Many Mansions

Message from Jesus, in The Gospel of God’s Love, page 20.

“You are in condition to receive my message tonight. I am in a condition of love that enables me to know that my Father’s love is the only love that can make humans at-One with Him. So you must understand that this divine love is a love that has no counterpart in all the universe, and must be received by mortals in all its fullness in order for them to attain to the celestial spheres where the fountainhead of love exists. No human can become a part of God’s divinity until they receive this love and realize that they and their Father are one in love and purity.

“I will tell you what this divine love means to the people who have received it. They are in a condition of perfect peace, and their happiness is beyond compare; and they are not willing that any thing or power shall lead them to those things that are not in accord with the Divine Love and God’s laws of harmony. They are not only happy, but are way beyond the lower spirits in intellectual development and knowledge of the spiritual things of God. I know that no person is able to obtain these great soul perceptions until they have the soul development that fits them to live in the celestial spheres where only love and harmony exist.

“So do not think that if mortals merely become wonderful in their knowledge, in an intellectual sense, they are fitted to live in these higher spheres, for they are not. Only the development of the soul, by obtaining the divine love, will enable them to live there.

(Mr Padgett askes a question) “John never said that by me all things were created, and that I, as God, came to earth and became an indweller in the flesh. That is a mistake and an interpolation, for I never was God; neither did I ever create any part of the universe. I was only a son of God, sent by him to work out humankinds salvation, and show them the only way to the heavenly home that God has in keeping for those who receive the new birth.”

(Mr. Padgett asks another question. He did not record his quentions on the tablet he was using to write the message.) This message will be continued in the following Blog.

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