This is principally what I came to teach humankind.” Amen

Read more in The Gospel of God’s Love.

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Many Mansions

Message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 20.

“You are in condition to receive my message tonight. I am in a condition of love that enables me to know that my Father’s love is the only love that can make humans at-One with Him. So you must understand that this divine love is a love that has no counterpart in all the universe, and must be received by mortals in all its fullness in order for them to attain to the celestial spheres where the fountainhead of love exists. No human can become a part of God’s divinity until they receive this love and realize that they and their Father are one in love and purity.

“I will tell you what this divine love means to the people who have received it. They are in a condition of perfect peace, and their happiness is beyond compare; and they are not willing that any thing or power shall lead them to those things that are not in accord with the Divine Love and God’s laws of harmony. They are not only happy, but are way beyond the lower spirits in intellectual development and knowledge of the spiritual things of God. I know that no person is able to obtain these great soul perceptions until they have the soul development that fits them to live in the celestial spheres where only love and harmony exist.

“So do not think that if mortals merely become wonderful in their knowledge, in an intellectual sense, they are fitted to live in these higher spheres, for they are not. Only the development of the soul, by obtaining the divine love, will enable them to live there.

(Mr Padgett askes a question) “John never said that by me all things were created, and that I, as God, came to earth and became an indweller in the flesh. That is a mistake and an interpolation, for I never was God; neither did I ever create any part of the universe. I was only a son of God, sent by him to work out humankinds salvation, and show them the only way to the heavenly home that God has in keeping for those who receive the new birth.”

(Mr. Padgett asks another question. He did not record his quentions on the tablet he was using to write the message.) This message will be continued in the following Blog.

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Developing Soul Perceptions

Continuation of previous Blog. From Jesus, published in The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 45 – 47.

“Spiritual laws can only be learned by the operations of the senses that belong to the faculties of the soul. The soul is to the spiritual things of God what the mind is to the material things. The great mistake mortals have made is to attempt to learn spiritual things with their reasoning powers.

“I write this because I see that you and your friend desire to learn the nature and operations and workings of the spiritual things, and hence I want to impress upon you the necessity for exercising the soul perceptions, which will come to you as your soul develops. These perceptions are just as real as are the five senses of the natural mind, though most people do not even know of their existence. When once you have succeeded in understanding that they do exist, and that you may be able to use them just as you use the faculties of your material mind, you will be able to progress in the development of these faculties or perceptions with as much success and certainty as does the scientist or philosopher in their studies of the things to which they apply the faculties of their intellectual minds.

“I hope that I have made plain what I intended to convey. I will not write more tonight, but will say, let your faith increase, and pray more to the Father, and you will see open up to you a wonderful vista of knowledge of the truths of the spirit.                    Your friend and brother, Jesus”

Editors note; Even though I have been praying for God’s Love and mercy for over a third of a century, I still had difficulty understanding the explanation of how to develop my soul’s perceptions. But I do know that as I receive more of God’s gift of Grace – Divine Love, through sincere and earnest prayers, the perceptions of my soul will continue to develop.

Happiness and Wisdom are principles of Divine Love. I have faith in the angels messages of truth, and know in my heart, that God’s gift of Love is available to all souls everywhere. It is never forced upon anyone against their will; the only way it can be received is to Ask God for It. Humility is the touchstone for an entrance into the Celestial Heavens. Keep praying and have faith, and you will succeed. Amen


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The Soul Perceptions

Message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 45.

“I have heard your discussion and am pleased that you and your friend are progressing so rapidly in your knowledge of spiritual truth. Very soon you both will be surprised at the extent of your knowledge of spiritual information.

“No human whose time on earth is given only to what may be called material things, will be able, when they become spirits, to understand spiritual laws. One cannot perceive spiritual things with the material mind; and neither can mortals by reasoning  with those powers, which know only material things, be able to perceive the truths of the spirit. Hence the necessity for humans to cultivate their soul perceptions, which are greater and more comprehending than all the faculries of the material mind.

“Mind, as usually understood by humans, is without doubt a wonderful instrument for investigating and learning the laws of nature, and the relation of cause and effect in the physical world. But such powers, when applied to things of the spirit, will not help much, but rather retard the progress of the soul’s development of its faculties.

“The reasoning powers given to humans are the highest faculty of their material mind, and when properly exercised afford a very safe and satisfactory method of arriving at truth. But such powers when exercised in reference to things which are strangers to it, and which such powers have no experience, cannot be depended upon to bring conclusions which will assure mortals of truth.

“Laws are eternal and never change, and are made by the Father to be applied to all conditions and realtionships of both the material and spiritual worlds. But a knowledge of the laws pertaining to the material will not supply a knowledge of the laws pertaining to the spiritual world.

“Hence the great scientist who on earth was able to discover and show the operation of the law controlling material things, when she comes to the spirit world and attempts to  apply this knowledge to things of the spirit, will be wholly unable to do so. So you see the necessity for humans to become acquainted with spiritual laws, if they expect to progress in ways to which they apply.

“The material laws may be learned by the operation of the senses of the material mind, but the spiritual laws, only by the faculties of the soul.” To be continued…

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Continued from previous Blog

Jesus, explaining about the limitations of the natural love, printed in The Gospel of God’s Love, pages 141 – 143.

“The love God implanted in the two souls He designed to become one in spirit life, is really not two loves, but only one and the same love manifested in the two opposite spirits, and which is only a complete one when these two, apparently independent souls, come together in perfect unity. This is what is commonly called the love of soulmates, and which is that essence of spiritual love which makes the happiness of the two spirits of mortals seemingly complete. Yet this love is not of a divine nature, but merely the highest type of the natural love.

“Love, I know it is said, is the fulfilling of the law, but no person can thoroughly understand this until they know what love is. I do not mean that in order to fulfill the law humans must have the divine love of the Father, because there are laws that govern the divine existence and laws that govern the human spiritual existence; and the divine love is the fulfillment of the former laws and the natural love is the fulfillment of the latter laws.

“I will not say that humans should not cultivate this natural love to the greatest possible degree, for they should. And if that should be the only kind of love that they may have, either on earth or in the spirit world, the more of it that they may possess, the happier they will be, and the greater will be the happioness of their fellow-man or spirit. So when I said when on earth, that humans should love their God and their fellow humans as themselves, I meant that they should do so with all the possibilities of whatever love they might possess.

“Yet, if humans would only learn (as they can) that there is no necessity for them to have only the natural love! They can all seek the greater love, and obtain the correspondingly greater happiness – and Immortality. Many do not realize this, though, and seem to be satisfied with the natural love, and the pleasures that ensue from its possession.

“I would not have them do anything that would lessen this love, or shut their hearts to its influence, but yet I cannot help trying to impress upon them the great desirability of having the higher love in their souls.” Amen

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Limitations of Natural Love

Message from Jesus, in the Gospel of God’s Love, page 141.

“I want to write on human’s natural love. This love is one that’s not understood by humanity in one important particular: It is not one that will give humans the highest dergee of happiness which they may obtain in either the mortal life or the life to come.

“This love is of a nature that changes with the change in the ideas and desires of humans, and has not that stability that will serve to keep them constant in their affections. No person who has only this love can ever be in condition to say that they will continue to have this love for all time; and when they think that their love can never change or leave them, they are only giving thought to a wish. This love is one that may last for a long time, and sometimes it seems that it can never die or grow less; yet in its very nature it has not that constancy which insures its lasting existence.

“I do not mean to say anything disparaging of this natural love, for it is undoubtedly one of the greatest gifts that the Father has bestowed upon humankind, and without it, humans would be in a very unhappy condition. Yet it is not the great love of the Father which all humans may recieve, if they will only seek and strive to obtain it by prayer and faith.

“This natural love is that which unties men and women in harmony while on earth, and enables them to approach nearer to a life of happiness than does any other human quality; but it has the possibility always accompanying it that sometime, in some way, it may cease to exist. The mother’s love is the strongest of all loves given to mortals, and apparently it can never end or ceast to retain all its vitality and beauty. I know it is said that love never dies, but that is not true in regards this natural love; no person can say that their love of today will remain their love of all time.

“Yet there is a love that may be called the natural love that will last forever (providing these souls seek and obtain the divine love), and that is the love God implanted in two souls He designed to become one in spirit life.” To be continued…

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The Blood Redemption

From Martin Luther, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 238.

“I come because I want to tell you I was with you when you were reading about the origins and different versions of the Bible. Among them was a reference to my version, and I want to say that while my version was a pretty correct translation, yet the manuscripts upon which I based my translation were not the real writings of those who profess to have written them. I mean that those manuscripts were not true copies of the original epistles and books written by those whose names they bear. Many more interpretations and constructions were given to the original texts, than you or any other mortal is aware of.

“The Bible as now written (and as I translated it) is full of contradictions and errors, and makes the truth hard to ascertain. Take, for instance, that one subject of the blood redemption, No greater error was ever written than that the blood of Jesus saves from sin. It seems to me now so absurd, that I wonder how I could ever have believed in such a thing. I know now that there is no efficacy in Jesus’ blood to accomplish any such results; and the pity is that many mortals now believe this, and as a consequence, neglect the one vital and important requriement necessary to attain salvation – that is the new birth. This, and this only saves humans from their sins, and fits them to enter the Kingdom of God, which is the kingdom of Jesus, for he is the prince and ruler of that kingdom.

(Mr. Padgett askes a question) “Jesus never said any such thing, for he has told me so. This saying – that his blood was shed for many — is not true. Neither did he say “drink the wine” (being his blood) in remembrance of him, for the wine is not his blood, and neither does it represent anything that has to do with him or his mission on earth, or his present work in the spirit world. How unfortunate that this saying is made to represent something he said, when he did not say it!

“So, in order to understand the real truths of God and humans relationship to Him and His plan of salvation, you must believe what the Master shall write you, for it represents what he taught on earth, is teaching now, and is the truth.” Amen

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The Millinnium, Part 2

Previously from Luke; “…with the wrongful exercise of human’s wills  comes all the sins and evils which constitute mortals present manner of living; the millinnium will never be established until sinful thoughts, desires and appeities, are eliminated from human’s natures.

“When the cause of the present condition of humankind in sin  is definitely determined, then it will become readily apparent what is necessary to remedy the condition and remove the cause. Then, when the remedy is applied and the removal made, the millinnium will surely come – for this glorious  time of mortal’s desired and looked for happiness is merely one in which peace rules and discord does not exist, and every person is their own brother’s keeper in love.

“Then, what are the causes of the present conditions on earth, marred and tainted by sin, error and disease? These causes are two-fold: one arising from humankind’s fall from their created perfection of body, mind and soul, in permitting the animal nature to subordinate the spiritual, and thereby, by the over-indulgence of the former, causing the carnal appetites to grow and transform the mortal into a lover of sin and things evil; and the other arising from the influences of the spirits of evil, who are always endeavoring to make close rapport with mortals and exercise their influence over them.

“While the personal Satan does not exist, yet the idea conveyed by the necessity of “binding” him in order to bring about this millinnium is a true one, and applies to the actual relationship of humans to these evil spirits, except in this; that in the case of the latter it is not necessary (or even possible) to bind them, but rather to loosen them – that is to loosen their rapport with, or influence over mortals. Fot when that is done, humans become, as it were, free, and these evil spirits as if they were naught.

“So you see, as a preliminary to ushering in of this greatly desired time of peace and purity, humans must cease to believe that it will result from the coming of Jesus in a manifested and physical way – that he will come as a conqueror might come, with legions of followers and noise of drums, and by force of arms or power subdue the enemy. This will never be, for no person is an enemy of Jesus, but all are his brothers. He will never make war on any human being.

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The Great Millennium

Writing from Luke, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 311.

“I want to write upon the subject; “What is the most important thing for humans to do in order to bring about the great millinnium that the preachers proclaim will come before or after the “second coming” of Jesus?

“Of course, in stating the question thus, I do not intend to be understood as consenting to the doctrine that Jesus will come to earth in physical form, on the clouds with a great shout, etc, as many of the preachers teach. That event will never happen, because, as we have written you, he has already come to earth in the spiritual way that we have explained. Neither do I intend to embrace in the phrase “the most important thing,” for that, of course is the divine love – the most important on earth and in the heavens as well. But by that expression I mean the most important thing that humans can do, independently of the assistance of the divine love from God in answer to prayer.

“As commonly understood, the “millennium” is a period of one thousand years when peace shall reign on earth, and when the devil, as is said, will be bound, and will not be permitted to roam over the earth, causing the devastation of souls and the sickness and other sins that now beset mortals. Of course, there is no personal “devil,” in the sense of a satanic majesty; but there are spirits of evil which abound in the unseen world, and which are constantly with mortals, exercisiing  upon them their influence of evil, and suggesting to them thoughts and desires that eventuate in sinful deeds. But these evil ones are merely the spirits of departed mortals, and are not beings of a superior kind, in power or other qualities.

“Sin, as we have told you, was never created by God, nor is it the product or emanation of any of God’s perfect creations, but is wholly the result of the wrongful exercise of human’s appetites and will, where the desires of the flesh are permitted to overcome the desires of their spiritual nature. With sin comes all the evil and discords and inharmonies that constitute human’s present maner of living their earth life; and until these things are elliminated from their thoughts and desires and appetites, the millinnium will never be established on earth.” To be continued…

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Continued from previous Blog

From Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 284.

“If a spirit was allowed to enter the Kingdom of Love without having the right condition or failed to obey the requirements, they, in such condition, or want of qualifications, would not be happy, for their condition would wholly fail to respond to those things in the Kingdom which give happiness to the born-again children of the Father. They, of necessity, would be most unhappy, and heaven would not be a heaven to them. So you see, all spirits, in order to inhabit this kingdom, must have the prescribed requirements of soul love and development.

“Let humans know that no mercy or love of the Father will enable them to enter this kingdom, unless they seek for this love and mercy in the way the Father has ordained that they shall be sought for. No special providence will be extended to any person, and if they come to the wedding feast without their wedding garment, they will be “cast out” and not be permitted to enjoy the feast.

“Humans may reason to the full extent of their reasoning powers to prove that the Father, being a loving and merciful God, will not keep them from entering this kingdom, because they are all His children, and the objects of His love and favor; and one is as dear to Him as the other; and He is no respecter of persons, and therefore will treat all alike. But I tell them that they are mistaken, and if they wait until that day when the sheep shall be separated from the goats, they will realize that what I say is true.

“Of course, every person ever born is the object of the Father’s care, and He makes no distinction between them. and He wants every one of them to inhabit His Kingdom and partake of those things which He has provided for them, and which are beyond their conception in their grandeur and beauty. He calls to all His creatures to come and partake of these provisions that He has for them; no creature is refused the gift of these things, or is heard to ask without being answered with their bestowal. Yet, when that person, who has this great boon, and has the way shown by which he can receive these gifts, refuses to follow that way, then these gifts are withdrawn from him. Amen

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